- Blocks
- Crimson Nylium, Warped version
- ALL Concrete and Concrete Powder
- Reinforced Deepslate
- Chiseled Deepslate
- Deepslate Tiles
- Cracked Deepslate Tiles
- Makeover of all Stone bricks variations
- All Command Block Variartions
- Chiseled Bookshelf
- Iron Bars
- Melon
- Froglight
- Crafter
- New 1.21.4 Wood, the door and the trapdoor ( and leaves )
- Pale Moss
- Pale Hanging Moss
- White Terracota
- All Resin (not item)
- Trial Spawner, Vault
- Cake
- End Portal Frame
- Pale Moss Carpet
- Brown / Red Mushroom
- Poppy, Dandelion, Torchflower, Pale Oak Sapling
- Sugarcane with custom model!
- Items
- All Armor except leather
- Clayball
- Egg
- All Dyes
- Copper, Gold, Iron Ingot
- Diamond
- Brick (item)
- Nether Brick (item)
- Frogspawn
- Turtle Shell
- Spider Eye
- Nether Wart
- All Seeds except cocoa
So I have no idea what the next update may be, but it will be released within a week form now, so be ready when it drops :)
### # 1.7 : ???
-Blocks Added:
- End Rod
- All Shulker Boxes (all colours)
- Smooth Quartz
- Bone Block
- Lava
- Block Of Quartz
- Chiseled Quartz Blocks
- Quartz Bricks
- Quartz Pillar
- Monster Spawner
- Emerald Ore
- Deepslate Emerald Ore
- All Trapdoors (every wood type + iron + copper)
- Chorus Flower + Variations
Items Added:
Magma Cream
Netherite Ingot
Netherite Upgrade Template
Netherite Scrap
Netherite Armor *-model, sorry :[)
Shulker Shell
Chorus Fruit + popped version
Carrot redesign!
Gold Carrot
Carrot on A Stick
Entities Added:
Armor Stand
Zombified Piglin
Piglin Brute
Strider (+cold)
All Axolotl Variants!
Magma Cube (it looks kinda goofy and i like it)
Music Changed:
-Song "Pigstep replaced with "In The Dark Orchestral VS" by XanastMusic -Song Melohi replaced with "Anxiety Rush" by XanastMusic -Song 11 changed to ?̶̘̓?̴͓͠?̷̨̍
New Custom panorama and title with the theme of the update!! Hope you like 1.5
Update 1.6: The "Bountiful" Update
-Blocks Added:
- All of The Wooden Logs
- All the Wooden Planks
- All stripped variations of the Wooden Logs
- All leaves of every tree type
- Warped Wart (block)
- Nether Wart (block)
- Mangrove Roots (+muddy variation)
- Bee Nest
- Polished Tuff
- Chiseled Tuff
- Chiseled Tuff Bricks
- Snow
- Red Mushroom Block
- Mud
- Mud Bricks
- Packed Mud
- Target Block
- Cherry Trapdoor
- Sronecutter
- Pointed Dripstone
- Spore Blossom
- Sculk
- Azalea
- Flowering Azalea
- Small Dripleaf
- Big Dripleaf
- Purpur Block
- Purpur Pillar
- Block of Bamboo (+ stripped)
- Bamboo Planks
- Deepslate Bricks
- Cracked Deepslate Bricks
- Chiseled Red Sandstone
- Polished Deepslate
- Ladder + 3d model
- Vines
- Glow Lichen
- Chiseled Copper + variations
- Copper Grate + variations
- Cut Copper + variations
- Exposed Copper Bulb + variations + redstone + lit
- Lantern + custom model
- Soul Lantern + custom model
- Pink Petals
Items Added:
- Name Tag
- Pointed Dripstone
- Book And Quill
- Book
- Writable Book
- Enchanted Book
- Knowledge Book
- Ladder (item)
- Pink Petals
- Empty Map
- Written Map
- All Signs changed! (not the item yet)
- All Beds Changed!!!
Music Changed:
- New Music disc replacing '5' with 'In the Dark, the first Unfaithful OST!!!
- New CUSTOM panorama and title!
So In general this was the biggest update we have done so far. It is flooding of content!! Some new blcoks that we 'forgot' will be introduced in 1.5 as 'extras'!! Hope you like 1.4 as much as we did! Also, every new version will have a custom, new panorama!!! Hooray!!
1.5: The Nether and End Update!