- Changed fireball interactions
- Changed models parent for cage-like blocks
- Changed Plank Design recipe a bit
- Made Dungeon Air produce less particles
- Mob spawning tweaks
- Added LOLCAT translation
- New "Caved Core" track by Velocityraptor for the chilly cavern
- Reintroduced fancy boss bars
- Fixed Apalachia armor effect not preventing damage from falling blocks
- Fixed archers always holding their arms up
- Fixed Epiphite not striking a lightning bolt at the player
- Fixed Fyracryx fireball having a missing texture
- Fixed Kitra crash
- Fixed Living Statue crash
- Fixed Megalith/Frozen Flesh knockback
- Fixed Paratiku kicking out the player
- Fixed Raglok and Quadro models
- Fixed some bows being stackable
- Tweaks to ko_kr.json (Mihile)
- made dungeon air more noticeable
- removed blocks above chests in vethea crypts
- added plank design slabs and stairs
- more tooltip information on bows and arrows
- fixed ayeraco crashing
- fixed item enchantabilities
- fixed wrong mob effect behaviours
- fixed arcana doors
- fixed eggnog crash
- advancement fixes
- 2 new Music Discs and 2 new ambient tracks for iceika from 3DA
- Ported to 1.21.1
- Lamona is now edible
- Seperated bows from arrows and made the arrows universally usable
- Miner will now try mine ores in the world and store them in chests
- More Texture changes by PegasDoggeAM
- Fixed Serenade Striker durability
- Updated the blockstates of pillar-like blocks to match vanilla
- Made vethea inventory swapping experimental setting off by default
To see all 1.20 changes, check here:
- Fixed Bunnies and certain TileEntity blocks causing lag. (Nicusha)
- Fixed the Crypt Keeper using the wrong mob texture. (charleadev)
- Fixed some of the config options so now they should actually work. (charleadev)
- Fixed vethea food tooltips so now they're customizable in the .lang files and have proper spacing. (charleadev)
- Tweaked some of the block textures.
Nobody expected this, yet here we are with an update for the legacy versions of DivineRPG!
The purpose of this update is to polish this old version of the mod for better mod compatibility and customizability and to fix some old bugs present in legacy DivineRPG.
This update contains bug fixes, minor tweaks and new config options.
Some textures have been updated and/or replaced with textures from DivineRPG versions for newer Minecraft versions.
You can read the full changelog here:
- Now cadillions make a sound when preparing to charge
- Various texture improvements/fixes
- Fixed Aquatic Template loot table
- Fixed off-hand bows ignoring enchantments
- Fixed planks & wool not burning
- Fixed Rive arcana spawner merchants not spawning
- Fixed Robbin Nest crash
- Fixed recursive ultra long stems above overhangs and void in Skythern
- Fixed Vethea teleporting to the wrong level
- Moon Buds once again generate in the Wildwood
To see all 1.20 changes, check here:
- Changed groglin and gruzzorlug trading behavior
- Changed the Eye blindness behaviour back to old behaviour
- Converted vane blocks into crying obsidian variations
- Crabs now only spawn below sky
- Foxes no longer able to harvest berries from winterberry plants
- ja_jp tweaks (RyoTagami)
- Health & melee damage tweaks for Iceika mobs
- Kitra is now summonned by right clicking a Calcified Brain block with a liopleurodon skull
- Made frozen peaks more frozen
- Made insulation enchantement reduce freezing universally
- Made the statues smaller
- Now humanoid models (only remodeled ones) actually hold weapons
- Now Snowstorm Bow explosions don't destroy blocks
- Now some ranged weapons deal magic or arcana (same thing) damage
- Ranged weapons re-balance
- Recipe tweaks (Steel, Serenade of Death, Stained Glass, lamps, Kraken Scale, Dark Bridge)
- Refreshed tooltips for weapons/armor and other items
- Reshuffled en_us
- Reshuffled ru_ru (TheHamester)
- Robbin AI improvements
- Small animation improvements for some models
- Some Arcana items can now be purchased again
- Stained Glass is now a single block
- Storm Sword alt fire is more spread out
- The Hide Arcana Bar option now hides the bar if it has not changed for about 2 seconds instead of hiding when full
- Tweaked Kitra AI
- Updated compostables list
- Added a rare colored template drop from the rainbour
- Added Coalstone recipe
- Added explorer maps that help finding the calcified brain and villages of opposing factions (part of the new groglin/gruzzorlug trades)
- Added milk stone & healing stone recipes back
- Added more advancements for Iceika
- Added more uses for shickaxes (stripping logs, dewaxing, etc.)
- Added more vegetation to cozybark forest biome
- Added new crate use (can store items and acts as a simple item filter hopper)
- Added new "Cup of Tea" track by 3DA for the cozybark forest
- Added new "Frozen Dispersion" track by 3DA for fractal forest and frozen menagerie
- Added Robbin Nest & Robbin Hut (+ recipes)
- Frosted Chests now freeze water around them and solidify if waterlogged
- Now Aqua Torch can be waterlogged
- Now fire swords/bows and bows with infinite arrows can't be enchanted with certain enchantments
- Now frossivence is able to extinguish fire
- Now it's possible to walk on powder snow with Santa/Seng Fur boots on
- Fixed ability to collect shot arrows
- Fixed ability to use pet spawn eggs on spawners
- Fixed acid blocks
- Fixed aequorea/gem fin not saving variant data
- Fixed anchors melee damage
- Fixed armor damage buffs ignoring target's armor
- Fixed arrow data not saving upon unloading it
- Fixed Bloodgem Ore loot table
- Fixed bouncing projectiles
- Fixed bows power enchantment issue
- Fixed Brain Freeze enchantment
- Fixed coalstone brick slab, double cobaltite slab and streamleaf fence gate models
- Fixed Divine Accumulator behaving wrongly when used the same tick you jump
- Fixed double crops
- Fixed heat pack dupe
- Fixed inferno bow incorrectly cooking food
- Fixed massivence using realmite ingots as a repair item
- Fixed merchants producing hurt sounds/particles each tick
- Fixed Meteor Mash
- Fixed mobs ignoring mob griefing game rule
- Fixed player's arcana resetting upon reloading the world
- Fixed projectiles disappearing upon unloading
- Fixed seng fur armor infinite speed glitch
- Fixed shiverspine and skytern trees generating semi-floating
- Fixed some potential stack overflows
- Fixed some rare blockentity removal bugs
- Fixed water mobs overspawning in certain Iceika biomes
- Fixed world inventory transfer bug
- Fixed infusion table
- Fixed arcanium saber and arcanite blade arcanic attack
- Made frozen menagerie skeleton generate attached to a block to remove fully floating ones
- Now items have proper interaction results as well as grant stats when used
- Readded Divine Accumulator particles
- Smoldering Tar fixes
- The whales are now happy (improved blowhole particles)
To see all 1.20 changes, check here:
- Tied spawn count to game difficulty and buffed spawn rates
- Updated zh_cn.json (Usamion)
- Fixed kitra spawn bug
- Fixed soul fiend slicer drop
To see all 1.20 changes, check here:
- smithing templates:
- color template (used for dying equipment)
- bedrock upgrade template (used for smithing bedrock armor)
- aquatic coating template (used for smithing kraken armor)
- random item dropper (creative only)
- added ko_kr translation
- added a festive seng fur skin
- made hellfire sponge destroy some common sea plants
- EMC values got rebalance
- a lot of retexturing
- tweaked the rive enchantement
- removed infinite durability from ender swords and made them enchantable via enchanting table
- iceika fire now freezes instead of setting entities on fire
Bug Fixes:
- armor pouches now respect curse of binding
- fixed some cases where winterberries would try to place when they should not
- fixed dream lamp accepting any fuel
- fixed aquamarine item
- fixed watcher loot table
- fixed chest blocking
- fixed teleportation crystal respawn dimension issue
- added spawn costs to many iceika mobs that would overcroud in some biomes
- fixed duplication glitch when quick moving stacks in some chests
- fixed rotatick finilize spawn method to not produce stack overflow
- made crabs only spawn on the surface or in lush cave biome
- Fixed natures auro capability compat
To see all 1.20 changes, check here:
- Fixed dimension teleport bug
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here:
- Lots of mob models (SirDeccy)
- Now to change the Frosted Allure category, you'll need Ice Stones
- Melee weapon & armor (except for Vethea), tool stats rebalance
- Mob spawns
- Added knockback resistance to bosses
- Buffed eternal archer fire rate
- Soul fiend drops halite blitz instead of eternal archer now
- Boss follow range got buffed
- Curios support for vethea inventory
- Streamleaf tree and wood set
- Oxdrite blocks & items
- Anthracite ore
- Cobaltite blocks
- Olivine
- Added fan concept paintings (SirDeccy)
- Blubbertusk
- Cauldron Fish
- Dolossal
- Mamoth
- ProjectE Compat
- Iceika ambient music (Velocityraptor)
- Removed Hell Bat
- Fixed armour repair items
- Fixed present box
- Fixed chests turning upside down when broken
- Fixed coloured armours
- Fixed skyre shoot and die sounds
- Fixed bone chest, present box and frosted chest screens
- Fixed portal particles
- Fixed divine almanac ayeraco typo
- Fixed bullet type colours
- Fixed termasect not shooting back
- Fixed termasect animation
- Fixed Termid not spawning
oxdrite_ingot, raw_oxdrite, anthracite, anthracite_ore, raw_oxdrite_block, cut_oxdrite, oxdrite_block, oxdrite_ore, cobaltite, polished_cobaltite, streamleaf_sapling, streamleaf_log_side, streamleaf_log_top, streamleaf_planks, streamleaf_door_bottom, streamleaf_door_top, streamleaf_leaves, cozybark_leaves, auroraoak_leaves, glaciline, polished_coalstone, chiseled_coalstone, howling_at_the_moon, lurking_terror, gelidite, crimpetal, globebrush (top/bottom), roofbell, thermoliage (top/bottom), winterbloom, wisp_leaf, glowsprout_stem_side, glowsprout_stem_top, glowsprout_bulb, glowsprout Ringu
skeleman_feed, wither_protection, scythe PegasDoggeAM
corrupted tools, eden (dust, sparkles, fragments, soul, gem, chunk, tools, blade, sapling, brush, wood, planks, grass, portal, block), wildwood (dust, sparkles, fragments, soul, gem, chunk, tools, blade, vine, tallgrass, wood, leaves, dirt, grass, portal, block), apalachia (tools, blade, dirt, grass, portal, block), skythern (dust, fragments, soul, gem, chunk, tools, blade, portal, block), mortum (blade, portal, block), halite (shickaxe, blade), dream (carrot, cake, melon, pie, sours, sweets, tools, dirt + 4 grass, stone), different bricks, different lamps, olivine (+blocks), oxdrite_ingot, raw_oxdrite, call_of_the_watcher, horde_horn, twilight_clock, livestock_pet_spawn_egg, zelus_pet_spawn_egg, aquamarine (+seeds), frost_sword, frostking_sword, elite realmite armor (only items), raw_oxdrite_block, oxdrite_block, oxdrite_ore, cobaltite (+polished), divine_moss_stone, glaciline, auroraoak door, auroraoak_trapdoor, stripped_cozybark_log_side, stripped_cozybark_log_top, cozybark_door, stripped_streamleaf_log_side, stripped_streamleaf_log_top, streamleaf_door, steel (all), fairy_lights (all), candy_cane (all), asphalt, dungeon_air, spike blocks, zombie_pumpkin/skeleton_pumpkin, crimpetal, globebrush (top/bottom), thermoliage (top/bottom), winterbloom, wisp_leaf, steel door, icy_stone, present_box, glowsprout_stem_side, glowsprout_stem_top, lowsprout_stem_side, lowsprout_stem_top, slowsprout_stem_side, slowsprout_stem_top, frozen (dirt, grass + overlay), vane (all), firewood blocks, milk_stone, altar of corruption, darkstone, hungerstone (both), everstone (all), fire_crystal, firelight, luna_stone, smooth_glass, barred door, bulbatobe, cracklespike, dreamglow, fernite, dulah (both), gemtop (both), heliotic_beam, hive_egg, karos_heat_tile (both), shimmer, shine_grass, rock_chunks, moon_bud, moonlight_fern, oxdrite_pickaxe, glacier_sword, slime_sword, icicle_bane, hitchak (+seeds), mysterious_clock, pinfly (+seeds), arcana (doors, bush, brush), arcanite (vines, grass + dirt, moss, ladder, tubes, blade), ancient_stone, soul_stone, soul_sludge, ancient_tile, arcanium_metal, arcanium_power, arcanium_rich_sand, raw_arcanium, dungeon_bookshelf, gem_of_the_dunes, piece_of_raw_arcanium, scythe, glacial_wall_totem, icicle_dagger, cauldron_flesh, glacial_blade, heat_pack, metal_caging, eucalyptus blocks (+seeds), scorching_sword, soulfire_sword, palavence, massivence, frossivence, molten_sword
To see all 1.20 changes, check here:
- Fixed grass tool requirement
- Fixed karos altar spawning
- Fixed peaceful until attacked mobs
- Fixed Ancient Entity and Ayeraco healing issue
- Fixed divine almanac ayeraco typo
- Fixed infusion table behaviour
- Fixed bullet type colours
- Fixed termasect not shooting back
- Fixed termasect animation
- Fixed Termid not spawning
- Removed mobGreifing rive requirement
- Added knockback resistance to bosses
- Flying mob ai tweaks
- Boss follow range is now 64 instead of 20
- Buffed eternal archer fire rate
- Soul fiend drops halite blitz instead of eternal archer now
- Vethea inventory system
- Added uk_ua.json (1nWall1D)
- Termasect now knocks back the player if too close
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here
NOTE: Iceika is currently undergoing a worldgen overhaul and might look a little broken. If you find bugs please do report them!
- Changed recipes for some decorative blocks
- ru_ru tweaks (PegasDoggeAM)
- Lots of mob models (SirDeccy)
- Began iceika worldgen tweaks to allow for more biomes
- Minibrick recipes and textures
- Minor tag tweaks
- Safer vethea item swap handler as a config option for if the revised system breaks.
- JER Worldgen
- Fixed milk removing vanilla effects when wearing armor after reloading the world
- Fixed Nether spawns
- Vethea inventory swap
shiverspine_sapling, frozen_grass_top_overlay, frozen_grass_side_overlay
checker, minibricks (all variants), sunstorm_spawner, dirty_pearls, clean_pearls, polished_pearls, shiny_pearls, bedrock_sword, bedrock_shovel, bedrock_pickaxe, bedrock_axe, bedrock_hoe, ender_sword (all variants), enderice
To see all 1.20 changes, check here: