- Adds variations to Andesite, Cobblestone, Diorite, Granite and Calcite.
Discord: https://discord.gg/VR4FzDHM38
- Adds variations to Sand, Red Sand, Mud, Clay and Gravel.
- Updated textures to have random rotation, quadrupling the variations for almost every block.
Discord: https://discord.gg/VR4FzDHM38
- Adds variations to Coarse Dirt, Rooted Dirt, Mycelium, Podzol and Farmland
- Farmland has a side texture (versus the dirt texture in vanilla)
- Updated file management (back-end)
NOTE: Every update for the foreseeable future will have about 5 new variations added. More details for planning can be found on the Rustic Discord: https://discord.gg/VR4FzDHM38 . Hope to see you there :)
- Changed Dirt Path to be less similar to dirt and more so to it's original texture
- Finished Grass Block to have variations to the dirt bottom and grass top
- Removed all gui features (hotbar, health, hunger and menu buttons)
- Removed desaturated acacia wood
- Removed circular logs
- Removed the new "Mojang Studios" logo
- Added a CREDITS.txt file inside the pack
NOTE: As you may notice, there are a lot of features that I removed from Rustic. There are multiple reasons to this, but the main one is that these features stray from the primary goal that this pack aims to achieve, which is to add variated textures to every block in the game. Another reason is that some features of Rustic (gui) do not work on other versions of the game, as there were some file name changes between updates.
Without these features that were already a bit iffy to begin with, you can play with Rustic in its entirety, not only on all versions of 1.20 but to my knowledge, any other version before and after as well.
I may add these features again in the distant future, or maybe with an entirely different resource pack, if enough people are interested. If you want to join in the fun of this little hobby project of mine, and interact with the community, you should join the https://discord.gg/VR4FzDHM38. There aren't a lot (any) people there, and we really want some people to join in, so if you're interested, it'd be awesome if you could say hi! :)
- Adds variations to Stone
- Adds variations to Dirt
- Adds variations to Grass Blocks
- Retextures dirt paths and adds variations
- Desaturates Acacia Wood, making it more tasteful
- Torch, Soul Torch and Redstone Torch all have slight texture changes
- Circular log tops
- Hunger has been changed to bread icons and health bar is slightly textured (from my knowledge, only works on 1.20.1)
- Pause menu is dark mode with a gold trim (from my knowledge, also only works on 1.20.1)
- New "Mojang Studios" logo (may not work)
- Desaturated enchantment glint