


A Quilt mod that switches boat velocity. Boats are now faster on land than in water.

Client and server CursedGame MechanicsTransportation

Created7 months ago
Updated7 months ago

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Ashore (Quilt)

Ashore is a Minecraft mod developed for the Quilt Loader. This mod switches boat velocity, making them slower on water and faster on land.

Mod Requirements


  • I've got another mod that changes boat behavior, is this compatible?
    • Ashore has only been tested with a few other boat related mods. Of those tested, all have been compatible. That being said, there may be incompatibilities we don't know of.
  • How does block slipperness affect this mod?
    • Ashore uses the higher value of 0.9F or landFriction. This should result in the same speed as vanilla for slippery vanilla blocks (e.g Blue Ice).
  • Is this compatible with Fabric Loader?
    • No, updated versions are made for Quilt Loader.
      • There is some older versions that are compatible with Fabric Loader, and are tagged with Fabric on the versions page, but they will not be updated.
    • I would recommend trying out Quilt Loader, as it's mostly a drop-in replacement for Fabric Loader - even mods that are only tagged as Fabric most likely will work with Quilt with QFAPI (bundled with QSL) replacing Fabric API.
  • Why is this Quilt Loader exclusive?
    • This helps me streamline the development process, making testing easier and no longer having to test multiple mod loaders, this will allow me to focus more on making higher-quality mods for the modloader I actually use.
  • Is this compatible with Forge?
    • No. However, other developers are free to port this mod, as long as they adhere to the conditions of the LGPL-3.0-or-later license.
  • Can I use this in a modpack or video?
    • Yes, you can use this mod in modpacks or videos.
  • Will you port this mod to 1.x.x?
    • I am unlikely to port to specific versions, as this mod was made for fun. However, other developers are free to port this mod, as long as they adhere to the conditions of the LGPL-3.0-or-later license.

Known Compatible Mods

These mods have been tested using Ashore 1.0.0, Quilt Loader 0.21.1-beta.2, and Minecraft 1.20.2.
This list is NOT a complete list of all known boat mods.

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID