Minecraft: Java Edition
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This mod will introduce a new elemental alligment system in minecraft. Whenever an entity spawns (including the player) they will randomly be assigned an aspect according to an element that will give them special propeties based on the aspect.
Also check this mod out on Curseforge
Each aspect currently posseses an effect and a passive:
Aspect of lightning
- When hitting an entity, the aspect of lightning will apply the effect "Shocked"
Periodically, entities with the shocked effect will create a mark in the world on their location, 3 seconds afterwards lightning will strike
- Passive: Whenever an aspect of lightning is hit with a lightning strike, they will become "charged", recieving strenght 2, Speed 2, resistance 2 and Absorption for 5 seconds.
Aspect of Ice
- When hitting an entity, the aspect of ice will apply the effect "Frozen"
Acts similarly to the effects that an entity recieves when buried in powdered snow for a long duration
- Passive: When frozen (either having the frozen effect, or being inside powdered snow) the aspect of ice will recieve resistance 2 and Regeneration.
Aspect of Fire
- When hitting an entity, the aspect of fire will apply the effect "Hot"
Sets the entity on fire continiously, will not deal damage in water but will immediatly set on fire again once you step out of it.
- Passive: When on fire (either having the "hot" effect, or being set on fire) the aspect of fire will recieve haste 2, Speed 2 and Regeneration.
Aspect of Water
- When hitting an entity, the aspect of water will apply the effect "Breathless"
an entity that has dehydration will have their oxygen levels reduced each tick, when on land this effective pauses the ability for an entity to regain air, when on water this will deplete the oxygen meter faster than normal. On top of it, randomly, the dehydration effect will deal damage to the entity based on the current amount of oxygen after it has been fully depleted (Note: The "oxygen" meter will keep draining into the negatives, and the effect will only deal damage when the effect is in the negatives, meaning that the more you keep the effect on an entity the higher the damage will be)
- Passive: When near water, the aspect of water will recieve absorption 1 for 10 seconds, this effect will refresh every 10 seconds (the absorption hearts will be restored)
Aspect of Earth
- When hitting an entity, the aspect of earth will apply the effect "Rooted"
Entities with the Rooted effect will be applied a downwards force: effectively preventing jumping, slowing them down and knocking phantoms to the ground. On top of this, the effect will deal damage randomly and heal the aspect of earth.
- Passive: When near grass (not the grass block, the actual grass) the aspect of earth will periodically heal 1 heart
Aspect of Soul
- When hitting an entity, the aspect of Soul will apply the effect "Soul Steal"
When an aspect of soul attacks an enemy with "Soul steal" they will heal 1 heart, When the effect runs out it will deal 5 damage. (This effect cannot be refreshed like the other ones by attacking again)
- Passive: Killing an entity will heal the aspect of soul by 4 hearts and apply strenght 1 for 5 seconds.
Aspect of Ender
- When hitting an entity, the aspect of ender will apply the effect "Delayed teleport"
When the effect expires, the entity will be teleported randomly (This effect cannot be refreshed)
- Passive: When damaged, the aspect of ender will randomly teleport
Aspect of Music
- When hitting an entity, the aspect of music will apply the effect "Unharmonious noise" to the entity, and "Harmony" to themselves (The effects will not be re applied on hit)
By itself, it does nothing, this effect has a hidden counter which will increase as the entity moves when the effect is applied, whenever this counter reaches its maximum it will reapply the effect at a higher amplifier, stacking infinitely. The amplified is visible based on the amount of particles currently shown. When the effect runs out, the aspect of music will shoot proyectiles automatically based on the "Uproar" effect, (It will only shoot proyectiles if theres atleast an entity with the "Uproar" effect nearby)
- Passive: When near a jukebox, the aspect of music will recieve regeneration, resistance and absorption 1
Aspect of Wind
- When hitting an entity, the aspect of wind will randomly choose in between the effects "Tornado" or "Gust" (These effects will not re apply or apply the other if one is already present)
The entity with "tornado" will fly up uncontrollably similar to the levitation effect
The entity with "Gust" will be launched backwards similarly to how a knockback would
- Passive: The aspect of wind will recieve the "slow fall" effect when not sneaking and levitation when sneaking
Aspect Of Light
- When hitting an entity, the aspect of light will apply the effect "Photophobia"
The entity with "Photophobia" will take damage over time when in an area with a light level of 10 or more
- Passive: The aspect of light will recieve a Speed and Regeneration effect when in an area with light level 10 or more
Aspect Of Darkness
- When hitting an enttiy, the aspect of darkness will apply the effect "Terror"
The terror effect will prevent entities under a light level 5 or lower from moving
- Passive: When on a light level of 5 or lower, the aspect of darkness will be granted invisibility (without effect particles), while invisible, the aspect of darkness deals an additional 2 damage
Note: All entities will emit particles in accordance to their aspect, these will not show up until a player is nearby for performance reasons, will make this range configurable in a future update
Aspect of blood
- When hitting an entity, the aspect of blood will apply the effect "Wounded"
The wounded effect will cause damage periodically to entities that are moving, in the case of players, sprinting will also damage them
- Passive: when an entity near the aspect of blood is half / below half health, the aspect of blood will recieve speed 2
Aspect of Null
- When hitting an entity the aspect of null will apply the effect "Nullified"
The nullified effect with prevent the usage of passives and abilities from other aspects, including the ability to apply their own effects
- Passive: Periodically, cleanse all other aspects debuff + vanilla harmful effects
Configuration guide
The configuration file will be automatically generated as "MobAspects.toml" inside .minecraft>config which contains the following:
["General config"]
#Mobs entered here cannot gain aspects
Blacklist = "minecraft:pig, minecraft:chicken, minecraft:cow, minecraft:sheep, minecraft:villager, "
Adding the registry name of entity entity will prevent entities of this type from gaining aspects
Note: This will NOT remove the aspect of pre-existing entities, this will only prevent new ones from gaining it
Command Guide
/hideaspectparticles (true/false) - Will enable or disable the particles showing arround you during non-combat situations (if you deal damage, the particles will re-enable temporarily for the sakes of visual clarity to other players)
/aspectassign [TARGET] [ID] - Will allow you to change the aspect of a particular entity at will. The Id is a numerical value starting from 0, each one belonging to one aspect
Special thanks
Special thanks to the team over at MCreator for making this all possible, if you can, please support them.
TO-DO List
- Idk fix bugs if they exist.
If you want to support me, you may donate to my Buy me a coffee page, any kind of support is welcome but not necesary.