TaTe's Extra Trims

TaTe's Extra Trims

Data pack

New Trims!

Server EquipmentGame MechanicsUtility

Created3 days ago
Updated3 days ago

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New Trims!

This pack adds an additional 18 Armor Trim designs representing areas of the games that are unrepresented in the existing Armor Trim set. These new Trims can be obtained using various items (listed below). It also adds functionality to remove Armor Trims from unenchanted Armor by dropping it on a Grindstone and replace the Trim material by dropping the Armor with the new material on top of a Smithing Table.

List of Trims and Their Items:
  • Fool (Full Trim) - Diamond Block
  • Wanderer (Wandering Trader) - Lead
  • Freeze (Igloo) - Blue Ice
  • Bone (Fossil) - Bone Block
  • Wart (Witch Hut) - Nether Wart
  • Oasis (Desert Well) - Water Bucket
  • Worker (Village) - Emerald
  • Champion (Hero of the Village) - Totem of Undying
  • Flood (Ocean Ruins) - Fishing Rod
  • Plunder (Buried Treasure) - Heart of The Sea
  • Shell (Armadillo) - Armadillo Scute
  • Creep (Creeper) - TNT
  • Cage (Dungeon) - Chain
  • Miner (Mineshaft) - Iron Pickaxe
  • Triumvirate (Wither) - Nether Star
  • Gateway (Ruined Portal) - Crying Obsidian
  • Crystal (Geode) - Block of Amethyst
  • Dragon (Ender Dragon) - Dragon's Breath

To try a pack that replaces the existing Armor Trims with these new designs, check out TaTe's Alternate Trims!

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