I think the update name explains everything. Well, pretty much. Thing is, I actually broke MCreator's limitations and wrote a custom GUI machine! Actually, two of them! All of that is for oil processing. First of all, we liquify coal or charcoal into Oil (or, if more specifically, Crude Oil) with the new Oil Liquifactor machine. Then, we heat up that Oil into Hot Oil with a pretty easy to make Oil Boiler (aka Heater) (just the Steel Boiler, filed down a bit and with a Copper Pipe added). After that, we get to the two stars of the show: the Oil Refinery and Fractioning Tower. Thing is, we first put our Hot Oil cells into the Oil Refinery. Dont forget to put a single Hydrogen Generator (not consumed) into the bottom left slot. Then, it gets turned into 1 Carbon Dust, 3 Ethylene Cells, 5 Fuel Cells (more on that later), and a single Benzene Cell. Currently the latter two are not very useful. But did I say more on Fuel Cells? Well, I did, and thats where the second machine comes into play: the Fractioning Tower. You do the same thing as the Oil Refinery, except you put in 6 Fuel Cells (you still need to put the Hydrogen Generator in there, and no, its still not consumed!), and you get the following outputs: 3 cells of Diesel, 2 cells of Kerosene and a single cell of Benzene. Yes, currently all of those oil-specific products are not used, but they will be used in the next update, where they will be used in the next tier of machines, and probably for other things.
Added some stuff: Advanced ore processor! A recipe for silk touch books (with the advanced ore processor, which IS strange, but oh well). Better ore processing with the advanced ore processor Added nitric acid (mainly for the Advanced ore processor right now). Added tungstensteel, alongside with tools and ARMOR out of it (yes, first modded armor!). And more! Try to find it all.
Added some stuff: first of all, we have Mica. You get Mica from Lepidolite, and you turn Mica into Fluorine. So no, it isnt direct Lepidolite to Fluorine now, you first have to process it into Mica, then into Fluorine. Dont worry, the yield is the same, except Mica is also useful for other things: capacitors! I also added advanced circuits (also known as MV circuits) to the game, along with Silicon Microchips and Diodes. We also have Carbon Resistors (yes, I added Carbon in this update), and its frickin' amazing.
Added: CARBON! First EASTER EGG! Try to find it without JEI or the internet!
hint: you need to beat three bosses for it
Silicon! Mica! Non RC-only uses for (most) plastics! (PVC still missing a use though, probably will use it for pipes since thats its main real-life purpose so why not)
Added tons of stuff. First of all, I completely wiped the textures and finally organized stuff. So now, its not "ydrogen_enerator", its "hydrogen_generator" for the texture (as an example, thats one of the many, MANY "bad" textures). The reason for that wonkiness is that Minecraft REALLY does not like uppercase letters in texture names, so MCreator just vanished them completely, instead of turning them into lowercase letters. Then, there is finally a use for the Hydrogen Generator and the Basic Circuit Board. But that is spoilers! I also added 3 plastic types: Polyethylene, PVC and PTFE (aka Teflon). They arent used yet, but they are going to be used later, dont worry. For circuits and stuff. I added a new ore vein: the Salt-Lepidolite ore vein. I havent added ore veins in a while, so adding a new one is nice, especially since you need Lepidolite to get Fluorine (thus for PTFE/Teflon) and Salt is for cooking and Chlorine (PVC), which, while Salt was possible to make before (although painful to), its the only way to get Lepidolite, so yeah. Added a few machines. COMPLETELY got rid of legacy GregTech textures for rods, bolts and screws! Now I have completely unique, custom textures for those. NOTE: Basic machine tier age (also known as the LV age) is still WIP! Anyways, there is more stuff out there, you can find it all out yourself.
A few pieces of an incoming new update: 1.1.6 Alpha. New pieces of content: Basic Circuits and circuit boards! Electronic components: Capacitors, Resistors, Vacuum Tubes! Aluminium! Changed: Most textures are now big, like machine textures (before they were small hexagonal machines, now they are big pseudo-hexagonal machines that for some reason kinda look like a gem (eg. Emerald)). Changed a lot of placeholder textures like the Steel Rotor. WARNING: the Coal Coke disks were removed, it is HIGHLY reccomended to uncraft Coal Coke Disks back into Coal Coke before updating, or else those Disks will DISSAPEAR! The reason for this is because I couldnt make a nice proper texture for this item thats not a picture drawn in MS Paint.
Its out! Finally! Bug fixes: Fixed that Wrought Iron Plates where not able to be made with a Forge Hammer. New: Added a Wire Cutter Added an Empty Cell, Hydrogen Cell and an Oxygen Cell (will be expanded later with things like Chlorine!) Added the first ELECTRIC machine: the Basic Electrolyzer Added a Dobule Hydrogen Cell (crafting component) and a Hydrogen Generator (uses the Double Hydrogen Cell in its recipe) (the Hydrogen Generator is still not used, but it will be used in a later update!) Added Copper and Gold Wires (uses the Wire Cutter, and is needed for machines like the Basic Electrolyzer) Added an Integrated Circuit (pretty cheap, and just like in GregTech, its used to select the recipe you want when there is more than one recipe with the same ingredients) Added a Steel Rotor (to be used)
Bug fixes: Fixed Copper Ingots displaying as "Copper"; Fixed textures being too small (applied to Pipe Bender and Copper Pipe, and probably something else, I dont remember).
Added: Small cooking system; Steel machines (currently only a boiler and a distillery, second one currently only used for evaporating Water for Salt); Salt (for cooking, and, later also Chlorine or Sodium); Rock (used to scramble eggs); Scrambled Egg; Cooking Pan (no, its only for cooking, its useless as a weapon); Cooked Egg (restores 2 hunger bars, 12 saturation bars); Steel Fluid Container (crafting component); Steel Casing, Rod, Bolt and Screws (all are also crafting components).
Actually added to Modrinth now! And also: MORE steam machines! Better steam machine recipes! New handheld tool: the pipe bender: its used for copper pipes, a new component that is required for bronze boilers. Bronze boilers where added and are now a part of every single steam machine, because they are pretty good for them.