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Armor Trims

Armor Trims allows you to decorate your armor with gems and ores (and dusts and crushed ores and whatever else you define in the config).

When you open the GUI, you may see something like this:
Smithing GUI featuring base input slot, additional input/template input slot, material input slot, and output slot. There is also an armor stand.
If you don't see the third slot at first, don't panic. That's by design. It will only appear once you have placed a smithing template in the second slot.
This doesn't change how default recipes work. They will still work like regular recipes, except for netherite recipes, which are disabled (by default, but can be re-enabled in the config).

This mod will of course allow you to trim your armor for everyone to see! Steve from Minecraft wearing the armor from the mod's logo: Emerald on Iron.

I didn't just stop there though. I also made it so that the trim will also render on the item! From Left to Right: Turtle Shell Helmet trimmed with Redstone, Netherite Chestplate trimmed with Mana Diamond (from Botania), Gold Leggings trimmed with Lapis Lazuli, and Leather Boots trimmed with Nether Quartz. This is the survivor's toolkit. This text that almost no-one will see (unless they use inspect element or actually need a screen reader) is also very long.

Notice: This mod will later be getting ported to 1.16.5 and then Fabric (if I can figure it out)! Please don't ask for it!
Due to the nature of the mod, this mod will NOT be updating to 1.20!

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID