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This is a fan continuation of the Ovo's Rustic pack, started back in 2011. The pack has been kept up to date since 2012 [though sporadically] by community members. The original post made by Ovocean can be found -HERE-, and the old Minecraft forums page can be found -HERE-. If you would like to contribute textures to the pack, report bugs, or just say thank you, join our discord server.

This community thread and texture pack are maintained by LoardVader and Pythros.

Over 3.5 Million downloads since 2012!

To Contributors

Here's Ovocean's pack style in his own words:

The best description I can make of the style I was going for is by showing what's already done. But in a wordier manner, I would say It's inspired by nature, hand-made stuff and fantasy; relatively simple and round shapes with a few details; colorful yet not too saturated ; no flat color plastic looking stuff/always have a bit of natural grain.

Image Vault

The image vault is where all contributed textures are uploaded, to allow people to customize the pack how ever they want in the case of multiple uploaded textures for one item. It is currently unorganized and a little out of date. A link to the vault can be found on the discord server under #important-links


The changelog for the pack has since been moved to google sheets. It is actively kept up to date with current and WIP builds of the pack, as well as the shaders pack.
-View it Here!-

As well as the changelog, we have a sheet of all the missing textures for the pack.
-View it Here!-


Even though Ovocean basically gave permission for people to use his textures for people to use to continue on their own flavor, it cannot be said the same for those who have contributed to Redemption. You MUST ask permission within the Discord or you will be reported! Do not PM us for permission as it will be ignored or you will be told to post your request in Discord.


Ovo's Original Credits:

  • JohnSmith for the water and lava animations
  • Ghost2 for the HD paintings re-composition
  • Someone unknown, Misa, Sumpumpolis, XSSheep, and Ovocean for the font

Anyone new who contributes to the pack will have their name credited in the changelog, and splashes.txt in the pack! any contributed files will also be added under your name in the image vault [when we have time to add them].


External resources

Project members



Technical information

Project ID