Fixed Items not being given when inventory was full
When a turret was either picked up or salvaged, the items wouldn't be given to the player if their inventory was full
When a turret is picked up or salvaged, the items are now instead dropped on the ground at the location of the turret
Fixed some item models breaking when playing with other datapacks
The Syringe, 15V Laser Battery, and 15V Laser Battery Bundle have now been given explicit model definitions in their components
This should hopefully prevent their item models from breaking when played alongside another datapack that happens to still use CMD
Fixed item modifier issues with /function give commands
The Pistol and Minigun items' item modifiers were broken when obtained with /function give
Fixed incorrect initial reload speed value for Bazooka
The initial value in the description for the Bazooka's reload speed was incorrect
Fixed Sentry Turret recipe giving wrong item bug
The recipe for the Sentry Turret gave a Perdition Turret instead
Fixed Turret overlap bug
Turrets could be placed on the same block as a destroyed turret, resulting in strange, unexpected behaviour
Fixed broken waterlogged glass panes making air
When a waterlogged glass pane was shot with a bullet, it would turn to air instead of water
Fixed turrets lagging out server bug
The Auto and Sentry turrets would lag out certain server types whenever a mob was killed
Creepers are no longer visible for a frame when explosions occur
Whenever a custom explosion occurs, creepers will no longer appear for a split second
Thanks Chems!
Added 2-tick rate of fire support for Crossbow guns
The "1-tick" rate of fire functionality for Crossbow Guns has been extended to apply to guns with 2-tick rate of fire
This is because the old "1-tick" rate of fire is techically only 2-tick
True 1-tick rate of fire can be achived by using a red dye gun
Fixed quick rate of fire guns causing players to freeze in place on servers
Now, the recoil for 1-tick and 2-tick rate of fire guns only applies once every 3 shots of the guns
Fixed armored targets being immune to guns upon world first being loaded up
Gun targets with armor (players and zombies) would ignore gun damage until the pistol was shot
Fixed Ray Gun: Red not firing
The Ray Gun: Red wouldn't fire until either another ray gun was fired, or the reload button was pressed
Fixed Recoil Strength value deviating from true value upon reloading
When the player shot a gun and then reloaded a different gun, the recoil strength value in the description would use the value from the shot gun
Fixed players being able to interact with blocks/entities when holding guns
Until the gun was shot/reloaded, the player could interact with blocks/entities
Updated to Minecraft 1.21.4
Datapack now works on the latest version of Minecraft
Fixed all items not having updated forms in recipes
The guns, ammo items, and more all used the old pre-1.21.3 format for components and custom data
Buffed Ray Gun: Pink
The gun now fires faster and has a much higher range
The projectile is a slowcast now
Rewrote medical item descriptions
Now the effects follow the same style as potions
Fixed missing Antidote Syringe item in command bug
The Antidote Syringe was missing from the give:all_medical
give function
Fixed Laser Cannon having Laser Rifle name
The Laser Cannon item had the same name as the Laser Rifle
Fixed Flamethrower having Assault Rifle name
The Flamethrower had the same name as the Assault Rifle
Removed all official GBG addon resources
All models, textures, and sounds for all official GBG addon packs have been removed from the base GBG resource pack
This change drastically reduces the file size of the base GBG resource pack
The official GBG addons will be given resource packs of their own once they are updated to Minecraft 1.21.4
Switched Resource Pack to use GBG namespace
Now, all custom assets are stored in the gbg
namespace, instead of the minecraft
The exception, of course, are the ammo items that are used in the crafting table
This change also fixed many spelling errors and inconsistencies internally
Added Gun Aiming
Now, all guns will point wherever you look when holding them
Added GBG player config menu
Accessed with /trigger gbg_config
Allows players to change the color pallet of the gun's description
As time goes on, more and more per-player features will be added to this menu
Added Weaving, Oozing, and Wind-Charged to Medkit effect clear list
In addition, Bad Omen has been removed from the list
Fixed/Updated Medical item descriptions
All medical items now have accurate descriptions alongside how long it takes to use the medical item
Raised C4 explosion limit
Previously, only 20 C4s could explode at once, now up to 120 can explode at once
Changed Sniper Rifle zoom model
Looks better from the 3rd person view
Removed item bobbing from some automatic weapons
Makes it easier to aim with automatic weapons
Added colorful laser projectile types
There are now green, blue, yellow, orange, & cyan laser projectile types
Added Fireball projectile type
It's wizard time
Added Physical Bullet projectile type
Has the same functionality and behavior as the bullet projectile type Is a slowcast-based projectile; good for reducing lag on very-high range guns Add extra realism, with bullets taking time to hit their targets
Organized projectile types
The associated ints for all projectile types have been changed Values from 1-99 belong to raycasts/hitscans Values from 100-199 belong to slowcasts/projectiles
Added custom projectile speeds
A stat in the gun's components can specify the speed of slowcast-based projectiles
Added optional shoot/reload sound pitch changing
The gun's shoot & reload sounds can now have different pitches This entire stat component is completely optional; you don't need to add it if you don't need it
Added optional item bobbing disabling
When the player zooms with a gun, the item bobbing can now be disabled when shooting This will, however, require the custom model to be changed
Removed Underwater Explosion damage type
It was unused, and too niche to justify existing
Removed Purple projectile type
It was buggy, and completely unused
Fixed grenade projectile type not having gravity
Was a bug introduced by Minecraft 1.21.3
Fixed broken turret death messages
The death message that displayed when a player died to a turret was a translation string
Fixed broken Turret and Equipment item recipes
The crafting recipes for the turrets and the equipment items were broken
Updated to Minecraft 1.21.3
Datapack now works on the latest version of Minecraft
Buffed throwable recipes
Crafting recipes now grant 2 or more items instead of just 1
Increased speed of the Rocket projectile type
The Rocket projectile type now travels much faster
Added Grenade projectile type
This projectile type is a projectile like the rocket, but moves slower and has a downward curve
To use this new projectile type, set the stat to 15
Fixed recoil being applied before rocket projectiles were shot
Now, recoil is properly applied after the player has shoot the rocket
Fixed guns not shooting through tripwire and ladders bug
Gun projectiles were unable to shoot through string/tripwire and ladders
Fixed Ray Guns and Bazookas not shooting through water bug
All Ray Guns and the Bazooka were unable to shoot through water
Fixed Bazookas shooting through leaves bug
Rockets would go through leaves, this was unintentional
Fixed incorrect Medkit lore
The description of the medkit now displays the correct effects
Fixed turrets not shooting through water bug
All turrets were unable to shoot through water
The Perdition Turret is still unable to shoot through water
Fixed placed turret deleting bug
If a turret was placed down on a block that another turret existed on, the turret would not be given back to the player
Fixed projectiles being able to hit display entities
All projectiles could hit all display entities
Fixed spammable throwables while falling bug
Players could spam-throw throwables if they were falling