Minecraft: Java Edition
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This datapack adds many machines that automate long and boring tasks!
Datapack Guide
Getting Started
To get started you will need a decent amount of copper so you can create power sources and lightning rods for wiring. Without that you won't be able to use any machines!
Power Sources
Power sources are vital for powering your machines! Some power sources can be useful for specific situations so experiment with the different options to find the best one for the job!
Solar Panel
A solar panel can be made by placing a daylight detector and throwing a copper block on top of it. It produces 1 energy unit per second when there is enough sunlight.
Bioelectric Composter
A bioelectric composter can be made by placing a composter and throwing a copper block inside of it. It produces 10 energy units when filled.
Electric Furnace
An electric furnace can be made by placing a furnace and throwing a copper block on top of it. It produces 5 energy units per second when burning fuel.
Electric Smoker
An electric smoker can be made by placing a smoker and throwing a copper block on top of it. It produces 17 energy units per second when burning fuel.
Electric Blast Furnace
An electric blast Furnace can be made by placing a blast furnace and throwing a copper block on top of it. It produces 17 energy units per second when burning fuel.
Catalystic Converter
A Catalystic Converter can be made by placing a sculk catalyst and throwing a copper block on top of it. It produces 4 energy per tick (32/second) when blooming.
Electricity will be needed to power all of your machines. Electricity can be moved an stored by different blocks! With the right blocks you can distribute power all across your base. Make sure not to let electricity leak out of your power distribution system or else it will create a harmful electric field!
Lightning Rods
Most wiring will be done with lightning rods. Electricity flows through copper rods towards the larger end of the rod and into the next block. It is the fastest and simplest way to get your electricity from point A to point B.
Electricity flows through repeaters in the same direction as redstone. If you lock a repeater then electricity will stop on the repeater.
Comparators output power to one of its sides and will switch which side it outputs to depending on if the comparator is powered.
Hoppers will take energy from the block above and move it to the block below. No mater what direction the hopper is pointing it will always output power downwards! To stop the hopper from taking power you can lock the hopper by powering it.
Redstone Lamp
When energy is given to a redstone lamp it will use 1 energy unit to turn on the lamp and store the rest. The redstone lamp will turn off when given a block update.
Target Block
A target block will tell you how much power is stored inside of it! If there is an unpowered hopper underneath it then it will show how much energy goes through every second!
TNT will explode instantly when powered!
Chains will divert energy bursts evenly between two directions!
Hopper Minecarts
Hopper Minecarts can collect energy and drop off energy! Use activator rails to switch the cart between collecting or dropping off energy!
Machines allow you to utilize the power you generate to automate long and boring tasks! Get creative and experiment with the machines to create powerful contraptions!
Block Miner
By placing a dropper and throwing an iron pickaxe on it you will get a block miner! The block miner will break the block in front of it at a cost of 10 energy units
Block Placer
By placing a dispenser and throwing a piston on it you will get a block placer! The block placer will place a block in front of it as a falling block at a cost of 10 energy units
Air Compressor
By placing a copper block and throwing 16 breeze rods on it you will get an air compressor! The air compressor will create a wind charge below it at a cost of 100 energy units
By placing an iron block and throwing blue ice on it you will get a freezer! The Freezer freezes the block below it at a cost of 100 energy units! It will turn water to ice, lava to obsidian, and water in a cauldron to powdered snow in a cauldron!
Electric Bulb
By placing a copper bulb and throwing an glowstone block on it you will get an electric bulb! The electric bulb will light up a large area (area size base on oxidization level) when turned on at a cost of 1 energy unit per second
Chunk Loader
By placing a redstone block and throwing a compass or nether star (depends on config) on it you will get a chunk loader! When standing next to a chunk loader it will show you the border of the chunk it is in! The color of the border shows whether it is loaded or not. (red = unloaded, purple = loaded) It will load the chunk it is in at a cost of 1 energy unit per second
Tree Chopper
By placing a dropper and throwing an iron axe on it you will get a tree chopper! The tree chopper will break any tree block in front of it and any connecting ones at a cost of 300 energy units
By placing a stonecutter and throwing a diamond pickaxe on it you will get a quarry! The quarry will give you a tool to select an area to mine. Once the area is selected you will need to give it enough power to dig out the selected area. Once it gets enough power it will start digging and return any items and xp to the location of the quarry. You can break the quarry or start another area to dig after it starts digging and it will still continue to dig and deposit block drops in the original locations. Once the quarry starts digging it can't be stopped! The quarry will skip over unbreakable blocks and also rare blocks that can't be picked up like budding amethyst or spawners!
Contraption Creator's Command Transmitter
This thingamajig is created with a lightning rod, quartz, and redstone placed vertically in a crafting table! It is used to configure machines and assist in creating energy transport systems! It will be needed for many advanced machines so make sure you make one! Here are some of the things it can do!
Energy Debug Mode
In energy debug mode you can see how much energy is in a block or machine! You can also see how energy flows through different blocks! You can even manually move energy between blocks and machines!
Machine Config Mode
In machine config mode you can show a machine's configurations or move a machine without breaking it!
Advanced Machines
Most advanced machines will likely need to be configured by the Command Transmitter to be useful. Make sure you make a Command Transmitter before using most of these machines so you can utilize them.
By placing crying obsidian and throwing an ender pearl on it you will get a teleporter!
(1.0-1.0.3) When you sneak on a teleporter you will teleport to the nearest loaded teleporter with the same id at the cost of 100 energy! to change the teleporter id stand near the teleporter and use the command /trigger TeleporterId set (new teleporter id) Teleporters can't work cross-dimensionally!
(1.1) When you sneak on a teleporter you will teleport to its configured location at the cost of 500 energy! To change the teleporter's configured location use a command transmitter to get a destination anchor. Use the destination anchor to set the destination and the teleporter. There does not need to be another teleporter at the destination! Teleporters can work cross-dimensionally!
Energy Observer
By placing an observer and throwing a copper ingot on it you will get an energy observer! The energy observer will output pulses of redstone power when it detects energy in a machine or block in front of it! You can configure it with the command transmitter to detect specific amounts of energy!
By placing a redstone lamp and throwing an iron block on it you will get a transformer! Transformers will store energy and release it in configurable bursts at a configurable rate when powered by redstone! Use the command transmitter to configure the burst size and rate!
Energy Warper
By placing a sculk shrieker and throwing a lightning rod on it you will get an energy warper! Energy Warpers warp energy stored within the block to a configured location. To change the energy warper's configured location use a command transmitter to get a destination anchor. Use the destination anchor to set the destination and the energy warper. There does not need to be another energy warper at the destination! Energy warpers can work cross-dimensionally!
Block Swaper
By Placing a copper bulb and throwing a sculk catalyst on it you will get a block swapper! The block swapper will swap blocks between two configured locations! It will not swap some blocks like bedrock or spawners and it will also not swap blocks that need support from another block like redstone dust and torches because of a duplication glitch I could not fix! Pistons are not swappable as well because of some other glitches. To change the block swappers's configured locations use a command transmitter to get a swap destination anchor. Use the swap destination anchor to set the destinations and the block swapper. Block swappers can work cross-dimensionally!
Extra Tips
The advancements in this pack act as a guide for the pack by either telling you how to do something or hinting about how to create a machine
If you are an operator and want to configure settings in the pack go into creative mode and do /reload
If you want an easier time placing copper rods for wiring a great datapack to use would be my Copper Rod Wrench datapack
I also have a video explaining the machines (1.0) here
I also have another video explaining machines from 1.1 here