Additional Attributes

Additional Attributes


Adds additional attributes to the game

Client and server Game Mechanics

Created4 months ago
Updateda month ago

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Enchantment Attributes

  • Looting (additional_attributes:looting)
  • Respiration (additional_attributes:respiration)
  • Fishing Lure (additional_attributes:fishing_lure)
  • Fishing Luck (additional_attributes:fishing_lure)

The base value for these is the enchantment value which gets checked

  • Meaning there won't be any benefits using multiply_base / multiply_total if you don't have the enchantment
  • addition will be affected by multiply_total

Harvest Attribute

Can be used to increase the amount of harvested items

  • ID is additional_attributes:harvest
  • addition of 1 means one additional crop (not seed)
  • The base value is the initial harvested amount

Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks

Added attributes to increase (or lower) spell levels

  • General attribute (meaning all spells) (additional_attributes:spell_general)
  • Attribute for each school type (additional_attributes:spell_school_<...>) (e.g. additional_attributes:spell_school_fire)
  • Attribute for each spell type (additional_attributes:spell_type_<...>) (e.g. additional_attributes:spell_type_shockwave)

How it works:

  • The base value of these attributes is the level of the spell being used - meaning multiply_base will always have an effect
  • Spells with a maximum level of 1 won't have their spell level increased, since there usually is no reason to do so (level increase can be enabled through the server config)
  • The three attribute types function as one - their modifiers are gathered together before calculation
  • There is no rounding - meaning a spell level of 1.75 will result in 1
  • If the spell level reaches 0 (due to negative modifiers) the spell cannot be cast

Added an attribute to potentially not use up a scroll

  • ID is additional_attributes:keep_scroll
  • Value between 0 (0% chance) and 1 (100% chance)
  • Using multiply_base will have no effect since the base value is 0
  • Using multiply_total without prior addition will also have no effect


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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID