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This is the first build of Handles for use on 1.19.2 and with TARDIS Refined v1.0.1:

This build of Handles has both forge and fabric versions, so please ensure you're using the correct version 🙂

Contained Commits:

  • : Moving docs folder to root directory

  • : Initial generation of Events and Functions documentation

  • : Merge branch 'feature/documentation-generation' into 1.19.2

  • : Hopefully fix modrinth upload gradle stuff

  • : Updated DocumentationParser.kt tidying up my example code presentation

  • : Updated DocumentationParser.kt for formatting

  • : Updated DocumentationParser.kt to include example

  • : Missed updating a copy-pasted function name in an example

  • : Tidy up function examples

  • : add HandlesOSEvent annotation

  • : add parameter type to HandlesParameter

  • : add example to handles function

  • : Merge branch '1.19.2' into feature/documentation-generation

  • : change peripheral name from 'fez' to 'tardis'

  • : Fix setShellPattern exception

  • : Added parameters annotations to functions

  • : Added all function documentation, just have parameter documentation to go

  • : Filled in some partial documentation descriptions and returns

  • : Merge branch '1.19.2' into feature/documentation-generation

  • : Expand version as, instead of minecraft version-handles version

  • : set root project name as handles, instead of tardis-peripherals

  • : Fix error related to trying to cross computer thread with main thread. Needed to call set methods inside a queued lambda instead of directly.

  • : Fix clientside tiles trying to add themselves to server list of tiles that need to be informed of tardis events

  • : Added some documentation and markdown generation

  • : Started on documentation parsing

  • : Implement tardis refined tardis events

  • : Add functions canBeginFlight, endFlight

  • : Fix accidental incorrect copypaste function name

  • : Add Flight related functions - beginFlight, getFlightEventActive, getFlightEventControl, getRequiredFlightEvents, getRespondedFlightEvents, isInDangerZone, areControlEventsComplete, areDangerZoneEventsComplete,

  • : Adding recipe/localisation for antenna

  • : Setup github issues/pull request templates

  • : Setup curseforge/modrinth uploaders (hopefully) to use the correct mod files

  • : Treat mod version separately from mod version + build version

  • : Convert getDimensions to return a set, instead of a list. Computercraft seems to make lists require boxing like { list } in order to iterate over it, which is counterintuitive

  • : Antenna block, ported from 1.16 Handles

  • : Fez block bench folder

  • : Rename TRP to Handles, files, folders, references etc.

  • : Update


handles-1.19.2- KiB) Primary Download

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