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Plasticraft 1.0.4



Changed grass base color to be correct in cherry grove biome
Changed grass tint colormap to accommodate for new grass base color


Fixed sideways froglights not using model from resource pack
Fixed incorrect texture on moss block
Fixed chain to not cullface up (for fences)
Fixed incorrect texture on stripped spruce log


Changed models of grass and ferns so grass items use block models
Changed block_1 model to have correct UV
Changed which snow layers have different heights to prevent slabs from cullfacing with snow layer 4
Added bust painting texture
Added redstone lamp model
Added lectern model
Fixed chicken texture to avoid z-fighiting


Updated warden texture to be consistent with newer mobs


Added candle model
Added solid block transparency support from Ewan Howell
Added brushland, forested highlands, alpine highlands, and highlands from Terralith to grass colormap


Added steppe to colormap
Fixed door UV
Fixed incorrect texture on bowl/stews
Added terralith stony shore to colormap
Added temperate highlands
Changed jungle, sparse jungle, and meadow grass color to bright green
Added gravel desert, arid highlands, basalt cliffs, and white cliffs to colormap


Fixed vine particle
Added randomized vines
Changed vine model to have extra tile on it
Added snowy maple forest and stony spires to colormap
Changed smooth basalt to have studs in it
Added yosemite cliffs


Changed stonecutter model to be taller to avoid cullfacing with slabs and snow layers
Changed river/ocean/end grass color to green instead of bright green
Added oak door and iron door item models


Added remaining door item models
Added daylight detector model


Changed lime terracotta to olive green from bright green
Finished all unlit candle models


Finished all lit candle models


Changed sea pickle display settings and made candle item use it
Changed ores model so ores are identifiable from the top
Swapped dark turquoise and dark orange on copper ores
Edited twisting vines models
Added weeping vine model
Added strider textures


Changed ladder model to use brackets and grill tiles
Changed ores model so ores are identifiable from the bottom as well
Created new model for coral blocks with no top stud or anti-stud
Erased textures on redstone lamp that were not visible
Erased texture on lily pad that were not visible


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