Item Skills

Item Skills


A library mod that exposes KubeJS methods to restrict items to the player based on skills.

Client and server Game MechanicsLibrary

Created2 years ago
Updateda year ago

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Item Skills

A library mod to control how players interact with items using skill-based restrictions created in KubeJS scripts. This is very similar to Item Stages.

MIT license Discord 1.19.2 1.18.2

xSkills Mods

Player Skills | Block Skills | Dimension Skills | Fluid Skills | Item Skills | Mob Skills


This mod leans extensively on Player Skills by creating and consuming the Skill-based Restrictions. Out of the box, this mod can restrict whether an item can be equipped, held in inventory, crafted, visible in JEI or REI, and whether it can be identified in a tooltip. Note that this does not alter interactions with placed items (e.g. a placed bed will still be interactable by a player who can't craft one). However, Block Skills provides that complementary functionality.

When using this with JEI or REI, please be sure to disable the vanilla recipe book as the restricted items can appear there despite being uncraftable as this mod does not remove any actual recipe. Instead of removing recipes, it restricts the crafting result when a player tries to craft an item and hides the recipes in JEI/REI.


JEI integration does not remove recipes related to the unconsumable flag. It does hide the recipes from right-clicking on the ingredient. However, it does not remove the recipe itself -- only unproducible does that. That is, a crafty player could view a recipe that produces the item, then right click on the produced item to see what recipes it can be with which it can be consumed.

More Information

Documentation, examples, and more can be found in the readme on Github.


Want to use this in a modpack? Great! This was designed with modpack developers in mind. No need to ask.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID