Totem's of the Archont's v1.0.1
on Feb 11, 2025Main changes!
The resource pack name has been changed from "ParaDise-Totems" to "Totem's of the Archont's"!
- Player Totem has been added BlueDimon33;
- Player Totem has been added _Velto;
- Player Totem has been added _Royzi.
Changes and fixes!
- The texture of the Aksomi Owner's totem was redrawn
- The texture of the player's totem (Author of the resource pack) Yunian649 was redrawn and also changed its renaming key from "Yunian666" to "Yunian649"!
ParaDiseSMP-Totems 1.0.0
on Apr 7, 2024The following player totems have been added!
- Aksomi
- wd69
- Yunian666
- Huserberg
- Rachel964
- LevOudetore
- FrostVortex
- R1nich
- KeRdevill
- Krossowke
- Mo0DMaker1