Updated pack logo
- Reworked Fleshbreaker Texture
- Reworked Pureshard Adze Texture
- Added Frost Giant's Greatsword model
- Added Supernova Mattock model
- Added Bag of Hoarding model
- Added Wrench of the Perfect Atrium model
- Added Ashfloe Chisel, Ashheart Dagger, Spiritspark Flint and C'Zanil's Charm models
- Added Wildthrasher and Arachnobane models
F-V1.0 Split off all the "Fun" (unfaithful) models into a separate pack; includes:
- Hardback Buckler
- Perfect Crystallizer (a Blender)
- Sliver of Perfection (Whey Protein container)
- Telum Immoriel (a Bone Greatsword from MHW)
- Tesseract of Festivity (Nero Santa Fumo)
- Worldshaper's Loom (a Tuulen Fumo, mode-switch functionality WIP)