Changed the model for the Repeater to a better one and fixed some bugs
Added Glow to All Blocks and added a Dial to the comparator mode Selector
Changed the models for the Daylight Detector, Sculk Sensor, and Calibrated Sculk Sensor. Fixed the 4-way Redstone model. Added a new logo on the main menu and a pack icon.
Tweaked the Dropper and added model and item for the Crafter
Added compatibility for version 1.21
Fixed Buttons textures when they were on the side of block
V2.0 Added Dropper, Dispenser, and Observer Models and Inventory Icons
V1.8 Added model and item model for the Piston (Sticky Piston Head Texture is temporary, May change later)
V1.7 Added a model and inventory icon for the Daylight Detector
V1.6.1 Fixed Rail Lineup and Z-fighting on raised tracks, Corner track fixed, Sculk Sensor particle fixed, Hopper Minecart fixed, and added a animation for when you hit a bullseye on a Target block
V1.6 Added Hopper Model and Item Model
Updated Pack PNG
Added a texture and Inventory Models for Rails and Minecarts
Added Compatibility for MC Versions 1.18 - 1.21 Snapshots
Added a texture for the Target Block and the Sculk Sensors
Added a texture for the tripwire hook and added inventory icons for everything I have made a texture for.
Added a new Icon for the pack
V1.2 Added new textures for Pressure Plates and Buttons.
Now updated to 1.20.6
V1.1 Updated pack to 1.20.5!
V1.0 First Release of this Texture Pack.
please report any bugs you find.