A resource pack with redesigned role images, as well as seasonal tabs and minor fixes
The version was created exclusively for the off-season on FORGE 1.19.2
The build has a new tab logo and built-in textures for some mods
Adding new dies of the psb Curator, senior psb and junior psb
Updating the resource pack to version 1.21
Also updates of the tab plates, for the new season of the PeWorld project
Updating old TAB bars
Also adding a new LOBBY role
Global update of all textures and merge with KSEPSP v9
Documentation with renaming https://definitelyawhale.github.io/ksepsp_website/
Added icons for players who have the Plasmo Voice mod and who do not have Plasmo Voice
The first version of the PeWorld server resource pack
What is in it?
Custom RP models for high-quality rolleplay moments
Beautiful decorated tab
Beautifully and clearly designed roles of privileges and admins