Minecraft: Java Edition
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Cobbled Studios Organization
Veraxiel -Art Director-

Myslippy -Content Director-
Hiroku -Studio Director-

Torchmarrow Animation Lead
gingledoof0 Animator

Glitch_Ratt Animator

QriviateA Animator

Rogerregoat Animator

Strawberr1Milkshake Animator
EikoBiko Artist
dhi_holo Block Modeler

addy_bromide Builder

Azooreh Builder

drewlordybuilds Builder
Dynamite2pt0 Builder
Mallowu Builder

Mallowuu Builder
MJB-coolness Builder

nickaholic Builder

SamIr0n Builder
SamyTheGil Builder

Valirus Builder
whoisvoxel Builder

Jakotens Character Design Lead

mvthwus Character Designer

Wi2tert Character Designer

giodude1580 Concept Artist

Carmendarr Engineer

FrankTheFarmer Engineer

Genotype Engineer

Kenji_64 Engineer

RedGenesectNinja Engineer

Tyzillion Engineer

konohadaze Game Designer

Sarge54125 Game Designer
SPGesus Game Designer
TheFourthFate Game Designer
HexeChroma Game Designer / Writer

Hysako_ GUI Artist

virtuositas Marketing Lead

BlazingBRO Modeler

boyfriends Modeler
JoeSeff Modeler

maashous Modeler

Reisen Modeler

Gesteyy Modeler / Animator

HeavenlyPiers Modeler / Animator

KleeHubertus Modeler / Animator
TotallyNotAHobo Modeler / Animator
Brotatsun64 Modeling Manager

AmoAsterVT Programmer

Apion Programmer

BlackSpirit Programmer

Charzard4261 Programmer

complacentdev Programmer

Erusel Programmer

JPAKx4 Programmer
MoeBoy76 Programmer

negocio Programmer

NickImpact Programmer

plastered_crab Programmer
Waldleufer Programmer

whatsy Programmer
Sterrezo Sound Design Lead / Composer

Bwavii Trainer Modeler
321retrogamer VFX Designer

DoctorWafflePhD VFX Designer

JadedTeal VFX Designer
lilpebs Web Developer

duckyquackington1 Wiki Writer
Licensed MPL-2.0
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 months ago
1.6.0 - The Record Catch Update (December 25th, 2024)
"Now that there's a fishing mechanic, the mod is actually good!"
- Added the Pokédex as a craftable item that can be placed on lecterns.
- Added Pokémon (and item) fishing using modified fishing rods - Poké Rods! You'll need a Poké Rod smithing template, a fishing rod, and some type of Poké Ball. Each Poké Ball makes a differently themed rod because it's cool.
- Added Lure Ball functionality, increasing the catch rate of Pokémon that were caught on a fishing rod.
- Added Repeat Ball functionality, increasing the catch rate of Pokémon that are already registered as caught in a player's Pokédex.
- Added flat level battling with options to set all Pokémon to level 50, 100, or 5 for the duration of a battle. No experience or EVs are granted for a flat battle.
- Added support for Double Battles, Triple Battles, and Multi-battles.
- Added raft platforms for non-swimming, non-flying Pokémon to stand on during battles that take place on the water's surface (Flying Pokémon will fly over water in battle, and water breathing Pokémon will swim in water during battle).
- Added smarter send-out positions for Pokémon in battle. They should get in your way less!
- CriticalCaptures and Pokédex progress capture multiplier now work with the Pokédex.
- Added shiny Pokémon particle effects and sounds to help find them.
- Added effects for the burn status effect.
- Added effects for the moves: Seismic Toss, Withdraw, Bite, Crunch, Super Fang, Hyper Fang, Pursuit, Mist, Haze, Lick, Kinesis, Psychic, Water Sport, and Mud Sport.
- Added extra visuals to early berry growth stages.
- Added Polished Tumblestone and Tumblestone Brick block sets from Tumblestone, Black Tumblestone, and Sky Tumblestone.
- Moves impacted by the abilities Pixelate, Refrigerate, Aerilate, Galvanize, and Normalize now display as their altered typing.
- Added Fire, Water, Thunder, Leaf, Ice, Sun, Moon, Shiny, Dawn, and Dusk Stone storage blocks.
- Added Eject Pack, Metronome, Protective Pads, Punching Glove, Room Service, Scope Lens, Shed Shell, Terrain Extender, Throat Spray, Utility Umbrella, Wide Lens, and Zoom Lens held items.
- Added a full evolution particle effect for Pokémon that are sent out when evolution is started.
- Added a Nurse profession that can be unlocked by having villagers claim a healing machine block.
- Pokémon are now animated when seen in any GUI that isn't the party GUI.
- Added animation and sounds for trading.
- Added icons for pending trade, team-up, and battle requests from other players.
- Quirk animations can now occur for Pokémon that are shoulder mounted.
- Added new sounds for Poké Balls bouncing off of Pokémon and landing on the ground during capture.
- Added a unique set of sounds for Ancient Poké Balls.
- Added a sound for using Exp Candy and Rare Candy items.
- Added revamped Poké Ball animation for Pokémon breaking out.
- Added battle log messages for switching out Pokémon.
- Added config setting
to control what and when is displayed for the pokemon label. - Added
options to the/spawnpokemon
command. - Added
option to Pokémon properties, allowing you to set the moves of a Pokémon in commands and spawn files using comma-separated move names. - Added a
block state property for the healing machine block; when property is set to true, the block will have a different texture and drop an iron ingot instead of itself. - Added a
gamerule to make players invulnerable to any damage during a battle. - Added a
gamerule to exclude players from being targeted by mobs during a battle. - Added a
command to pause a Pokémon's animation at a specific point in time. - Added
commands. - Added
option to/spawnpokemon
commands, allowing the Pokémon's ability to be reverted to a normal ability. - Added
PokemonProperty arguments (which also includes commands such as/pokemonedit
, and/givepokemon
) to allow forcing or un-forcing an aspect on a Pokémon. - Added
PokemonProperty argument, this is only used for filtering and is not applied to Pokémon. Exampletype=fire
would be true for Charmander but false for Squirtle.
Structures Added
- Fishing boat structure that contain an Explorer Map leading to a shipwreck cove and a Poké Rod Smithing Template.
- Stonjourner Henge Ruins, Luna Henge Ruins, and Sol Henge Ruins.
- Submerged Shipwreck Cove and Lush Shipwreck Cove.
- Pokémon Centers to all 5 village types.
Pokémon Added
Gen 1
- Alola Bias Cubone (built-in resource pack)
- Alolan Marowak
Gen 2
- Ledyba
- Ledian
- Sunkern
- Sunflora
- Wobbuffet
- Girafarig
- Corsola
- Remoraid
- Octillery
- Mantine
- Smeargle
- Delibird
Gen 3
- Slakoth
- Vigoroth
- Slaking
- Corphish
- Crawdaunt
- Feebas
- Milotic
- Wynaut
- Absol
- Spheal
- Sealeo
- Walrein
- Bagon
- Shelgon
- Salamence
- Kecleon
Gen 4
- Mantyke
- Finneon
- Lumineon
- Shellos
- Gastrodon
- Rotom
Gen 5
- Purrloin
- Liepard
- Scraggy
- Scrafty
Gen 6
- Clauncher
- Clawitzer
Gen 7
- Pikipek
- Trumbeak
- Toucannon
- Mareanie
- Toxapex
- Sandygast
- Palossand
- Bruxish
Gen 8
- Cramorant
- Hatenna
- Hattrem
- Hatterene
- Pincurchin
Gen 9
- Wattrel
- Kilowattrel
- Wiglett
- Wugtrio
- Flamigo
- Veluza
- Farigiraf
- Klawf
- Finizen
- Palafin
- Dondozo
Unique Forms
- Magikarp Jump variants for Magikarp
- Magikarp Jump variants for Gyarados (built-in resource pack - enabled by default on Fabric)
Added cries to the following Pokémon
- Sandshrew, Sandslash
- Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone
- Gastly, Haunter, Gengar
- Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior
- Happiny, Chansey
- Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra
- Magby, Magmar, Magmortar
- Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z
- Sentret, Furret
- Misdreavus, Mismagius
- Corsola
- Mantyke, Mantine
- Girafarig, Farigiraf
- Wynaut, Wobbuffet
- Lunatone
- Solrock
- Corphish, Crawdaunt
- Feebas, Milotic
- Kecleon
- Absol
- Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein
- Relicanth
- Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence
- Munchlax
- Finneon, Lumineon
- Purrloin, Liepard
- Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr
- Joltik, Galvantula
- Elgyem, Beheeyem
- Golett, Golurk
- Deino, Zweilous, Hydreigon
- Flabébé, Floette, Florges
- Clauncher, Clawitzer
- Mareanie, Toxapex
- Wimpod, Golisopod
- Bruxish
- Hatenna, Hattrem, Hatterene
- Pincurchin
- Klawf
- Finizen, Palafin [Zero], Palafin [Hero]
- Dondozo
Added shoulder mounts for the following Pokémon
- Weedle
- Caterpie
- Spearow
- Mew
- Murkrow
- Smoochum
- Larvitar
- Tailow
- Plusle
- Minun
- Beldum
- Starly
- Buneary
- Combee
- Pachirisu
- Tepig
- Pidove
- Petilil, Hisui Bias Petilil
- Zorua, Hisui Bias Zorua
- Elgyem
- Fletchling
- Skrelp
- Klefki
- Litten
- Fomantis
- Morelull
- Dreepy
- Sprigatito
- Shroodle
- Tatsugiri
- Glimmet
- Gimmighoul [Roaming]
Animation updates for the following Pokémon
- Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel
- Shellder, Cloyster
- Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z
- Furret
- Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine
- Skarmory
- Tyrogue
- Spinda
- Torkoal
- Nincada, Ninjask
- Lunatone
- Solrock
- Buneary, Lopunny
- Magnezone
- Alomomola
- Tepig, Pignite, Emboar
- Flabebe, Floette, Florges
- Litten, Torracat, Incineroar
- Fomantis, Lurantis
- Dreepy, Drakloak
- Kleavor
- Scorbunny
- Gimmighoul [Roaming]
Model updates for the following Pokémon
- Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur
- Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard
- Caterpie
- Kakuna, Beedrill
- Lapras
- Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z
- Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff
- Poliwhirl, Poliwrath
- Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel
- Shellder, Cloyster
- Gastly, Haunter
- Onix
- Krabby, Kingler
- Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior
- Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra
- Goldeen, Seaking
- Magby, Magmar, Magmortar
- Magikarp, Gyarados
- Munchlax, Snorlax
- Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine
- Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert
- Baltoy, Claydol
- Carvanha
- Relicanth
- Prinplup, Empoleon
- Gible, Gabite, Garchomp
- Riolu, Lucario
- Snivy, Servine, Serperior
- Tepig, Pignite, Emboar
- Krookodile
- Dwebble, Crustle
- Joltik, Galvantula
- Klink, Klang, Klinglang
- Golett, Golurk
- Fennekin, Braixen, Delphox
- Phantump, Trevenant
- Litten, Torracat, Incineroar
- Popplio, Brionne, Primarina
- Mudbray
- Lurantis
- Scorbunny, Cinderace
- Quaxly
- Skeledirge
- Tatsugiri
- Buffed Dusk Ball catch multipliers: Increased multiplier to 3.5 (from 3.0) in light level 0. Increased multiplier to 3.0 (from 1.5) in light levels 1-7.
- Altered the item model for Medicinal Leeks and Roasted Leeks to be held like sticks and other rod items.
- Adjusted some berry balance values like yield and growth times.
- Adjusted volumes of sounds made by Display Cases, Berry Bushes, Energy Root, Medicinal Leek, Vivichoke, Mints, Revival Herbs and Gilded Chests.
- Changes to mulch buffs/durations.
- Updated potion sprites.
- Changed Link Cable recipe to be much cheaper.
- Updated sounds for Medicinal Leeks, Big Roots, Energy Roots and Revival Herbs.
- Updated UI sounds for clicking and evolving Pokémon.
- Updated cries for Chansey, Crobat, Hoothoot, Noctowl.
- Removed the interchangeable evolution results for the first stage Hisuian starters to prevent confusion. The method still exists for stage 2 to 3, but stage 1 to 2 was not distinguishable enough for many users.
- Vivillon wings will stop being clear when you remove any Vivillon related resourcepacks. The default pattern will be the meadow wings.
- Wild Pokémon interaction range increased to 12 blocks (from 10 blocks).
- Player trade range increased to 12 blocks (from 10 blocks).
- PvP battle range increased to 32 blocks (from 10 blocks).
- Spectate range increased to 64 blocks (from 10 blocks).
- The inventory key now closes our GUIs if they are open, mirroring how Minecraft screens usually work.
- The noise from the pasture and PC blocks being interacted with now activates Sculk sensors.
- Updated dialogue GUI assets with proper assets not made by a programmer. Well, it was still a programmer, but- someone who can also draw!
- Updated party switching interface when in battle.
- Relic coin pouches can now be waterlogged.
- The "Press R to start battle prompt" will now disappear after a player's first battle has been won. You've probably figured that detail out by then.
- The default number of digits for the Pokédex number in the summary has been increased, from 3 to 4. There sure are a lot of Pokémon these days.
- The pasture block model's screen is now off by default.
- The Poké Balls creative tab is now named Utility Items as it also encompasses Poké Rod and Pokédex items.
- Moves can now be benched without specifying a replacement move, allowing for empty move slots.
- Moves learned via Sketch now persist after battle.
- Hidden Power now displays its effective typing.
- Updated particles for moves: Confusion, Protect, Sand Attack, and Quick Attack.
- Updated particles for status effects: Paralysis, Poison, and Sleep.
- Updated particles on Gastly.
- Revamped stat buff and de-buff particles.
- Improved the performance of display cases that contain Pokémon photos.
- Updated sounds for Poké Balls closing, opening and for Pokémon breaking out.
- Improved the performance of display cases that contain Pokémon Model items.
- Removed species Base Stats from the summary interface as it is now viewable within the Pokédex.
- Changed summary tab text labels to icons. You'll get used to them. Or else.
- Clicking the summary interface exit button while the swap moves or evolve screen is open will cause the interface to switch back to the party screen. The button will exit the interface otherwise.
- Ancient Poke Balls now jump once rather than shaking 3 times when capturing Pokémon.
- The jump height indicate the number of shakes that would have occurred.
- A high wobbly jump indicates 1 shake.
- A high jump indicates 2 shakes.
- A medium jump indicates 3 shakes.
- A short jump indicates that you caught the Pokémon.
- The jump height indicate the number of shakes that would have occurred.
- Pokémon sent out during battle will spawn facing their opponent.
- Pokémon sent out outside a battle will spawn facing their trainer.
- Wailord is now 25% bigger. ... But I have an idea.
- Region-biased Pokémon forms are now optional to a built-in resource pack. This pack is enabled by default for Fabric. For NeoForge users, all our built-in resource packs default to disabled because that's all it supports right now.
- Update item sprites for Cell Battery, Chipped Pot, Covert Cloak, Cracked Pot, Masterpiece Teacup, Red Card, Sachet, and Unremarkable Teacup.
- Fixed Ability Patches not reverting Hidden Abilities back to Normal Abilities.
- Fixed awarding Pokémon experience upon forfeiting battles.
- Scaled down Amaura's fetus model to avoid clipping through the tank while animating.
- Fixed Cubone's cry not having a sound (as if that Pokémon needed to be more tragic).
- Fixed the sendout sound erroneously playing when a wild Pokémon breaks out of a Poké ball.
- Flamethrower is no longer missing sounds.
- Fixed the Seafloor spawning context not being a usable context.
- Fixed Pokemon spawning in non-full blocks like slabs.
- Fixed Gilded Chests not dropping the chest itself when broken, only the contents.
- Fixed Pokémon losing their Hidden Ability through evolution if the middle stage did not have a Hidden Ability.
- Hidden Power no longer plays the water type action effect (It now plays the normal type action effect).
- Fixed Crumbling Arch structures not blending in with the world.
- Fixed Energy Root being usable on a fainted Pokémon.
- Fixed Pokémon not being sent out when starting a battle while recalling said Pokémon.
- Fixed species comparison not using namespace for both sides in
. - Fixed
prefixing nicknames with a '$'. - Fixed shearable Pokémon not dropping correct wool colors.
- Fixed pasture spawning Pokémon inside solid blocks when closest spawning position is blocked off.
- Fixed Tumbling Down advancement not being granted by tumblestone variants.
- Improve error handling when loading spawn sets to ensure invalid configurations don't crash the server.
- Fixed empty
files resulting in players being unable to join server/world. - Sound for evolving Pokémon through the Summary Menu is now correctly playing again.
- Fix Starter prompt not showing up.
- Fixed owned Poké balls floating upwards if pausing the game mid-transition (which looked absolutely hilarious).
- Fixed all mouse buttons working for Battle UI navigation (now it's only primary/left click).
- Fixed trading Pokémon setting their friendship to 0 instead of the base value.
- Fixed a scenario where a Pokémon that rolled to spawn with a special Tera type sometimes having a Tera type that is already a part of their natural typing.
- Fixed PokemonProperty argument suggestions for
not suggestingstellar
. - Fixed being able to stack Relic Coin Pouches on top of each other.
- Fixed model loader generating misleading crash-reports when client is crashing - that resurrection tank error wasn't our fault! We're innocent, your honour!
- Big Roots and Energy Roots now share the same sounds as intended.
- Fixed sounds made by blocks playing at a lower pitch than intended.
- Fixed Chimchar and Monferno comically T posing whenever they sleep.
- Fixed Cetitan's cry breaking its walk and sleep animations.
- Fixed the Magby line not having any placeholder walk animations.
- Fixed Duskull and Dusclops using skylight levels for their nether spawn data. There is no sun in the Nether!
- Fixed Hisuian Zoroark using base Zoroark stats.
- Fixed Bellossom clipping into the player head when shoulder mounted.
- Fixed Shroomish's look range to prevent it from looking higher than it should.
- Fixed Maushold's faint animations not playing. It's even sadder than Tandemaus!
- Fixed Slowking's battle idle.
- Fixed Grafaiai's walk speed to prevent model sliding.
- Fixed Alolan Exeggutor's tail not showing in the party UI. It will now also stand in front of all Pokémon in the party menu :)
- Fixed Timburr duplicating its log while fainting.
- Fixed hitbox sizes for Grotle and Torterra being set to default values.
- Fixed Hisuian Sneasel using Johtonian Sneasel's cry. Johto-nian. Jotonion. Jotunheim?
- Fixed Trevenant T-posing after 8 seconds of sleeping. I also do that.
- Fixed Bewear T-posing for a bit if a wild one faints where you can see.
- Fixed Noctowl's placeholder fly animation.
- Corrected Lotad blinking animation.
- Fixed reviving items causing errors when used in battle.
- Fixed messages for Focus Sash, Confusion, Mummy, Ice Face, Own Tempo, and Revive.
- Improve error handling when loading spawn-sets to ensure invalid configurations don't crash the server.
- Fixed Crumbling Arch Ruins generating a giant cube of air and removed the chest.
- Fixed possible crash on large population servers due to concurrent access of data.
- Quickly sending out and recalling Pokémon now looks smoother and can no longer be spammed to cause desync issues.
- Pokémon are now invulnerable during sendout animation and intangible during recall animation.
- Scrolling with party keybinding now behaves properly when using high scroll speed or scroll sensitivity.
- Fixed battle log GUI flashing when Battle GUI is opened.
- Bag Items used during a turn will now be refunded if the battle ends before the next turn begins.
- Pokémon whose current owner is not its Original Trainer now gain extra experience.
- Fixed Fossil Resurrection advancement not being granted.
- Fixed village generation caps not applying for berry farms. You were not meant to see more than two berry farms per village! This has been broken for ages but no one noticed... Hmmm... We could just remove it from here...
- Fixed the Ice Face ability activation being displayed incorrectly in a battle.
- Fixed edge case of F1 and R locking you in battle with no R functionality (requiring ESC to get out).
- Fixed Poké Ball render orientation in battle interface when capturing.
- Fixed sync issues with recently learned moves where their PP would not go down until you logout and in.
- Fixed some Pokémon photos in display cases flashing if the Pokémon has gender differences.
- Fixed Bidoof and Jigglypuff sleep animations stopping after some time, causing them to be 'asleep' while T-posing menacingly.
- Fixed entities not changing poses unless you're looking at them.
- Fixed cries not playing on send-out if the Pokémon is off-screen.
- Fixed text row selection highlight in battle log.
- Fixed top black border rendering in scroll interfaces in summary UI.
- Fixed aspect tracking for Advancements.
- Fixed illusion not copying aspects or caught ball.
- Prevent summary stats tab from making sounds when clicking on an already open tab.
- Fixed display case not being able to be fed items from underneath.
- Fixed Pokémon battling in water continuously sinking to the bottom.
- Fixed passive healing and wake from faint not disabling when their config values are set to 0.
- Fixed an issue where rebinding the R key to a mouse button prevented players from closing the battle interface using that button.
is now an implementation ofSpawningInfluence
.- Many types related to
including itself now have dedicatedCodec
, please migrate to them from the NBT/JSON/PacketBuffer write/read methods. PokemonBattle
now starts on turn 0.- Renamed Pokemon.hp to Pokemon.maxHealth to make it clearer. Backwards compatibility is provided but it is an active deprecation, please migrate away from it.
- Serialization of PokemonStores and Pokemon themselves now require registry access, which will break some sidemods. This sucked for us more than it will suck for you! If you have a world or player instance, you can get it from there.
now implementsIterable
.- Added
to Pokémon to make it easier to easily add basic aspects to a Pokémon in a way that persists. We already know that everyone is going to overuse this. - Made the
setter private. This could technically break side-mods but if you are affected by this then you were using it wrong! UsePokemon.forcedAspects
to fix it. - Cobblemon's main logger is properly static now.
can be used to disable automatic pose type recalculation.- Added CollectEggEvent and HatchEggEvent for compatibility usage.
- Added events for:
- Showdown Instructions
- Mega Showdown Instruction
- Terastallize Showdown Instruction
- ZPower Showdown Instruction
- Bait Consumed, Bait Set, and an event to register custom BaitEffect Functions
- Bobber Bucket Chosen
- Bobber Spawn Pokémon
- Pokérod Cast
- Pokérod Reel
- Pokémon Heal (with context)
- Added HealingSource, an interface applied to all sources of healing from player actions, for easier tracking of healing sources.
- Move Change
- Shiny Chance Calculation Event (with player context)
- Dex Information Changed (Pre and Post); this event is fired when the Pokédex is updated with new information.
- Rebuilt large swaths of the model animation code to simplify it.
- Renamed a bunch of things from %Poseable% to %Posable% because spelling.
- Renamed StatelessAnimation to PoseAnimation.
- Renamed StatefulAnimation to ActiveAnimation.
- Documented the animation system.
- Allowed for SpawnSnowstormEntityParticleHandler to handle non-posable entities (due to being non-posable, locators are useless - to set the offset use the settings in the particle itself).
- Added property chaining support for duplicate CustomPokemonPropertyType elements.
Data Pack & Resource Pack Creators
- Added experimental
datapack directory for handling events using MoLang event handlers. - Added support for "shedders" similar to Shedinja's evolution logic.
- Fixed the placeholder
animation so the wings are not rotating opposite to each other. - 'player' type dialogue faces can now be explicitly stated so that NPC mods that use fake players can show in dialogue portraits.
- Added
field for dialogue faces. This determines what side of dialogue box the portrait is on. sounds/attacks
directory has been renamed tosounds/move
.- Moves sharing generic sounds now have unique sound events, allowing them to be changed with resource packs.
- All move sound events have been renamed to
for consistency. - Status moves have been moved out of the
directory and split into volatile and nonvolatile.
sound event has been renamed
- Mulch and berry harvesting sound events have been renamed and moved to their respective directories in
. - All sounds related to evolving Pokémon have been moved to the
directory. - Sound events for all blocks now start with
. - Gimmighoul chest and item interaction sounds have been moved to where its cry is.
- Unused sound files and sound events have been removed.
- Poké Ball sounds are now in their animation files, making them more flexible to edit.
- Added MoLang compatibility in the isVisible property for transformed parts.
- Added
function to animations, posers, and entity particle effects. - Added support for conditional pose animations.
- Added a new universal locator called "top".
- Added
Advancement triggers. - Added missing
configuration to theq.look()
function for JSON posers. - Some pose condition names have been changed:
has been changed toisInWaterOrRain
has been changed toisUnderWater
- Updated translations for:
- Czech, German, Greek, Spanish, Mexican Spanish, French, Canadian French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese
- Migrated translation project to Weblate at
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
Game versions
318293Publication date
December 25, 2024 at 12:16 AMPublisher
-Studio Director-