Cobblemon KO Shiny
ArchivedIncrease your chances of getting a shiny Pokemon by KOing wild versions of it!
Minecraft: Java Edition
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This project is now part of Cobblemon Unchained!
This mod will only receive bug fixes going forward. Cobblemon Unchained makes it so that this mod and a handful of others I made surrounding Pokémon spawning could play well together.
KO Shiny
Increase your chances of getting a shiny Pokemon by KOing wild versions of it!
Defeat Streak
Whenever a player defeats a wild Pokémon, a counter associated with that Pokémon’s species is increased for that player. This counter is never reset, and persists throughout the life of the player on that world.
Bonus Shiny Chance
As a player’s wild Pokémon KO counter increases, any Pokémon of that counter’s species that spawns nearby will gain a higher chance of becoming shiny. The chances are organized by thresholds; when a player’s KO counter becomes high enough, they unlock additional chances. When there are multiple players nearby who have unlocked a threshold for the spawning Pokémon’s species, the player with the highest unlocked threshold will add their chances.
In the config, you can change the range at which a Pokémon considers a player’s count when spawning. By default it’s 64 blocks. You can also configure the thresholds, which by default are at a count of 101+ you get 2 chances, 301+ you get 3, and 501+ you get 4. If there isn’t a player nearby who has achieved a threshold, there’s just 1 chance. The other side of the chance is determined by the shinyRate
in the Cobblemon config, which is 8196 by default.
Cobblemon Modrinth / CurseForge
Fabric Language Kotlin Modrinth / CurseForge
Cloth Config Modrinth / CurseForge