add dialga(spawn in end)(held dawn stone change form)
add plakia(spawn in end)(held dawn stone change form)
add arceus(spawn in end)(held type gems change form)
add giratina(spawn in nether_wastes)(held dawn stone change form)
add typenull(spawn in plains)
add silvally(spawn in plains)(held type gems change form)
add type gems repices(emerald and berry)
add cry sounds for all pokemon
fix rayquaza animation
update species_feature to 1.6.1 new
fire_jaguar donate plakia and giratina normal form
lol_its_bobby commission ASHISK and donate arceus,typenull,silvally
Added new animations kyogres (new battle idle)
Fixed Kyogre Primal's tail bending at stupid angles whilst doing physical attack
Fixed Bisharp's ground idle not looping properly, he is less at risk of pneumonia now
Fixed Zekrom's Scoliosis while flying
Fixed untextured groudon bits
Fixed groudon's neck disconnecting from his body when he looks at small things
Fixed latios/latias neck issues
Fixed Rayquaza not looping around properly
Optimized data (this means for mega rayquaza, urshifu rapid, hoopa unbound etc you may have to get them back in)
Added Latios
Added Latias
Added Rayquaza
Remodelled Rayquaza
Added Mega Rayquaza
Added Kyurem
Added White Kyurem
Added Black Kyurem
Fixed the green dot on reshiram's pubes
Very soon we will have a new Icon (finally lmaoo)
- Added Reshiram
- Added Thundurus
- Added Tornadus
- Added Landorus
- Added Zekrom Shiny (credits to RandomDementito)
- Fixed Zekrom Cry clipping
- Fixed Groudon Cry Clipping
- Fixed Zekrom snapping animations in general (thank you new poser)
was too lazy to change icon, so ig we're sticking to superwog dad for now :D
Kyogre resize and retexture with a slight change to the model by ASHISK. (For pixel consistency and matching the thing better)
Reanimated by me
Added shinies for Kubfu, Urshifu, Hoopa (not big one), and Eternatus
If you're using Cobblemon rider, the rider config has been changed in the description!
Groudon is next. Primal kyo is done.
First version on modrinth, not first version of the pack though.
I'll just write what it has lol, if you're seeing this from Modrinth just say this is the first version. Shaders are recommended if you want the cool glowy stuff, works without but looks cool with shaders. Personal recommendation would be XOnk Bliss shaders from the github.
Pokemans added:
- Groudon
- Kyogre
- Eternatus
- Hoopa
- Hoopa Unbound
- Zekrom