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Blocks added: Terracotta, White concrete, Shulker box (all 16 colors), Bamboo fence, Mycelium, Podzol, Coarse dirt, Rooted dirt, Mud, Muddy mangrove roots, Calcite, Smithing table, Brain coral, Dead brain coral, Bubble coral, Dead bubble coral, Horn coral fan, Dead horn coral fan, Tube coral fan, Dead tube coral fan, Water still

Blocks tweaked: Short grass

Blocks changed: Dirt, Grass block, Dirt path, Farmland, Red mushroom, Mushroom stem, Brown mushroom, Mushroom block

Items added: Light, Snowball, Magma cream, Fire charge, Trident, Netherite boots, Netherite legging, Netherite chestplate, Netherite helmet, Bottle o' enchanting, Fishing rod, Carrot on a stick, Warped fungus on a stick, Rabbit hide, Raw rabbit, Cooked rabbit, Tadpole bucket, Powder snow bucket, Chorus fruit, Popped chorus fruit, Music disc relic, Music disc pigstep, Music disc 5, Music disc 11, Music disc precipice, Music disc creator, Music disc creator (music box), Trial key, Ominous trial key, Rotten flesh,

Items tweaked: Slime ball

Items changed: Raw mutton, Cooked mutton, Music disc 13, Music disc blocks, Music disc cat, Music disc chirp, Music disc far, Music disc small, Music disc mellohi, Music disc otherside, Music disc stal, Music disc strad, Music disc wait, Music disc ward

Entities added: Shulker (all 16 colors), Bat, Trident

The first version uploaded on Modrinth but version 0.9 of the pack.

Blocks added: Redstone block, Nether wart block, Warped nether wart block, Shroomlight, Cherry log, Crimson stem, Warped stem, Stripped spruce log, Stripped dark oak log, Stripped mangrove log, Stripped cherry log, Stripped acacia log, Stripped jungle log, Stripped crimson stem, Stripped warped stem, Mangrove roots, Mangrove leaves, Cherry leaves, Acacia leaves, Cherry sapling, Spruce sapling, Birch sapling, Dark oak sapling, Jungle sapling, Acacia sapling, Cherry trapdoor, Twisting vines, Warped roots, Hanging roots, Vine, Slime block, Lapis lazuli block, Lily pad, Pearlescent froglight, Ochre froglight, Verdant froglight, Redstone lamp, Packed mud

Blocks tweaked: Stripped oak log, Stripped birch log, Pink petals, Copper block, Exposed copper, Weathered copper, Oxidizied copper, Flower pot

Blocks changed: Gold block, Diamond block, Emerald block, Oak log, Spruce log, Acacia log, Dark oak log, Birch log, Jungle log, mangrove log, Oak sapling, Cactus, Smooth stone, Smooth stone slab, Cartography table, Beacon, Mud bricks

Items added: Bow, Brush, Shears, Leather, Cherry door, Bamboo door, Arrow, Spectral arrow, Tipped arrow, Cauldron, Candle, White candle, Light gray candle, Black candle, Brown candle, Red candle, Orange candle, Yellow candle, Lime candle, Green candle, Cyan candle, Light blue candle, Blue candle, Purple candle, Magenta candle, Pink candle

Items changed: Mangrove propagule

Entities added: Oak sign, Spruce sign, Birch sign, Dark oak sign, Cherry sign, Acacia sign, Jungle sign, Mangrove sign, Warped sign, Crimson sign, Bamboo sign

Mob effects: Dolphin grace

Particles: Generic (1 to 7)

Environment: Snow

Updated the map with the missing new symbols

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