Note: I've made the mistake of NOT TESTING this update before releasing it. There's a high chance this datapack will not work in your worlds... whoops!
Remembered this datapack and after some thinking, I felt like there were some changes that NEEDED to be made...
- Tweaked MOST enchantment costs. Generally they're cheaper, but a few may be a little pricier!
- Reduced the ingredient costs of MOST enchants
- Feather Falling 3+ no longer costs feathers
- Impaling 2 no longer requires diamonds to enchant
- Impaling 3 now requires diamonds to enchant
- Looting no longer requires diamonds to enchant
- Multishot no longer requires amethyst shards to enchant
- [BUG-FIX] Projectile Projection 3 now costs the proper amount of copper
- Punch requires gold instead of iron to enchant
- Sharpness no longer requires diamonds to enchant
- Smite now requires diamonds to enchant
- Soul Speed and Frostwalker can no longer be enchanted...initially
- It should still be possible to "upgrade" items possessing the above Treasure Enchants
- Swift Sneak 2 and 3 is now accessible via enchanting table
- Replaced Diamond requirement for Unbreaking 2 with Copper