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by leafreynolds on Mar 10, 2024

This version of Handles is made for use with 'Tardis Refined' :)

Fixed onLand event, so that it actually triggers on landing, not on take off.

by leafreynolds on Mar 10, 2024

This version of Handles is made for use with 'Tardis Refined' :)

  • : Hookup missing onLand event and update documentation

  • : partial gradle fixes for automated uploading new build artifacts. Curseforge should be working, but only the forge version of modrinth upload worked when last tested

This is the first build of Handles for use on 1.19.2 and with TARDIS Refined v1.0.1:

This build of Handles has both forge and fabric versions, so please ensure you're using the correct version 🙂

Contained Commits:

  • : Moving docs folder to root directory

  • : Initial generation of Events and Functions documentation

  • : Merge branch 'feature/documentation-generation' into 1.19.2

  • : Hopefully fix modrinth upload gradle stuff

  • : Updated DocumentationParser.kt tidying up my example code presentation

  • : Updated DocumentationParser.kt for formatting

  • : Updated DocumentationParser.kt to include example

  • : Missed updating a copy-pasted function name in an example

  • : Tidy up function examples

  • : add HandlesOSEvent annotation

  • : add parameter type to HandlesParameter

  • : add example to handles function

  • : Merge branch '1.19.2' into feature/documentation-generation

  • : change peripheral name from 'fez' to 'tardis'

  • : Fix setShellPattern exception

  • : Added parameters annotations to functions

  • : Added all function documentation, just have parameter documentation to go

  • : Filled in some partial documentation descriptions and returns

  • : Merge branch '1.19.2' into feature/documentation-generation

  • : Expand version as, instead of minecraft version-handles version

  • : set root project name as handles, instead of tardis-peripherals

  • : Fix error related to trying to cross computer thread with main thread. Needed to call set methods inside a queued lambda instead of directly.

  • : Fix clientside tiles trying to add themselves to server list of tiles that need to be informed of tardis events

  • : Added some documentation and markdown generation

  • : Started on documentation parsing

  • : Implement tardis refined tardis events

  • : Add functions canBeginFlight, endFlight

  • : Fix accidental incorrect copypaste function name

  • : Add Flight related functions - beginFlight, getFlightEventActive, getFlightEventControl, getRequiredFlightEvents, getRespondedFlightEvents, isInDangerZone, areControlEventsComplete, areDangerZoneEventsComplete,

  • : Adding recipe/localisation for antenna

  • : Setup github issues/pull request templates

  • : Setup curseforge/modrinth uploaders (hopefully) to use the correct mod files

  • : Treat mod version separately from mod version + build version

  • : Convert getDimensions to return a set, instead of a list. Computercraft seems to make lists require boxing like { list } in order to iterate over it, which is counterintuitive

  • : Antenna block, ported from 1.16 Handles

  • : Fez block bench folder

  • : Rename TRP to Handles, files, folders, references etc.

  • : Update

This version of Handles is made for use with 'Tardis Refined' :)

Unable to generate changelog :(

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