In this version:
- Update mod & dependencies to 1.19.4
- Implement dependency on Cardinal Components which allows for Chorus Link world locations to be persisted between play sessions. This means when you load into the game, even Chorus Links ~10,000 blocks away will still be efficiently found & selected for usage.
- Revisit config, new fields are:
- baseChorusFruitLinkRadius - The effective radius of a Chorus Fruit when searching for the nearest Chorus Link
- goldenChorusFruitRadiusMultiplier - The effective radius multiplier of a Golden Chorus Fruit. Use -1 for inf radius
- enchantGoldenChorusFruitRadiusMultiplier - The effective radius multiplier of an Enchanted Golden Chorus Fruit. Use -1 for inf radius
- enableEnchantedInterDimensionTeleport - If 'true', the Enchanted Golden Chorus Fruit is able to teleport players inter-dimensionally
- enableRedstonePowerDeselection - If 'true', Chorus Links will not be chosen for teleportation if strongly powered by Redstone
- enableObstructionReselection - If 'true', the next closest Chorus Link is chosen in cases of the first being obstructed (Else default teleport)
- Improved (?) side texture to resemble chiseled Chorus Fruit
- Changed Chorus Link crafting recipe to 8 Purpur Blocks & 1 Golden Chorus Fruit instead of 8 Purpur Blocks & 1 Netherite Ingot
In this release:
- Enchanted Golden Chorus Fruit now yields 9 uses
- Fixed bug where Golden Chorus Fruits would decrement Stack counts in Creative mode
- Fixed bug where Enchanted Golden Chorus Fruit took damage while in Creative mode
- Fixed Golden Chorus Fruit & Enchanted Golden Chorus Fruit not giving hunger haunches when eaten