Minecraft: Java Edition
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This update took a while to come out, I simply just didn't work on pack making as much over the last few months. Used to have a set schedule of new updates every 3 months max but I'm forgoing that now. Updates will now just come out if I have one ready.
Some features require OptiFine or Fabric/Quilt equivalent mods.
- Sheep remodeled with snout and ears, pixel consistent wool, fully retextured with a tail, sheared sheep still have thin coat instead of being patchy
- 60+ pumpkin face variants, lots of different moods and references
- All seeds given new bordered textures
- Added better items for double tall plants
- Added new items for carpets
- Vine model extends slightly out of block so it doesn't have a hard cut at block edge
- Chain model extends slightly out of block so it won't cut off at parts of the chain
- Entity fire now gets circular at the bottom of texture to look better, block fire remains the same
- Tripwire hook's wood bits given unique texture
- Added double (red) sandstone slab block
- Made swords, pickaxes and shovel's shading make sense when held in 3rd person
- Shears are now held better in third person
- Vines are held from the top in third person (and have a custom item)
- Banner item is now centered in item frames
- Added cracked icon for dark cracked blocks (netherbricks, polished blackstone bricks and deepslate tiles)
- Added cit elytra "Storm Wings" (will be adding a few more later)
- Custom color removed for yellow sheep due to lack of custom color mod in modern versions
- Bookshelf top and bottom now has unique texture
- Gave hopper bottom texture, side hopper texture now looks much better
- Cow heads made slightly wider, hind legs are shorter and fully under body now
- Made wolf snout slightly wider to remove half pixels to sides of snout
- End sky is now solid purple
- Changed shading of bamboo fences, fence gates, doors and trapdoors, sign post changed to green bamboo
- Edited top of crimson, warped and jungle door's front/back texture
- Warped trapdoor's model changed to match detail level of bamboo, cherry and jungle trapdoors
- Tweaked bedrock to fix very minor grid-like tiling issues
- Made composter side tile better vertically
- Added more hue shifting to yellow candles
- Tweaked most wool palettes
- Elder guardian pupil changed to blue to make easier to see
- Tweaked chainmail leggings shading
- Removed top bit on pant legs for all leggings to make more sense
- Changed block icon item models (waxed copper, infested stone) to cut down on textures used
- Centered beef and spider eyes
- Spider eye tweaked
- Fixed cow ears and horns being unaligned with each other
- Fixed villager hat brim being in wrong place
- Tweaked textures of enchanted and lectern books and fixed z-fighting issues with cem models
- Fixed end crystal bedrock base being outdated, top and bottom has bedrock in a ring around the central bedrock
- Fixed zombie nitwit sleeves being straight
- Fixed bottom of cat feet being miscolored
- Fixed bottom of beacon never rendering
- Fixed chest minecart being slightly too far forward showing extra latch on back
- Fixed bamboo raft z-fighting when pushed into a slab
- Fixed rails and item frames z-fighting when on same block
- Fixed tripwire hook rendering issue with continuity mod
- Fixed cow's legs not pivoting from the correct spot
- Light blue dye posterized
- Fixed stray pixel in effect icon background
Stormilla-v2.9(1.20.2).zip(5.47 MiB) Primary
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
2.9Game versions
249Publication date
January 16, 2024 at 6:24 AMPublisher