Enhanced Progression has been archived. Enhanced Progression will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
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-changed custom blast furnace recipe

-changed custom blast furnace recipe

-smithing tables can now be crafted using copper ingots

-fixed bug with gold to rose gold hoe recipe (error in json file name)

-Enhanced Progression release v1.2.0

-fixed critical bugs

-added new dependency: Additional Additions

-gold armour can now be updated to Additional Addition's Rose Gold armour in a smithing table

-changed Additional Addition's Rose Gold Alloy recipe's shape to follow the same format as vanilla netherite

-leather armour can now be upgraded into chainmail armour using a chain at a smithing table

-stone tools now require stone, not cobblestone

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID