Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 4 months ago
Updated last week
Mc Tweaking
This datapack adds and modifies many recipes. Here is a list of the modifications made by the datapack:
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Edited Vanilla Crafts
- Grindstone can be crafted with stone, sandstone, and red sandstone slabs.
- Carrot on a stick and Warped fungus on a stick are shapeless recipes.
- Stonecutter can be crafted with stone, deepslate, granite, diorite, or andesite (just like in Bedrock Edition).
- All Redstone items that use cobblestone in their crafting recipe can also be crafted with cobblestone, cobbled deepslate, or blackstone (e.g., Piston, Observer...).
- All Redstone items that use stone in their crafting recipe can also be crafted with stone, deepslate, granite, diorite, or andesite (e.g., Comparator, Repeater...).
- Daylight Detector can now be crafted with any type of glass (except tinted glass).
- Crafting wood from logs gives 4 wood (instead of 3 in vanilla), and this works with any wood variant.
- Crafting a quartz block gives 4 quartz blocks.
- Crafting a trapdoor gives 6 trapdoors.
New Crafting Recipes
- Saddles can be crafted with 3 leather, 2 string, and 2 iron nuggets.
- Podzol can be crafted using dirt and any type of leaves.
- 1 Wool gives 4 string.
- Melon blocks give 9 melon slices.
- All utility tables (cartography, fletching, loom, and smithing tables) can be crafted using a crafting table and the required item.
- Anvils can be crafted with iron blocks and chipped anvils (chipped anvils can be crafted the same way, but using damaged anvils).
- Honeycomb blocks can be uncrafted.
- Blast furnaces can be crafted with smooth stone, smooth sandstone, and smooth red sandstone.
- Dispensers can be crafted using a dropper and a bow.
- Can transform any leaves into another type by using a leaf and a sapling from the tree of the desired leaves.
- can duplicate cobbled deepslate with 1 cobbled deepslate and 1 cobblestone
- All wood types, including bamboo, can be used in the stonecutter.
- Deepslate provides all deepslate variants in the stonecutter.
- Smelting copper, iron, or gold raw blocks gives copper, iron, or gold blocks.
- Ancient debris cannot be smelted in a standard furnace but only in a blast furnace (with a longer cooking time).
- Eating a melon slice gives one melon seed.
- Trial spawners will give more food when they drop it.
- Frogspawn can be obtain with silktouch
- Taking llama spit damage while holding a piston in your main or off-hand transforms it into a sticky piston.
- Allows you to obtain more dye through methods other than flowers.
- Allows you to convert concrete powder into concrete by dropping it into a cauldron filled with water.
- Allows you to convert magma cream into slime ball by dropping it into a cauldron filled with water.
- Let you combine two pieces of wool to obtain a new one (eg. red + white wool = pink wool)
1.21.4 ✅ | 1.21.3 ✅| 1.21.2 ✅