Minecraft: Java Edition
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IF YOU WANT TO CONTRIBUTE, GO RIGHT AHEAD. Send me whatever, and if I reckon it's up to the standards I got, I'll add it into the pack and give you credit.
To make suggestions, report bugs (please tell me where stuff is weird), or contribute to the pokemans pack, go to the cobblemon discord (linked), content zone channel, and you talk there. You can see updates n stuff in the addon content/content zone for Pokemans pack in cobblemon discord. I would like to be informed if I miss any important details on a pokemon, and especially if a model/texture/animation is incomplete or looks bad.
Kindly please do not DM any people working on the pack unless it is an urgent issue, or nobody has responded to you in the support channel.
- Requires Cobblemon mod to work (pretty self explanatory)
- Cobblemon Rider by Xtermination is Optional, but recommended. Learning how to edit the config for this mod is also advised as I'm not gonna run a crash course in this page about how to do it.
- If you wanna get the full effect of this mod (glowy bits), shaders are advised. I recommend X0nk's bliss shaders, amazing shader and my favourite out there atm.
- Supported Cobblemon:Ride on!
- add type gems repices(emerald and berry)
Current Additions (see gallery for visuals):
- Kyogre (v1): Spawns in Deep oceans, when it is raining. CobblemonRider Config:
"kyogre": {
"mountType": [
"ridingOffSet": [
"passengersOffSet": [
"speedModifier": 0.5,
"stamina": 20000
- Primal Kyogre (v9): Give Kyogre a heart of the sea. Rider config:
"Kyogre": {
"formName": "primal",
"mountType": [
"ridingOffSet": [
"passengersOffSet": [
"speedModifier": 1.2,
"stamina": 20000
- Groudon (v2): Spawns in badlands, when it is not raining.CobblemonRider Config:
"groudon": {
"mountType": [
"ridingOffSet": [
"speedModifier": 0.3,
"stamina": 20000
Primal Groudon (v9): Give Groudon a nether star. CobblemonRider Config:
"Groudon": {
"formName": "primal",
"mountType": [
"ridingOffSet": [
"speedModifier": 0.6,
"stamina": 20000
- Hoopa (v3): Spawns in the end.
- Hoopa Unbound (v3): Does not spawn naturally. Right click Hoopa (the small one) with an eye of ender to change his forme to Unbound, and right click unbound with the same item to change back.
- Eternatus (v4): Spawns in the end. CobblemonRider Config:
"eternatus": {
"mountType": [
"ridingOffSet": [
"passengersOffSet": [
"speedModifier": 1.0,
"stamina": 200000
- Zekrom (v5): Spawns in mountains, when it is thundering. CobblemonRider Config:
"zekrom": {
"mountType": [
"ridingOffSet": [
"speedModifier": 1.5,
"stamina": 3500
- Kubfu (v6): Spawns rarely in Cherry blossom forest.
- Urshifu (v6): Does not spawn naturally. Give Kubfu a muscle band to evolve into single strike form, Expert belt to evolve into Rapid Strike Form.
- Landorus(v8): Spawns in badlands.
- Tornadus (v8): Spawns on the surface of oceans, when it is raining.
- Thundurus (v8): Spawns in mountains, when it is thundering.
- Reshiram (v8): Spawns in mountains, when it is not raining. CobblemonRider Config:
"reshiram": {
"mountType": [
"ridingOffSet": [
"speedModifier": 1.5,
"stamina": 3500
Pawniard (v9): Spawns rarely in Bamboo Jungle
Bisharp (v9): Level 52 from Pawniard, or spawns rarely in Bamboo Jungle
Kingambit (v9): Ultra rare spawn in Bamboo Jungle, or defeat 3 other bisharp with your own bisharp to evolve
Kyurem (v12): Ultra rare spawn in ice spike biomes whilst it is raining (snowing there)
Kyurem whte and black (v12): Evolves from kyurem when reshiram or zekrom is in your party respectively
Rayquaza (v12): Spawns in sunflower plains when it is not raining, during the daytime
Mega Rayquaza (v12): Evolves from rayquaza when it has the move dragon ascent
Latios (v12): Spawns rarely in plains when it is not raining
Latias (v12): Spawns rarely in plains when it is not raining
Zamazenta (v13): Spawns rarely in forest(held king's rock to change form)
Zacian (v13): Spawns rarely in forest(held king's rock to change form)
Keldeo (v13): Spawns rarely in plains(study move "secret sword" to change form)
dialga (v14): Spawns rarely in end(held dawn stone to change form)
plakia (v14): Spawns rarely in end(held dawn stone to change form)
arceus (v14): Spawns rarely in end(held type gems to change form)
giratina (v14): Spawns rarely in nether_wastes(held dawn stone to change form)
typenull (v14): Spawns rarely in plains
silvally (v14): NO Spawns(held type gems to change form)
Future plans:
- Whatever we wanna make!
- Absolutely JACKED shiny bidoof (very strong)
The Chads who did stuff:
- Frank: My boy saved me from hours of pain by teaching me the ancient art of "looking animations" and rotational axis functionality
- GhostUser: Shinies for Eternatus, hoopa, Zekrom and Urshifu
- Shippou: Shiny textures for groudon and kyogre (v1)
- Ryqx: Fix on Kubfu which gave it textures (finding misnamed files for v6.23, cheers bro)
- Bisharp by Blaze Hydroxide (thanks!:))
Stuff yall ask a lot:
- Release dates?: We have constructed a 99.9999999% confidence interval that our next update will be released in the time range of the next nanosecond to the next billion years
- Pokemon not working/hitboxes not working: Have you put the datapack in the world datapack folder, and applied it to the actual world. Please check this before sliding into my dms and asking why its not working. If its not then feel free to ask.
- Not a question but there is a content zone section where you can ask questions and get faster answers than going to my dms, just saying
- How do I evolve etc?: Check this very modrinth page, everything is here
- Can you add this pokemon?: if i like it ill add it :)
- Can I use the pack and assets for servers?: The policy is that as long as everything in the pack is obtainable without paying, go right ahead. We don't care if you can get them by paying, but it must not be money exclusive. The stuff in this pack should not be locked behind a paywall. If any servers are doing this please tell us.
- Can I have early access to this model: Why? if the thing isnt released, it means it's not finished hence there is no point in having early access (exceptions if ur helping with it, then by all means sure)
- Can I have access to the trello?: Nah thats a secret :o
- Disclaimer: Yes, we use sketchfab and a lot of other random models and images for reference of our models. However, everything we make, we make from scratch on blockbench. We do not download other people's models and claim them as my own.