Player Skills

Player Skills


Create and manage a wide range of skills both from other mods as well as KubeJS with a flexible system that can be adapted for many purposes.

Client and server AdventureGame MechanicsLibrary

Created2 years ago
Updated7 months ago

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Player Skills

A library mod that provides a baseline implementation of player-specific skills. On its own, this does very little as it is meant to be as un-opinionated as possible.

Like GameStages and GamePhases, this provides a registry for tracking possible skills as well what skills a given player currently possesses. Unlike the other mods, skills are added to a player immediately and leverage ability checking via Skill Types.

MIT license Discord 1.19.2 1.18.2

xSkills Mods

Player Skills | Block Skills | Dimension Skills | Fluid Skills | Item Skills | Mob Skills


This mod provides two entities that can be extended: Skill Types and Skills.

Skill Type

A skill type handles all logic around managing skills tied to its type. That includes providing a way to (de)serialize the skill into a persistent format. More advanced use cases can leverage the skill type for determining if a skill is of a sufficient threshold. Because of this nature, skill types cannot be created via KubeJS.

Builtin Types

  1. Basic provides a simple boolean true/false. Great for simple skills such as "can read."
  2. Numeric provides an integer value (0, 1, 2, etc). Great for skills or attributes which can be improved such as " strength."
  3. Tiered are specialized version of Numeric in that strings can be used. One example could be "education" education (crude/primary, basic/secondary, intermediate/university, advanced/postgraduate, top/doctorate).
  4. Specialization provide a skill which allows one or more specializations out of a list. An example is "magic type" ( red, black, white, green, blue).


A skill tracks the data needed for SKill Types to calculate if a player can perform a skill-based action. Skills get serialized and persisted in player-specific NBT data. Skills are exposed via KubeJS for modpack authors to manipulate as they see fit. This mod provides no built-in skills, as we want to encourage modpacks and other mods to provide that shape.


A restrictions handles the logic for determining if a player has an ability based on the set condition, current dimension, and current biome. It may also provide a replacement to the target resource. Like Skills, we provide no restrictions here. The other xSkills mods implements restrictions for many vanilla elements.

More Information

Documentation, examples, and more can be found in the readme on Github.


Want to use this in a modpack? Great! This waBecause os designed with modpack developers in mind. No need to ask.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID