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Plasticraft 1.0.5



Changed reinforced deepslate model to avoid z-fighting with larger render distances


Added carrot, beetroot, and potato crop models
Added blue orchid and potted blue orchid
Added rose bush, peony, and lilac


Added sunflower
Added studs to farmland instead of crops so color is correct when farmland is dry
Simplified pink petals for performance reasons
Fixed particle for "blank" model
Fixed z-fighting on disc fragment
Updated flowering azalea to use new flower plate
Updated small flowers and potted small flowers
Updated dead chorus fruit
Updated potato crops


Added ladder item model


Reverted copper ore colors back to original
Fixed uv on ores model
Removed "unused" text deepslate copper ore texture because it shows up on the particle
Added fletching table by kekman
Fixed particles for smoker and blast furnace
Fixed incorrect textures on smooth quartz stairs
Changed quartz pillar to have more accurate coordinates


Added new panorama logo for Plasticraft
Updated panorama to current textures
Added attached pumpkin and melon stems


Changed farmland and dirt path side textures to have outline representing bracket
Fixed incorrect texture on underside of farmland
Added powder snow model
Added small dripleaf model
Added cullfacing to sugar cane
Added big dripleaf models
Added turtle egg models


Improved beehive models to use fewer faces
Added new title logo
Changed naming of door parents to avoid conflicts with Brickcraft


Added salmon and cod textures based on designs by Qoobon
Added pufferfish texture
Changed disc and fire charge models to avoid z-fighting and removed unseen faces
Added new main menu logo


Fixed small dripleaf particle
Changed stair and slab parent names to avoid conflicts with Brickcraft
Improved outlines on cut copper stairs, granite stairs, polished blackstone stairs, and purpur stairs
Made blue orchid item use block model
Added observer model
Changed wall, button, and pressure plate parent names to avoid conflicts with Brickcraft


Fixed missing particles for stairs with studs
Changed .parents to .master to avoid conflicts with Brickcraft
Added rail item models


Added inner left dark prismarine stair model


Changed 1x1 round tile item model to avoid z-fighting
Changed multiple item textures to have dimensions of powers of 2 to avoid issues with Optifine
Changed ender eye texture to 64x from 128x and added outline
Changed clock texture to 128x
Changed nautilus shell texture to 128x
Changed fire_0, sculk shrieker, scute, and fire charge textures to 16x
Edited legs on zombie texture to have anti studs
Applied new leg texture to husk and drowned textures


Updated piglin, piglin brute, zombified piglin, vindicator, and pillager textures to match new style of legs
Added outline to villager legs
Edited legs on witch, wandering trader, evoker, and illusioner to match new style
Edited armor textures to match new style
Added leather armor textures
Edited creeper texture to have outlines on legs
Fixed cullfacing issue on jukebox
Added inner right dark prismarine stair model
Changed stairs with studs top models to use fewer faces
Added top dark prismarine stair model
Temporarily renamed dark prismarine stairs blockstates file to avoid unfinished models in release


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