PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Doing cool stuff with compressed air

Client and server EquipmentTechnology

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  • Fixed Programmable Controller GUI slot not functioning (putting a Drone or Network API into the slot did nothing)
  • Fixed Thermopneumatic Processing Plant recipes for Diesel->Kerosene->Gasoline->LPG cracking


  • Fixed a problem with recipes that take an empty Small Fluid Tank not working correctly
    • Recipe wasn't distinguishing between "empty NBT tag" and "no NBT tag"


  • Fixed up some of the "special" crafting recipes, which weren't showing in recipe display mods
    • Patchouli manual, drone colouring/upgrading, potion ammo crafting, one probe crafting
  • Fixed issues with Regulator Module, Air Grate Module & Vacuum Module not functioning after world reload
  • Fixed Amadron offers not always sync'ing correctly to client (specifically custom offers added via datapack/KJS)
    • Caused ArrayIndexOutOfBounds errors to be logged by client and tablet GUI not functioning correctly

This release is built for Neoforge, and will not work on MinecraftForge!




by desht on Apr 21, 2024


  • Minimum pressure for the Pressurized Spawner is now configurable (default is 10 bar, as before)
    • See pressurized_spawner_min_pressure config setting in common config
  • Added Chunkloader Upgrade, which can be added to Drones to keep 1 or more chunks loaded around the Drone
    • Thanks @ozraru
    • This can be added to programmable Drones only, not the cheaper pre-programmed Drones


  • Fixed Drone redstone emission not working
  • Fixed tag display in the Tag Workbench GUI getting cut off after a few rows


  • Added Chunkloader Upgrade, which can be added to Drones to keep 1 or more chunks loaded around the Drone
    • Thanks @ozraru
    • This can be added to programmable Drones only, not the cheaper pre-programmed Drones


  • Fixed Pneumatic Armor keybinds not always working after they are initially set up
  • Fixed some outdated manual text regarding Pressure Chamber Interface descriptions
  • Fixed Radiation Shielding Upgrade (for Mekanism radiation) recipe
  • Fixed Reach Distance armor upgrade not getting reset if Pneumatic Chestplate is removed
  • Fixed Drone redstone emission not working


  • Minimum pressure for the Pressurized Spawner is now configurable (default is 10 bar, as before)
    • See pressurized_spawner_min_pressure config setting in common config


  • Overhauled Redstone Tube Module implementation, improving timing consistency and server performance
    • Thanks @ShBLOCK
  • Fixed server crash if a drone is summoned via commands
    • Drones aren't supposed to be created this way, but also shouldn't crash completely
  • Fixed right-clicking a tube module with a block in hand also wrongly placing the block


by desht on Jan 8, 2024


  • Fixed issue where Thermostat Module didn't always pick up temperature changes in monitored block


  • Added a new tube module: the Thermostat Module - thanks @johalun (coding) and @Ridanisaurus (texturing)
    • Measures the temperature of the block it's facing and converts to a redstone signal
    • Use a Redstone Module on the same colour channel to output the signal


  • Fixed Liquid Hopper not immediately updating comparator output level when fluid level changed
  • Fixed Pneumatic Armor HUD stat panel forever-expanding if moved off the screen to the right
    • Also added a "Reset" button to the stat-moving GUI; retrieve stat panels which you've moved off-screen this way
  • Some memory leak fixes and general improvements around handling and caching of air handlers capabilities - thanks @BlueAgent


by desht on Dec 30, 2023


  • Added a new tube module: the Thermostat Module - thanks @johalun (coding) and @Ridanisaurus (texturing)
    • Measures the temperature of the block it's facing and converts to a redstone signal
    • Use a Redstone Module on the same colour channel to output the signal


  • Some memory leak fixes and general improvements around handling and caching of air handlers capabilities - thanks @BlueAgent


by desht on Dec 20, 2023


  • Fixed Thermopneumatic Processing Plant comparator "has work" output
    • It wasn't taking fullness of the output into account - it does now
  • Fixed Pneumatic Armor HUD stat panel forever-expanding if moved off the screen to the right
    • Also added a "Reset" button to the stat-moving GUI; retrieve stat panels which you've moved off-screen this way


by desht on Dec 3, 2023


  • Fixed hang on world unload with a lit kerosene lamp (backported fix from 1.19.2)


  • Added client config setting jackhammer_hud (default: true) to control the display of the Jackhammer mode overlay


  • Fixed crash in Assembly system caused by missing machine
  • Fixed Thermopneumatic Processing Plant comparator "has work" output
    • It wasn't taking fullness of the output into account - it does now
  • Fixed the Patchouli manual not working with latest Patchouli release (1.20.1-83)


by desht on Nov 24, 2023
  • Fixed crash in Assembly system caused by missing machine
  • Added client config setting jackhammer_hud (default: true) to control the display of the Jackhammer mode overlay


by desht on Nov 14, 2023


  • Fixed Omnidirectional & Liquid Hoppers having their input blocked by partial blocks
    • Now behaves more like vanilla Hoppers, so e.g. a carpet on the hopper doesn't prevent item absorption
  • Fixed Crop Supports not actually doing any growth tick acceleration!
  • Fixed missing info for Item Life Pneumatic Armor upgrade in the charging station GUI
  • Fixed keypresses being picked up twice in the Entity Tracker GUI textfield
  • Fixed Pneumatic Armor chestplate charging module wasting air trying and failing to charge stacked Air Canisters
  • Fixed crash on init caused by other mods failing to set a fluid type for their modded fluids
    • Now logs an error instead and shows which fluid was at fault; this fluid will not be useable as temperature-based fuel in compressors


by desht on Nov 12, 2023


  • Sentry Turrets, Drones and Miniguns can now take a Creative Supply Upgrade
    • When installed, those things have infinite ammunition and air (where applicable)


  • Fixed Omnidirectional & Liquid Hoppers having their input blocked by partial blocks
    • Now behaves more like vanilla Hoppers, so e.g. a carpet on the hopper doesn't prevent item absorption
  • Fixed Crop Supports not actually doing any growth tick acceleration!
  • Fixed crash on init caused by other mods failing to set a fluid type for their modded fluids
    • Now logs an error instead and shows which fluid was at fault; this fluid will not be usable as temperature-based fuel in compressors
  • Fixed textfield focus problems for Minimum Order Size GUI side tab for logistics frames



  • Added "Allow Drone Pickup" option to the Standby programming widget
    • When checked, drones in standby mode can be picked up by other entities (boats, minecarts...) regardless of the global drones_can_be_picked_up setting


  • Fixed case where equipping a piece of Pneumatic Armor over another piece of Pneumatic Armor didn't trigger a re-init of the armor
  • Fixed missing info for Item Life Pneumatic Armor upgrade in the charging station GUI
  • Fixed keypresses being picked up twice in the Entity Tracker GUI textfield
  • Fixed Pneumatic Armor chestplate charging module wasting air trying and failing to charge stacked Air Canisters
  • Fixed PNC fluids not being replaceable (was impossible to place blocks to fill in an oil lake, for example)
  • Fixed server startup failing when in dev environment (launched via 'runServer')


by desht on Oct 10, 2023


  • Added new area type for the Area progwidget (and Area GPS Tool): Torus
    • Thanks @johalun
    • P1 is assumed to be in the center of the torus
    • When radially symmetric about the Y-axis, the distance between P1 and P2 in the X/Z plane makes the radius of the torus to the center of the tube and the distance in the Y plane makes the radius of the tube
  • Added new "team" modifier for entity filters: checks if the entity is on the given scoreboard team
    • E.g. @player(team=team1) matches players on team "team1"


  • When adding custom Heat Properties recipes, no longer require a mod matching the block's namespace to be loaded
    • This allows blocks with custom namespaces to be registered, e.g. via KubeJS
    • Existence of the block in the block registry is still checked for, of course


by desht on Oct 10, 2023


  • Added new area type for the Area progwidget (and Area GPS Tool): Torus
    • Thanks @johalun
    • P1 is assumed to be in the center of the torus
    • When radially symmetric about the Y-axis, the distance between P1 and P2 in the X/Z plane makes the radius of the torus to the center of the tube and the distance in the Y plane makes the radius of the tube
  • Added new API methods to check and set the enablement of Pneumatic Armor upgrades
  • If Pneumatic Boots are on (vanilla) cooldown, flight effects are suppressed
    • When suppressed, the Jet Boots display panel switches stats from green to red, and blinks them
    • This will also happen if you try to fly more than 64 blocks above max build height (so Y > 384 for the overworld)
    • PNC doesn't do this itself, but it adds a hook for other mods to use...
  • Added new "team" modifier for entity filters: checks if the entity is on the given scoreboard team
    • E.g. @player(team=team1) matches players on team "team1"


  • When adding custom Heat Properties recipes, no longer require a mod matching the block's namespace to be loaded
    • This allows blocks with custom namespaces to be registered, e.g. via KubeJS
    • Existence of the block in the block registry is still checked for, of course


by desht on Oct 1, 2023



  • Vortices from the Vortex Cannon can no longer affect the player's speed more often than every 10 ticks, by default
    • Adjustable in common config; see vortex_cannon_player_boost_rate
    • This limit was added since over-fast speed modifications can cause server performance issues


  • Optimised block shape calculations a lot, meaning shorter mod startup time



  • Fixed crash when wrenching blocks from the Create mod (0.5.1c - latest 1.18.2 release) with the Pneumatic Wrench

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Licensed LGPL-2.1-only
Published 2 years ago
Updated 16 days ago