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v1.0.1 Beta DP


A big update!


  • The data pack is now compatible from 1.19.4 to 1.20.1.

  • The mechanics of spawning a grave has now slightly been changed.

    • Now if you die in the void, it will attempt to spawn the grave at y position +1, but it won't move down.
  • Graves can no longer spawn inside some blocks (such as slabs), but now can in some other blocks (such as bushes).

  • Graves can now despawn. By default, they despawn in 90 minutes.

  • Items dropped from graves now by default despawn in 45 minutes, instead of 10.

  • Players now can only open their own graves, by default.

  • The interaction box of the grave has been shrinked, making it a little bit harder to open/break the grave.

  • Graves now display their despawn timer in addition to the grave's id and the owner of the grave. The grave with its text display showing the despawn timer as well

  • /trigger sgrave.grave_info will now show the grave despawn timer.


  • Added 5 new configs:
    • Void invulnerable items, Robbing, Locating, Put dirt below, Grave despawn time
    • The descriptions of all configs are in the game.
  • Added new logo!


  • Breaking a grave with experience more than 32768 (103 levels) would give negative experience, which also broke all tools with the Mending enchantment.
    • Fixed by changing the maximum experience level that can be stored from 127 to 100.


  • Configs no longer use data storage and now instead use scoreboards.
  • Some functions have now been rearranged.
  • Tags now use {id: "tag", required: false} instead of "tag", which fixes a few issues.
  • Added some new easter eggs.

Known issues

  • An unnecessary python file has been left out in the game's code, but this will disappear in the future.
  • The xp dropped from opening a grave will repair tools with the Mending enchantment.

There are more features added, changed or fixed in this update, which I can't remember.


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