Mo-Variants v7.5J
Purpose: To release an update compatible with 1.20.5 already while we work on a massive update improving the pack backend to release more updates, better and faster.
Changelog: Code Translation;
- Commands using NBT translated to new Components format NEW:
- Charm of Gigantism
- Makes you Bigger, Stronger, and bigger (again) to strike down foes while being the bigger person (literally)
- Dwarfologer Variant
- Spawns in raid or woodland mansions
- Teeny lil guy
- Drops new Item, "Charm of Dwarfism" Reworked / Changes :
- Miner's Armor now gives a slight increase to mining speed per piece worn. The "Miner's Steel Toed Boots" Also let you step up a full block.
- Void Wings now alter Gravity and Jump strength Attributes instead of giving Slow Falling.
- Possessed Blade now has the Wind Burst enchantment, boosting you up every time you land a hit, but has less durability
- Feather Boots changed to Spectre Boots;
- No longer unbreakable, but gives (virtually) complete fall damage immunity.
- Battle Axe damage lowered (14 > 10), along with durability (250 > 200) but comes with Breach 4, ignoring most of an enemies Defense, and can be enchanted with Sharpness.
- Battle Axe also now increases your gravity, so you can't even jump up a full block and its much harder to land crits. Is now a much more Timing and Skill based weapon.
- Moss Spider and Possessed Blade (Mob) are now bigger.
- Toxic Skeleton now shoots Nausea arrows instead of Poison.
- Baby Creeper is now a real Smol Creeper.
Known Issues:
- Possessed Blade may not spawn if Update 1.21 Experimental Features are not enabled
- Undead Barbarian may not spawn if Update 1.21 Experimental Features are not enabled
- Advancements not working
Mo-Variants 7.4.3 Smol
- Change Pharoah advancement to branch off of Cactusk
- Change Giant advancement to branch off of HalfZombie
- Change most advancements to be visible.
- Fix FireFlies & Butterflies dropping items when other packs add custom loot tables for bats.
- Fix double identifier advancement in 1.20.2+
Known Issues:
- [4/19/2024] Enable/Disable all Ambient Variants instead toggles Baby Variants (1.20 & 1.20.1)
Mo-Variants 7.4.2 QOL & BugFixes
- Change startup for the last time, now uses rrc prefix across all our packs
- Demon advancement is now the parent for Arch Demon Advancement
- Firefly now caps at 500 instead of 251
- Fixed Variants sometimes overwriting mobs from other smithed standard packs
- Fixed Giant Reinforcements being able to be custom mobs from other datapacks/mods
- Fix advancements using the wrong namespace (may reset advancements sorry)
- Checked the entire pack for any errors, unused or unnecessary files, and resolved them all
- A few/A lot not listed here, a lot was done/fixed in this update.
v7.4.1 - QOL
- Added Advancements for discovering many variants
- Added mobcaps for all Ambient Variants Changes:
- Demon's Trident is now more common to drop from the Arch Demon
- Demon's Trident now sets mobs on fire when thrown
- Lowered the fire rate of the Void Sentinel in HALF
- Lowered default Void Sentinel Spawnrate
- Slightly Increased droprate of the Void Wings from the Void Sentinel
- Lowered default Firefly and Butterfly spawnrate
- Lowered default Iko & Ikorr spawnrate
- Lowered default Baby Creeper spawnrate
- Fireflies no longer spawn with zombies
- Fixed config tellraw displaying to @a
- Removed "Modrinth Standard", replaced with "RRC Datapacks" root
- Fixed Merry Zombies and Merry Skeletons not spawning when enabled
Experimental Features: 1.20.5 Snapshots UP TO 24w06a (DP format 31)
- Fixed Experimental 1.21 Baby Creeper
- Reworked Giant in Experimental 1.21 to be Giant Zombie
- Smite now affects it
- Generally improved AI
- Can step over trees
- Can spot you from further away
- Charm of Empowerment changed to Charm of Gigantism
Mo-Variants 7.4 - Mo-Randomness
- Added Spawnrate Config
- New Variants;
- Toxic Skeletons (Jungle)
- Mossy Spider (Jungle)
- New Iceologer Attacks;
- Can effect all nearby players with strong slowness
- Can create a pillar of ice for high ground
- Change variant spawning to use /random & macros
- Iceologer Changes;
- Armor slightly increased
- Added sound effects for ice attack
- Now has Feather Falling
- Now has Frost Walker
- Crossbow now has Quick Charge 1
- Slightly lowered Undead Barbarian's Spawnrate
- Giant Changes;
- Now complies with "no mob griefing" gamerule
- The Roar radius has been increased to 40 (from 25)
- Now breaks leaves it stands on
- Roar now breaks leaves above players affected by it
- The giant will now jump more often to players that are higher than it
- Pharaohs Mask now gives +4 Armor, +1 Armor Toughness, and +0.1 Speed
- Arch Demon's Head now gives +2 Attack Speed and +3 Damage
- Re-designed Charred Skeletons
- Increased spawnrates of Cactusk, Charred Skeleton, & Frozombie
- Decreased spawnrate of Half Zombie, Baby Creeper, Undead Knight, Lost Soul, and Forgotten Miner
- Biome-Specific Variants now have Spawn Priority over Normal Variants
- Added "alldefault" function to reset all spawnrates to their default state
- Compatibility with Mob Captain datapack:
- Stop "Boss" variants from becoming captains
- Stop "Ambient" variants from becoming captains
- Stop Baby Creeper & Possessed Blade from becoming captains
- Demons turning into wraiths
- Iceologer not having Slowness Arrows
- Iceologer taking damage when spawning
- A bug causing the Pharaoh to never spawn
- Pharaoh's Bossbar
- Pharaoh's Levitate Ability
- Demon's ambient sound
- Wraith's now dig through to the surface when spawning inside a block (Instead of suffocating upon spawning)
- Fixed Arch Demon's Arms not being invisible
Mo-Variants 7.3.1 - Bugfixes N' QOL
Experimental Features
- Babyper overhaul now supports snapshot 24w05a & 24w05b.
- Updated support for MC versions 1.20 and 1.20.1 for the last time.
- Depreciated MC versions 1.20 and 1.20.1, they will still be supported, but no further updates will be made to those versions. They also do not have the Giant Attacks, as that was the feature bugging them out Since V7.0, but every other update since will be included.
- Added an optional integration with TimeLib
- Can be toggled in the config(why would you use this? if you want the pack for something else but not this integration).
- Will automatically enable and disable seasonal variants.
- Fireflies no longer spawn during day (instead of just being killed as soon as they spawn if its day time, which caused lag and console spam)
- Butterflies no longer spawn on Zombies, Skeletons, or Spiders
- Butterflies now spawn on Creepers instead
- Deleted no longer needed files
- Nerfed Charm of Empowerment
- Lowered Firefly spawnrate
- Greatly increased spawn rate of Demons
- Greatly increased spawnrate of Arch-Demons
- Fixed support for 1.20 & 1.20.1
Mo-Variants 7.3 Mo-not bricking worlds...
Since V7.0 There has been an oversight that has caused support for 1.20 & 1.20.1 to not work. This will be fixed in 7.3.1.
From the team at Rainy Realm Create:
We are very sorry about how buggy the last few updates have been. We removed them as we found out how bugged they were, trying to release new versions as we patched out bugs. We have had some growing pains behind the scenes, but the packs we make will come out infintely better for it.
We will be making some changes over the next few updates to enure some of these things never happen again. We understand you may be cautious of downloading this version, but if it is still here 24 hours after release(which it is) then it isn't crashing your world or anything.
We have big things planned for this pack, and look forward to delivering you those updates.
- Fixed an issue causing Ikorrs to spawn in the THOUSANDS on top of Iko's, causing severe lag and even crashes
- Fixed an issue causing Arch Demons to spawn hundreds at a time causing severe lag
- Fixed bossbars
- Fixed an issue causing hundreds of Illusioners to spawn at a once
Mo-Variants 7.2.2 HOTFIX
Version Redacted due to gamebreaking bugs.
- Fix prefixing updates being really bugged.
- Fix needing to update the startup version if a variant's spawnrate is decreased.
- Fix firelies and butterflies hanging around(litterally) causing a ton of lag.
- Fix missing festive zombie and skeleton manual spawns.
Mo-Variants 7.2.1 HOTFIX & QOL
Version Redacted due to gamebreaking bugs.
- Prefix everything in the pack to comply with the Smithed Standard.
- Fixed 3/4 ambient mobs showing the toggle messages in the manual spawning area. - Fixed another 1.20.3/4 short_grass change error - Fixed the festive skeleton and zombies showing the toggle message in manual spawning area. However, these manual spawns have not yet been added, sorry!Mo-Variants 7.2 - Ambiance & QOL
Version Redacted due to gamebreaking bugs.
Experimental Features
We are now adopting Experimental Features. These new features will only work on enabled snapshots. We will accept bug reports for them, but as the snapshots say, if they are bugged, you are SOL.
- Babyper Overhaul
- Replaces baby zombie with Generic.scale creeper.
- Explosion radius of 2 instead of 1.
- Supports 23w51a to 24w03b
- New Variants:
- Butterfly
- Ikorr
- Will defend the Iko variant, even from you.
- Added a new Ambient variant category.
- Variant mobs to help with the empty ambiance.
- Added Uninstall function.
- To uninstall this datapack if you don't like our amazing work... jk we know that's not the only reason to use this function.
- Overhauled the IKO variant
- Now spawns in snowy Biomes.
- Spawns in clusters of three.
- Now with a new model.
- Config Changes
- Firefly & IKO have been moved to "Ambient" category.
- Separated Manual Spawning into categories.
- Increased spawnrates of Cactusk, Frozombie, and charred skeleton.
- Slightly Increased damage done by Icologer's Ice.
- Icologers HP increased (50 -> 60)
- Icologer has two defense points now.
- Iceologer now has 1 armor toughness point.
- Iceologer now equips piercing 4, so watch our for your shield.
- Fireflies now can't spawn during the day and will go hide away where you can't find them.
- Fixed Babyper rarely being invisible.
- Fixed Giants spawning only to suffocate.
- They now teleport above ground if needed.
- Fireflies now ignore giant reinforcements.
- Variant spawning should be slightly better across reloading worlds.
- Some old code that was unused still existing.
- Fixed giant getting stuck on some blocks. he will now just trample and destroy them.
- Fireflies no longer spawn in random dimensions.
Mo-Variants 7.1.4 - Fire & Balancing
- Fireflies
- Fireflies spawn in clusters of 3-4
- Undead Barbarian
- Lowered Movement Speed significantly
- Lowered Defense & HP
- Undead Knight
- Lowered Movement Speed
- Lowered Defense & HP
- Wraith
- Lowered HP
- Lowered Damage
- Demon
- Lowered Defense & HP
- Lowered Damage
- Lost Soul
- Lowered Defense Slightly
- Forgotten Miner
- Lowered Defense Slightly
- Lowered KB Resistance significantly
- Giant
- Lowered Spawnrate
- Increased minimum Y level to prevent underground spawning(y=55 to y=60)
- Fixed Holiday variants disabling every time the world is reloaded, despite preferences.
NOTE: This list is of all changes from 7.1 to 7.1.4 This update had a lot of problems on our end, so the other four versions never saw the light of day. You are not missing out, this was our bad.