- Can transform any leaves into another type by using a leaf and a sapling from the tree of the desired leaves.
- Can duplicate cobbled deepslate with 1 cobbled deepslate and 1 cobblestone
- Frogspawn can be obtain with silktouch
- Taking llama spit damage while holding a piston in your main or off-hand transforms it into a sticky piston.
- Allows you to obtain more dye through methods other than flowers.
- Allows you to convert concrete powder into concrete by dropping it into a cauldron filled with water.
- light can be craft
- throw a splash potion of water change lava into stone
- drinkable potion can be stack by 16
- wet sponge can be dryed on campfire
- can obtain 3 variant of armor satand with stonecutter
- sweet berries give 2 sugar
- glow berries gives 1 glowstone
- can optain invisible item and glow item frame