Rename items to get the following appearances:
- Ashbringer: Rename iron/golden/diamond/netherite sword to "Ashbringer"
- Corrupted Ashbringer: Rename iron/golden/diamond/netherite sword to "Corrupted Ashbringer"
- Ashbringer, Greatsword of the Righteous: Rename iron/golden/diamond/netherite sword, must contain "Greatsword of the Righteous"
- Ashbringer, Shattered Reckoning: Rename iron/golden/diamond/netherite sword, must contain "Shattered Reckoning"
- Warsword of the Valarjar, Arm of the Dragonrider: Rename iron/golden/diamond/netherite sword, must contain "Arm of the Dragonrider"
- Shadowmourne: Rename iron/golden/diamond/netherite sword/axe, must contain "Shadowmourne"
- Cloudsong Glaive: Rename iron/golden/diamond/netherite sword to "Cloudsong Glaive"
- Underlight Angler: Rename fishing rod to "Underlight Angler"
- Bulwark of Azzinoth / Blackrock Bulwark: Rename shield, must contain "Bulwark"
- Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury: Rename bow, must contain "Thori'dal"
Complete replacements:
- Tome of Revival: Replaces Totem of Undying
Adds four variants of the famous fantasy weapon, Ashbringer.
- Ashbringer (basic appearance): Rename diamond/netherite sword in anvil to "Ashbringer"
- Corrupted Ashbringer: Rename diamond/netherite sword in anvil to "Corrupted Ashbringer"
- Ashbringer, Greatsword of the Righteous: Rename diamond/netherite sword in anvil to contain "Greatsword of the Righteous"
- Ashbringer, Shattered Reckoning: Rename diamond/netherite sword in anvil to "Shattered Reckoning"