Minecraft: Java Edition
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What is this datapack?
Warfare Expanded is a pack that adds a number of medieval weapons. Each with their own unique buffs and debuffs. Additionally, This pack also has some achievements in order to spice up stuff a bit. if you have any question, suggestion or a bug to report. Join my discord!
Please note that this datapack uses a recoursepack (Unless you are using a mod package). The recoursepack is attached with the datapack version. Click it and find both.
What does this datapack add?
As mentioned, This pack introduces medieval weapons. Here's a small list of what the datapack has to offer:
Crafting the weapons requires you to craft an Assembly Station. Assembly Stations are the only way to craft any weapon in this list. The recipe can be found at the gallery section. While reading you may find the term "Traits" a lot. Traits are basically some abilities or stats for the weapon you're reading about. To simplify how they work. *Introducing:
Daggers are basically a mini-version of the minecraft sword. a Light weapon. a Good choice when you have good aim.
Daggers are pretty fast. Having a whooping 2.5 Attack Speed. At the cost of -2 Attack Damage. So 2 lower from the normal sword. Though, That comes with a cost. Due to the dagger's size. The attack reach is reduced by half a block.
Lethal III - Critical hits deal more damage.
- Daggers can be naturally found in structures chests, Carried by certain mobs Or just on item frames. And they're considered pretty common.
Stabbing Device - Obtain a Dagger
Claymores are very big beefy swords. Known to be very heavy. Essentially they're normal minecraft swords but bigger, Steadier and Deadlier.
Claymores are somewhat slow to swing. Having 1.2 Attack Speed. But makes it up in damage. Being capable of delivering +2 Attack Damage more than a normal sword. Having a big sword also means more burden while carrying. Thus the bearer will have slight movement debuffs. Additionally, Claymores have the ability to completely disable shields just like axes. And partly ignores heavy plated armor's defense. Please note heavy plated armor isn't added yet
Two Handed II - Drastically reduces attack speed when holding a shield
Impetuous II - Neglects part of the armor of any heavy plated armor.
Impulsive - Disables shields just like axes
- no noted trivia - Advancements
Heavy Duty - Assemble a claymore Executioner - Execute an undead mob with one slash using a claymore
Cutlasses are short, Curved and Very sharp weapons that are mainly used for slashing and cutting rope, grass and even sometimes wood. Also a very known weapon amongst sailors and pirates.
Slightly heavier than a normal sword but a very sharp one due to its curved shape. a Cutlass Deals 1+ Attack Damage more than a normal sword and has 1.4 Attack Speed. 0.2 less than a normal sword. As well as giving slight armor toughness. As the cutlass somewhat covers the bearer's hand. As well as having the ability to damage polearm weapons. Due to its stick-cutting abilities
Edged III - Greatly damages the durability of polearm classified weapons.
- The cutlass has a secret variant that could be obtained from buried treasure chests.
- Certified Pirate - Obtain a cutlass
- Sharpened Edge - Deal heavy damage to a polearm weapon's durability
Battle Axes
Battle Axes are a double-edged axe that is designed mainly for combat. Very strong for a mostly one handed weapon.
Battle axes are essentially normal axes but more suitable for combat. They deal 1+ Attack Damage more than a normal axe. And drain shields durability when used to break one.
Crusher III - Demolishes shields durability
- Battle Axes can be naturally found in structures chests or carried by certain mobs.
- Berserker - Obtain a battle axe
- Scariest Predator - kill a piglin brute that's carrying a golden battleaxe with its own weapon.
Introduction Lances are polearms that vary in size and shape. And when used right, Are extremely powerful weapons that can demolish your foe. Usually used while riding a horse to get better acceleration and build up more speed. The type of lance this datapack introduces is the Jousting lance.
Lances have the exact same Attack Damage as a normal sword. Though are way slower than one. Having 1 Attack Speed. 0.6 Lower than a normal sword. So using this weapon in normal combat is not your best choice. But the debuffs it has it makes up in its most important trait. Acceleration & speed build up. Lances deal more damage depending on how much you sprint for. Jump sprinting and walking will not work. The more you sprint the more damage you'll deal. Which goes in 5 stages. To move on to the next stage you need to run at least 5 blocks increasing each stage. In every stage your lance will deal 33% more damage. With the max damage you can reach 100% more damage. Basically doubling your damage.
Accelerating II - Sprinting in a straight direction grants more damage as you accelerate
Two Handed I - Drastically reduces attack speed when holding a shield
- Having to run to accelerate does prevent you from doing critical hits. So you can't do 100% more damage and have the 50% damage buff from the critical hit. Making accelerating not worth it if you are not going for 66% damage and above
- Lances are used on horses to have faster acceleration. Which is an extra reason to have a horse. [​CURRENTLY DOESN'T WORK WITH HORSES AND VEHICLES]
- Professional Jouster - mold a lance
- Ready. - Reach 33% acceleration boost.
- Set.. - Reach 66% acceleration boost.
- Charge! - Land a hit using a lance with max acceleration boost
Rapiers are somewhat long swords that have alot of different versions of that same weapon. Used by alot of factions. And have many different fighting styles depending on its type. Like slashing, Thrusting and such. The one this datapack adds is the Fencing Rapier.
Fencing rapiers have a narrow thrusting blade. If you can even call it a blade? as it doesn't have sharp edges and its only way of properly damage is the pointy edge at the end of it. Being narrow makes this blade easy to carry. Increasing the attack speed of it to 2 Attack Speed. 0.4 more than a nomral sword. Though, Not having an edge and being this thin does debuff it. And reduces its critical damage output by 60%, That's -60% critical hit damage. (the critical damage boost is turned into 20% more damage)
Flexible II - Reduces critical hit damage
- No noted trivia -
Fencing Career - mold a rapier
Katanas are Japanese swords designed to be an extremely sharp and lethal weapons. a Legend has it that a fine well-made katana is folded a thousand times! Which is not true but you get the point :3 (it is folded around 13-30 times if you care to know. Which is still impressive).
Katanas are essentially normal minecraft swords. But due to being made with big amounts of metal. They are slightly heavier. Having the attack speed be 1.4 Attack Speed. Though, Being that sharp and robust of a weapon grants it more critical hit damage. 60% critical hit damage to be exact. (the critical hit boost damage is turned from 50% to 80%)
Lethal II - Grants more critical hit damage
Two Handed I - Drastically reduces attack speed when holding a shield
- no noted trivia -
Quite the Samurai - mold a katana
War hammers are very ancient yet effective weapons that were mostly used for infantry, But also works for cavalry. It is extremely powerful for a mostly one handed weapon. One of their specialties is their armor piercing and breaking properties. War hammers have proven across the years of use to be very effective against armored foes. Great to use overall.
War Hammers are as powerful as a normal axe. Same attack speed as well. Though, Being very effective at piercing stuff. War Hammers deal more damage to your armor's durability depending on how much damage you do. Which could break the enemy's armor real quick. As well as draining shields durability. a viable choice for sure.
Denting II - Tears enemy's armor durability
Crusher I - Demolishes shields durability
- War Hammers are a very good choice for early game fights. When using shields and low durability armor. As it's good at countering both of those.
Smash n' Bash - mold a war hammer
The LongBow is one of the most simple bows out there. Was used alot in the medieval era. Unlike a casual bow. LongBows are somewhat more flat than recurved. Allowing it to shoot arrows way further than a normal bow would. At the cost of some of the acceleration of the arrow shot. a Fair Bargain.
LongBows as the name suggests. Have a way longer projectile traveling distance. Making Arrows shot by it travel 50% further than a normal bow. Of course at the cost of losing -10% of the overall damage. Longbows can be hard to aim with if not used to it. Especially that the way minecraft works. It is hard polishing this bow due to how weird arrows motion works. So forgive if the arrow takes a bit to register. It is true out of my hand :P
- Longbows do not have any noted traits -
- Longbows were planned to have slightly longer drawing speed. But an efficient way of doing so doesn't exist. So it was scrapped.
- When you shoot an arrow with a longbow it may seem like it travels like a normal arrow. Because minecraft has problems with registering motion quickly. So don't worry it does travel far its just a visual bug from mc.
Meet the Sniper - Assemble a LongBow
Halberds (or halberts) are poleaxes that specialize in three things. Thrusting, Slashing and hooking. Making them one of the deadliest weapons out there. They're known for their heavy weight and destructive nature. So obviously they're two handed weapons.
Halberds are very slow to swing with. Being 0.3 less than their normal axe counterparts. But highly makes it up in damage and force. Doing +1 Attack Damage than a normal axe. Being somewhat similar to a war hammer in its piercing capabilities. As well as having the ability to greatly damage shields. Halberds are also used as great hooking tools against horse riders. A great weapon overall
Hooking - Landing a critical hit dismounts the target
Denting II - Tears enemy's armor durability
Crusher III - Demolishes shields durability.
Two Handed II - Drastically reduces attack speed when holding a shield
- No noted trivia -
Triple Threat - Mold a Halberd from any material
Sickles are tools which were not mainly used for combat. Though, They served as a very good weapon. Sickles are usually used as an agricultural tool for farming. Therefore was commonly used as a weapon for peasants. But you're not a peasant so you can use them :D
Sickles have very good slashing and cutting capabilities. As well as being a fairly light weapon. Making them a very good weapon for combat. Sickles deal -1 Attack Damage of a normal sword of its kind. While having 2 Attack Speed. A great thing to mention is the Sickle's hooking abilities. As it can dismount an entity from its vehicle when landing a critical hit.
Hooking - Landing a critical hit dismounts the target
- No noted trivia -
Not Quite the Agricultural tool - Obtain a Sickle
As there are weapons, This datapack adds shields. Which have a variety of uses. To kick it off. The way shields work is now slightly different. Each shield has a maximum amount of damage it can withstand before being disabled. With normal vanilla shields capable of withstanding 30 Hearts per shield turn. In other words, When you hold your shield. You are able to block what's equal to 30 hearts of damage. Until it is disabled, Or till you stop blocking and reset your shield. This is displayed in game as: "Max damage per shield turn"
Round Shields
Round Shields are probably one of the oldest shields brought to history. Can be made of wood, Iron, Bronze and Other materials. Certainly one of the best shields for melee combat. Great for quick parrying and blocking, Very light comparing to other shield types and nimble to move with making it a good choice when using heavy weapons.
Round shields essentially act like a normal shield. But has a new thing called "Chance of disability". As those shields have a chance to be disabled by any hit depending on ithe material it is made of. even if it doesn't involve an axe. Though, it also allows you to hold the heaviest of weapons without having a noticeable debuff for your attack speed. Round shields have a max damage of shield turn depending on the material used:
Copper - 6 Hearts. Iron - 9 Hearts. Gold (NOT ADDED YET) - 12 Hearts.
Light II - Avoids Two-Handed Weapons debuffs depending on its level
- No noted trivia -
True Versatility - Mold a Round shield from any material
Heater Shield
Heater shields are a truly robust shield when comparing its weight with other equally strong shields. Heater shields are the better version of a kite shield (That's why kite shields weren't added). While not as lightweight as a round shield. It is still considered a fairly light shield, Can be used by Footmen, Knights and cavalry. Heater shields have a max damage of shield turn depending on the material used:
Copper - 15 Hearts. Iron - 20 Hearts. Gold (NOT ADDED YET) - 25 Hearts.
Heater shields have also a "Chance of disability" stat. Which determines how often a shield gets disabled by any hit. Having a much lower chance comparing to lighter shields. But also still maintain the ability to slightly make it easier to hold two handed weapons. Some two-handed weapons will have no noticeable debuffs with this shield.
Light I - Avoids Two-Handed Weapons debuffs depending on its level
- No noted trivia -
Knightly Figure - Mold a Heater shield from any material
There are some items in the datapack which are not directly used in combat. But used as crafting materials for weapons/armor. For example, The plates and heavy plates. Both of their recipes can be found at the gallery section.
Important Notes:
Due to my extreme lack of time as mentioned at the start. Updating any datapack I own is usually at a slow pace. So please have patience :3
Bugs are common occurrences that you will have to face. So PLEASE if you find any bug report it at the comments or preferably at my discord server because I read those often. Here is it if you didn't get it from above:
Running the command [/function wep:admin/debug_menu] wiill open a small window that'll help you troubleshoot or uninstall the datapack. As well as other things.**
The debug menu contains a feature called trait addition. It allows you to add any trait of your choice onto the item you are holding. Useful for customization in servers.
Any version/update of the datapack has a minecraft version listed with it. This version is the Recommended version to use. But it doesn't necceserily mean it is unusable otherwise. Though, Any bugs encountered in the non-recommended versions will not be looked into. If you need help determining if it could work on older versions. Contact me through discord.
And We're done, Cheers!