New Gamerules:
LimitAmplifierPowerEnchantment: if set to false disables the max level 50 lock on the Amplifier enchantment, allowing damage to scale beyond level 50 instead of being capped.
DoExplodeOnTargetEnchant: If set to true, Explosive Barrage will destroy blocks when hitting the target. If set to false, it will only damage mobs.
Changes to Enchantment Availability:
Withering Strike: Loot Table, Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
Venomweave: Loot Table, Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
Paralyzehex: Loot Table, Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
Lifesteal: Loot Table → Loot Table, Treasure
Attracting: Loot Table, Village Trades, Treasure → Village Trades, Treasure
Molten Armor: Village Trades → Village Trades, Loot Table
Chrono Leap: Village Trades → Loot Table
Reflective Mirror: Village Trades → Treasure
Blinkstrike: Village Trades → Treasure, Loot Table
Eclipse: Loot Table → Loot Table, Treasure
Warpshot: Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
Pyro Path: Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
Amplifier: Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
Safefall: Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
Bane of Soulbound: Loot Table, Village Trades, Treasure → Village Trades, Treasure
Heartbeat: Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
Hourglass: Loot Table, Village Trades, Treasure → Loot Table, Treasure
Adjusted Tags for Enchantment-Applicable Items:
Lifesteal: Axes, Tridents, Swords → Tag: weapon
Attracting: Iron, Diamond, Netherite Helmets → Tag: armor_head
Pyroharvest: Iron, Wooden, Stone, Golden, Netherite, Diamond Swords → Tag: mining
Bane of Phantoms: Iron, Wooden, Stone, Golden, Netherite, Diamond Swords → Tag: swords
Bane of Soulbound: Iron, Wooden, Stone, Golden, Netherite, Diamond Swords → Tag: swords
Slot Restrictions for Enchantments:
Terraform: Any → Mainhand
Pyroharvest: Any → Mainhand
Changes to Enchantment Incompatibilities:
Stormseeker: Warpshot → Warpshot, Flame, FlareMarksmanship
Bane of Phantoms: Previous: Bane of Arthropods, Smite, Sharpness, Lifesteal, Amplifire Updated: Bane of Arthropods, Smite, Sharpness, Lifesteal, Amplifire, Bane of Soulbound
Bane of Soulbound: Previous: Bane of Arthropods, Smite, Sharpness, Lifesteal, Bane of Phantoms, Bane of Soulbound Updated: Bane of Arthropods, Smite, Sharpness, Lifesteal, Amplifire
Iceblade: Previous: Lifesteal Updated: Lifesteal, Amplifire
New Enchantments:
Kotel's Blessing: While holding a hoe in your offhand and any kind of flower in your main hand, you can use the flower as bone meal.
Rechargeables: Enchantment for all armor pieces. If applied to any piece, cooldowns for certain items are halved: Wind Charge: 0.5s → 0s Goat Horn: 7s → 0s Chorus Fruit: 1s → 0.5s Shield: 5s → 0.5s
Removed Enchantments:
- Blossom Grace
Next Steps?:
Overcharge: Deals damage to nearby entities equal to (1/2 * {enchantment_level}) ( AXE )
Exploding: Causes entities to explode upon death (damage applies to mobs only). ( MACE )
Accelerate: While blocking with a shield, there is a 10% chance per tick to shoot an arrow. ( BOW, CROSSBOW )
More Balance Adjustments
Compatibility Testing
Introduce Dungeons as a new way to acquire enchantments.Enchantments will be obtainable as rare loot in dungeon chests.
Some unique enchantments will only be found in higher-tier dungeons.
Dungeons will be categorized by difficulty, and rarer enchantments will appear in more challenging ones.
Add visual cues and loot table adjustments to make enchantment hunting in dungeons a rewarding experience.
Explosive Barrage: Fixed an issue where the arrow would jump off its target after exploding, creating an infinite enchantment effect when used without the Infinity enchantment on the bow.
- The stun chance is now 30%, reduced from 100% (previously overpowered).
- The stun duration is now 60 ticks (3 seconds), reduced from 80 ticks (4 seconds).
- This enchantment will now close any opened GUI after the initial hit.
- The effect will only apply if the target does not already have the Paralyzehex effect active.
Venomweave & Withering Strike: These enchantments now apply their effects only if the target does not already have the respective effect active.
Lifesteal: The maximum level of this enchantment has been reduced from **5 ** to 3.
Adjusted the range for each level of the enchantment:
- Attracting I: Range reduced from 7 to 6.
- Attracting II: Range reduced from 13 to 12.
- Attracting III: Range reduced from 16 to 14.
Molten Armor: The effects of this enchantment will no longer apply while in Creative mode.
Thunderstrike: Lightning will only strike if it is raining or storming (thundering).
Eclipse: The effect duration has been reduced to 60 ticks (3 seconds), down from 80 ticks (4 seconds).
Stellar Surge:
Reduced the power for each level of the enchantment:
- Stellar Surge I: Power reduced from 11 to 6.
- Stellar Surge II: Power reduced from 17 to 12.
Pyro Path: This enchantment will no longer work in Spectator mode.
Stormseeker: Lightning will only strike if it is raining or storming (thundering).
Flare Marksmanship:
Adjusted the fire duration for each level of the enchantment:
- Flare Marksmanship I: 4 seconds (unchanged).
- Flare Marksmanship II: Reduced from 9 seconds to 6 seconds.
- Flare Marksmanship III: Reduced from 14 seconds to 10 seconds.
Bane of Phantoms: Now deals 8 additional damage, reduced from 10.
Bane of Soulbound: Now deals 8 additional damage to Nether mobs, reduced from 12.
Next Steps?:
- Implement the Iceblade enchantment.
- Implement the Moltenblade enchantment.
- Rework the Safefall enchantment.
- Add more enchantments for secondary equipment (e.g., shields, fishing rods, etc.).
- Introduce new mace enchantments (1–2 planned).
Pyro Path: Now it only works on fluid sources, not flowing ones. The shape is now similar to Frost Walker and should be less buggy and less of an FPS drain.
Cloud Jump: It's back! Now it feels like a proper double jump. While in the air, hit space again to perform a second jump. Once you hit the ground, you will not take any fall damage.
Hourglass: When your health drops below 5 hearts, time will stop, allowing you to heal, eat, or run. The hourglass will activate again after 500 in-game ticks (12.5 seconds).
Void's Embrace: If you fall into the void, this enchantment will push you upward and grant you a slow-falling effect.