on Jan 26, 2023incontrol-3.6.0.jar
on Jan 26, 20233.6.0:
- New feature in spawn rules. If you add "onjoin": "true" to a spawn rule it will also be activated when entities join the world. This is a much stronger test and allows you to block spawns from mob spawners as well as make it easier to block passive mobs from spawning (which don't always pass through the regular 'checkspawn' event)
on Jan 26, 2023incontrol-3.5.6.jar
on Jan 26, 20233.5.6:
- Support for The Lost Cities mod: three new conditions: incity, instreet, and inbuilding
- New feature to allow specifying weights with helditem and other actions that add items to mob spawns. The new notation is: "armorchest": ["5=minecraft:iron_chestplate", "1=minecraft:golden_chestplate"] The old notation still works and then 1 is assumed
on Jan 26, 2023First release for 1.12
on Jan 26, 20233.5.5:
- Addded a ctrlshowmobs command that lists all available mob id's that you can use in the config (in the console output or log)
- New ctrlkill command to kill all entities of a certain type: 'all' will kill every entity (including drops but not players). 'hostile' will kill only hostile mobs, 'passive' only passive, 'entity' only non-living entities. You can also supply the name of the entity to kill (like 'ctrlkill minecraft:enderman' on 1.11) and an optional dimension id
on Jan 26, 20233.5.4:
- For loot, helditem, remove item and everywhere else that you can specify items it is now possible to specify both metadata as well as NBT:
- For metadata: "minecraft:hard_stained_clay@13"
- For NBT the same syntax as with /give command. For example:
"minecraft:stained_hardened_clay@13/{display:{Lore:[\"My Clay\"]}}"
on Jan 26, 20233.5.3:
- Fixed a configuration problem with other mods because In Control was reading the config file too soon. That means it was not possible to configure based on mobs from other mods
on Jan 26, 20233.5.2:
- Added four new commands 'ctrlloadloot', 'ctrlloadspawn', 'ctrlloadpotentialspawn', and 'ctrlloadsummonaid' which can be used to load custom rules at runtime. This can be useful for command blocks so that they can change the loot rules depending on external factors
- For enderman the 'helditem' tag will put the item in their hand as a block (if it is a block)
on Jan 26, 20233.5.1:
- Added 'canspawnhere' and 'isnotcolliding' tests to the spawn rules
on Jan 26, 20233.5.0:
- Reordered all rule checks so that faster checks come first
- New 'summonaid.json' file which works the same as the 'spawn.json' file but is triggered when zombies are summoned for aid
- Big refactoring to the code to make it much easier to handle
- Fixed player test for loot. It was broken
- Fixed explosion, projectile, fire, and magic tests for loot in case the damage had no source
- When the result of a spawn is 'default' (as opposed to 'deny' or 'allow') then the associated actions are also performed. So only in the case of 'deny' are the actions not performed
on Jan 26, 20233.0.0:
- Big refactor of the rule parsing system. Much easier to manage and add new rules that way
- Added the option to add items and armor to spawned creatures (via spawn.json)
- Minspawndist/maxspawndist actually calculate to the actual spawn point of the map instead of 0,0,0
- Implemented spawn control and spawn rules based on structures. That means that you can now let rules match only in villages, nether fortresses, witch huts, ocean monuments, ...
- Added the ability to filter based on the number of mobs of a certain type already present
- Add the ability to remove spawns in potential spawns (potentialspawns.json)
- New loot rule system (loot.json). With this system you can now remove and add loot based on various conditions
on Jan 26, 20232.0.0:
- A few fixes to existing features (like the ability to spawn mobs based on block wasn't working properly)
- Huge number of new tests for rules:
- weather
- difficulty and regional difficulty
- light level
- seesky test
- time based checks
- biome temperature check
- biome check
- distance to spawn
- random test
- If a test succeeds you can now also perform actions on the spawned entity:
- Alter damage that a mob does
- Alter the movement speed
- Alter maximum health
- Make the mob 'angry' by default
- Added a new type of rule (in 'potentialspawn.json'). These rules use the same tests (most of them) as the normal rules and allow you to add new types of spawn (i.e. creatures that normally don't spawn there)
on Jan 26, 20231.0.0:
- First release of InControl