- Added the new attribute system to the Enhanced Reforge
- Players can no longer duplicate from Repair Toolkit
- Gilded, Enhanced and Durable reforges can now let the item to forge other items. They cannot be forged together
- Changed the Enhanced and Gilded reforges that it now increase stats even if the original stat is negative.
- Added a new system to the attribute modifiers. For most stats boosters (Beside Enhanced Reforge), the stat will stack up instead of piling up. This means no more messy and confusing attributes when viewing the item. Ever since I started making this datapack, I've always wanted to combine the same attribute together from reforges. However, I couldn't think of ways to do that until this day, I figured it out.
- Axe to Tool Reforge (Toolful), Weaponized reforge & Gilded reforge can now reforge with other forge items
- Changed the recipe for Gilded Reforge, to replace the netherite ingot with raw gold block
- Due to the attribute changes, Leaflet Reforge now decrease armor by 75% instead of 30%
This project is very time-consuming as I am in college right now. And I really appreciate for those who still view my project and those who liked my project!
- Revamped the Vanilla Reforge System. Now you can reforge ANY item, instead of only durability items. Now it is possible to weaponize items like golden nuggets, waxed weathered cut copper stairs (lmao) etc. However, beware of some items may not work with certain reforges.
- Added a new reforge: Poisoned, obtainable from tarantula
- Replaced the method to spawn the tarantula with: Applying weaving effect to a spider.
- Updated description of Cleaving reforge
- Added Step Height for Tanky Reforge, that makes user can climb on a block without worrying
- Added Cave Spider and creaking in the mob targets predicate
- Some effects for Mythic Reforge can now be stacked
- Some stat boosts for Mythic Reforge are now buffed
- Heart of the Jungle recipe is now easier to craft
- Swarm Reforge now works properly
- changed recipe for Mysterious Ice in a glass
- Changed recipe of Unbreakable Reforge from Netherite Block to ancient debris
- Changed recipe of Breaching Reforge from Netherite Block to Redstone Block
- Updated Description for Reforge Anvil
- super-vision reforge now only half the durability instead of 1% durability decrease/10s
- Some typo fixes
- Extra Error Detection type for reforge anvil
- Reduced Armor Reduction of Leaflet reforge from 50% to 30%
- Shielding Reforge now only cost 4 Netherite Ingot instead of 4 Netherite Blocks
- Enhanced Reforge now boost all stats by 20% instead of 1