Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published last year
Updated last year
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- The [Keep a Changelog] format is slightly changed to adapt it to the needs, still maintaining all the proposed principles.
- Versatility aims to provide new versions for 1.8.9 and the most recent Minecraft release. 1.12.2 can sometimes receive an update, but it is not guaranteed.
[Unreleased] - 2022-12-07 - Planned to be 1.1.0
- Smooth lighting (ambient occlusion) to cauldron.
- Backported some new vanilla textures.
- The dark theme has been extended to other locals.
- The remanescent highlighted arrows, which was textured with a blue color, now follows the new texture arrows.
- Reworked custom skies properties.
- Changed bottom night sky.
- The selected hotbar slot now is a little detailed.
- Reworked glass block. With this, all visible textures from the pack are now in 16x16 resolution.
- Entity shadows now has more gaussian blur on it.
- Previous changelogs have been reviewed, along with adding an adaptation notice and changing the file format.
- Desaturated backported dark oak textures (Golden pixels on that textures also received this coloring process, see the dark oak door, for example). The original ones were giving me nausea.
- New font (WIP).
- Renamed Resource Pack. It is Versatility!
- Missing pixel in the center of the sky bottom.
- Color corrections for dark theme textures being too light or too dark.
- As a new font was created, this resolves some inconsistencies from the old one.
[1.0.1] - 2022-11-15
- New day sky; the last was too bright.
[1.0.0] - 2022-11-12
- Name, description, changelog and icon.
- CTM (Connected Texture Models) for some blocks. (clay, coarse_dirt, dirt, dirt_podzol, glass, grass, gravel, mycelium, red_sand, sand, snow)
- New sky.
- New models. (daylight_detector, daylight_detector_inverted, enchanting_table_base, end_portal_frame_empty, jukebox, ladder, vine)
- Smooth lighting (ambient occlusion) to some blocks. (ladder, vine)
- Backported modern vanilla textures.
- Darked textures. (cobblestone, cobblestone_mossy, deadbush, leaves_big_oak, tallgrass)
- New block textures. (glass, ice, ice_packed, tallgrass)
- New minimalist glass block.
- Clear ices, but detailed a bit.
- Reduced fire screen overlay.
- Now using the same top texture of grass block and variants for their sides (dirt_podzol_side, grass_path_side, grass_side_overlay, grass_side_snowed, mycelium_side)
- New font.
- Dark themed GUI's.
- Changed the dirt texture background to netherite block one.
- Minimalist hotbar.
- Colorized ping indicator.
- Smaller crosshair.
- Dark loading screen.
- Fixed pixels inconsistencies in vanilla.
- Some highlighted arrows are now lightened in a similar way to regular buttons, instead of a bluish color in the entire texture.
- New item textures. (bow_pulling_0, bow_pulling_1, bow_pulling_2, bow_standby, diamond and golden tools, all swords, armor slots)
- New enchantment glint.
- Bluried entity shadows.
Versatility 1.8.9 MiB) Primary
Release channel
BetaVersion number
1.8.9-1.1.0-betaGame versions
197Publication date
November 7, 2023 at 7:12 AMPublisher
