- Updated to version 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Remade how level shatter shards work
- now have to be eaten instead of thrown to be used
- side effects can be tonned down if catalysed
- new side effects
- old shards will convert to new ones if thrown on the ground
- now have to be eaten instead of thrown to be used
- fixed raid captains not giving bad omen
- slight balance changes
- Level shattering changes:
- Fixed (again) inventory swap side effect not working
- Remade the "time snare" side effect
- The way shards are dropped has been changed, now the chance is chosen by a predicate instead of the loot table
- This change helps with compatibility with datapacks that change monster loot tables
- Looting no longer increases shard drop rate
- Modified drop chances slightly
- Throwing multiple shards at once no longer reacts
- Shards now drop from level 5 by default
- Completely remade zombies
- Now they spawn with increasing chances for better gear
- Slight stat nerfs
- No longer has the "berserker" ability
- increased baby spawn rates only on day 100
- Updated settings reset
- New setting: Shard monsters glow
- Monsters that drop shards will glow when this is turned on (off by default)
- Fixed inventory swap side effect not working
- Added a new level shatter side effect
- Fixed the "Space-time Shatter" advancement not working
- Piglins no longer gain fire resistance
- Added a new trigger command "monsterLevelInfo" which tells player which level are the monsters currently at