Patch Update
- Update textures for all rails
- Renamed Blocks:
- Service Rail > Power Rail I
- All other Power Rail numbers are increased by a factor of 1
- Restructured mod package and code
- Mod blocks are always visible in the crafting book
Shader Support:
- Removed useless shader textures
When using this mod with Complementary Shaders (as well as other shaders), modded rails will not have emissive properties when active. This is due to Complementary not including modded blocks in their code out-of-box. If you wish to resolve this issue, follow the steps below:
- Go to your "shaderpacks" folder and extract the Complementary Shaders ZIP archive
- Open the extracted archive and browse to "shaders" and you should see ""
- Download the custom "" file provided below in "" and replace the existing file
- To finish, recompress the shaderpack if needed, then reload your world
The "" file provided with this version was pulled from Complementary v5.3
Patch Update
- Update textures for:
- Activator Rail
- Changed Power Rail I speed to 4bps from 2bps
- Changed Accelelerator Rail speed to 2bps from 4bps
- Mod version now includes Minecraft version
- Added new code for:
- Exchange Rail (inactive feature)
- Accelerator Rail (inactive feature)
- Mod blocks are always visible in the crafting book
Patch Update
- Set Power Rail speeds to follow geometric progression.
- Service Rail (2 bps)
- Power Rail I (8 bps)
- Power Rail II (16 bps)
- Power Rail III (32 bps)
- Power Rail IV (64 bps)
- Power Rail V (128 bps)
- Update to Fabric 16.9
- Revert to old mixin code from version 1.0.1 (it works better)
- Mod blocks are always visible in the crafting book
Patch Update
- Streamline java code
- Implement new mixin code
- Reduced mod size by over 30%
- Update mod icon
- Update textures for:
- All Rails
- Redstone Dust
- Redstone Torch
- Torch
- Soul Torch
- Service Rail speed is incorrectly set
- Mod blocks are always visible in the crafting book
Feature Update
- Power Rail I
- Power Rail II
- Power Rail III
- Power Rail IV
- Power Rail V
- Rename "minecraft:rail" and "minecraft:powered_rail" to "Basic Rail" and "Service Rail" respectively
- Change the recipe for "minecraft:rail" and "minecraft:powered_rail"
- Change vanilla textures for all rail types to match mod rail textures
- Added vanilla optimized emissive rail textures.
- Added shader optimized emissive rail textures as optional Resource Pack
- Mod blocks are always visible in the crafting book