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Project: War dance is a combat and gameplay mechanic mod that changes the way you fight and adds new mechanics and other systems to support it.

Thanks to Darkmega for continued support! He made this page shiny and new, for the record.


This mod includes out-of-the-box combat values for the following mods:

  • vanilla
  • Advanced Hook Launchers
  • Akashic Tome (yes, weaponized books)
  • Alex's Mobs
  • Aquaculture
  • Ars Nouveau
  • Arsenal Core
  • Ars Magica Legacy
  • Artifacts
  • Miner Arcana: Astral
  • Aquamirae
  • Atum
  • Band of Gigantism
  • Better End Reforged
  • Better Nether Reforged
  • Big Brain
  • Biomancy
  • Blood Magic
  • Blue Skies
  • Bountiful Baubles
  • Biomes You'll Go
  • Cold's Claws
  • Comfortable Nether
  • Consecration
  • CraftVania 2
  • Create
  • Cyclic
  • Darker Depths
  • Dave's Potioneering
  • Deeper and Darker
  • Divine RPG
  • Druidcraft
  • Dungeons Gear
  • Eidolon
  • End Remastered
  • Endergetic Expansion
  • Enigmatic Legacy
  • Environmental
  • Epic Fight Mod
  • Epic Knight
  • Evilcraft
  • Farmer's Delight
  • Feywild
  • Fish's Undead Rising
  • Fins and Tails
  • Forbidden & Arcanus
  • Graveyard
  • Goety
  • Greek Fantasy
  • Guns Without Roses
  • Hexerei
  • Hostile Mobs and Girls
  • Ice and Fire
  • Immersive Engineering
  • Immersive Weathering
  • Infernal Expansion
  • Kobolds
  • Mahou Tsukai
  • Majrusz's Difficulty Mod
  • Meet Your Fight
  • Mowzie's Mobs
  • Monsters and Mushrooms
  • Mutant Beasts
  • Mutant More
  • Mystical World
  • Nikgub's Blades+
  • Outer End
  • Pam's Harvestcraft
  • Pandora's Creatures
  • Pathogen
  • Pyromancer
  • Rats (Ratlantis)
  • Reliquary
  • Rising Uppercut
  • Roots Classic
  • Savage and Ravage
  • Securitycraft
  • Silent Gear *
  • Simply Swords
  • Slashblade
  • Spartan Shields
  • Spartan Weaponry
  • Stalwart Dungeons
  • Switch-bow
  • Twilight Forest
  • The Abyss
  • Totemic
  • Vampirism
  • Vanilla Food Pantry
  • Vanilla Claws
  • Werewolves
  • Wyrmroost

* - Items have stats etc but those stats will not change depending on the actual strength of the materials used in the creation of tools, weapons or armors. This is due to the nbt used in their full formation and config limitations within this mod.

 All of these thanks to the gracious contributions of others who follow the mod and my own testing. Feedback and other contributions is greatly appreciated.

For upcoming milestones or issues, consult GitHub.

Want to join my discord? It's located here.



Spotlight videos, in case you don't want to read a giant wall of text. These are outdated, so reading is still recommended:



Posture and Staggering: posture is a separate bar determined by how big the mob is and how much armor it's wearing. When it's emptied, the mob gets stunned and eventually staggered, taking more damage. It goes down when getting attacked depending on how heavy the attacking item is, and regenerates quickly if you stop getting hit.

 Shown as a meter in game. See images tab.


- Max posture is calculated by (width*height*5), so a player starts with 10 posture.
- Being attacked consumes posture regardless of parry. This makes parrying unequivocally the best option, since you’ll be taking posture damage either way.
- Posture recovers quickly when not attacking, but has a cooldown after being consumed. At full HP, standing still, you regenerate 10 posture per second.
- Armor items may add max posture. Regeneration is a flat number, so it will take you longer to "fully" recover.
- Moving slows posture regen down by 50%, 70% if sprinting.
- Regeneration also is multiplied by your current health percentage.
- If your attack cooldown is less than 100%, you gain an equivalent regeneration penalty
- Dodging resets your posture cooldown.
- This means that while actions play a role, the real deal-breaker is health. Defeating an enemy requires wearing down their health to make staggering easier.
- At 0 posture the entity is knocked back and stunned, gaining 1 fracture, binding both hands and slowing movement. The stagger ends after 1 seconds or taking damage once. During this time posture regenerates rapidly and cannot be depleted until it reaches max again.
- Special case: taking a stunning instance of posture damage that exceeds half of their max posture will additionally knock them down, which lengthens downtime to 3 seconds and disables movement.
- The expectation to gain a fracture on a reasonably armored entity (around chain grade) is 8 dagger, 6 sword, 5 claymore, 3 axe, or 2 mace hits. Balance around this.
- Accumulating an attribute-defined quantity of fracture marks instead exposes the entity for 5 seconds. In this state the entity cannot do anything, has all armor negated, and the next hit on it deals an extra 10% of its max health in damage.
- Fracture marks are cleared after exposure. Killing any entity that fractured you will also remove their respective fractures, as well as any ownerless fractures.


Parrying: keep your weapon or shield in front of you to guard yourself against melee attacks. Shields also protect you from projectiles and give you some extra posture.

- Vanilla blocking will still mitigate damage, but will also reset the posture cooldown without refreshing the combo cooldown, making it less desirable.

- By holding a “weapon” and orienting yourself towards an attack, you can parry it.
- Idle parrying negates damage, but not posture consumption nor attack effects.
- Notably, items have a parry multiplier that is multiplied with the posture damage. This multiplier will additionally multiply the knockback applied to both parties after a parry.
- Shields also parry projectiles

- Projectiles can be configured to consume different amounts of barrier, still trigger their non-damage effects on impact (e.g. a grenade will explode), or be deleted outright (e.g. shulker bullets).

- By popular demand, there is now a config option to restrict parry to a small frame of time after pressing a keybind, because it's more "tactical" or "fun" or something. I don't think it really works in minecraft, but people keep asking for it, so it's there now.


Dual Wielding and Combat Mode: attack with weapons in both hands; shift+R to enter a special state that displays more relevant information.

- Pressing shift+R by default enters combat mode.

- In combat mode, normal key function is overridden with PWD key functions where applicable. (so if middle click was set to use skills, it would use skills instead of pick block or whatever else it's set to!)

- relevant HUDs and your offhand (if it is empty) also only show up in combat mode. The one exception is posture, since it's rather essential to not dying.



- Might is gained at a flat rate every attack, with slower weapons granting dramatically more, charging a bar that can be filled up to twice.
- After remaining out of combat for 10 seconds, might will relatively quickly drain to 0.
- Might is consumed in whole bars for specific skills.



- Spirit is a bar of icons on your HUD that are consumed in discrete quantities to perform certain skills.
- Spirit regenerates at a rate of 1 icon every 2 seconds.
- Consuming spirit or taking damage will pause spirit regen for 2 seconds.
- Spirit will not regenerate when chanting.



- Rank is gained by a buildup bar that goes up along with your might.
- There are seven levels of rank, each rank provides a subtle increase in movement and attack speed that are briefly halved if you take damage.
- S ranks and above also provide a looting bonus to reward fun(tm) farms.


Dual Wielding

- Possible even out of combat mode.

- Only "weapons" and "shields" can be swung, so buckets and ender pearls will function as normal.
- The exception to the "weapon" rule is fists: they can only be swung in the offhand in combat mode.


Dodging: double tap movement keys to temporarily avoid damage, sprint+sneak to slide forward. Compatibility with Elenai Dodge 2.

- Double tapping any movement key except forward has you dodge in that direction.
- You can also sidestep by key+sprint. Both are only available in combat mode.

- The player performs a small jump with large horizontal velocity, ending about 5 blocks from where they begin. The cooldown is configurable, but defaults to 0.75 seconds (15 ticks).
- It is intended as a quick way to adjust one’s position around a target or dodge a hit.
- While dodging you are immune to all melee and projectile attacks for 10 ticks.

- Pressing both sprint and sneak will perform a slide forward with the same effect as dodge, but compresses your model down to swimming size. Useful for getting through crawl-holes and whatnot.

- I-frame times can be adjusted in the configs.

- Dodges are suppressed with Elenai Dodge 2 installed, though slides are not.

- Might bonus from rank will also apply to Elenai feather regeneration, but regeneration will be halted by posture cooldown. These features can be individually disabled.


Armor Stats: armor items have more unique ways shape your gameplay.

- I highly recommend installing my other mod, Armor Curve, to nerf vanilla damage reduction. These stats don't really add onto your ability to not die per se, but I think armor curve is neat. 

- Armor can have different attributes that slightly modify the aforementioned mechanics. The overall change on feel in gameplay will be outlined below:
- light armor increases posture regeneration speed, so you must manage your own fracture and run away frequently, but can easily come back to continue harassing your enemies. They also have better stealth ratings and often conduct spirit well.
- medium armor increases max posture, which encourages using in-combat recovery and certain reckless tactics like suplex. They also have a deflection rating to facilitate taking a few hits, but low magical conductivity.
- heavy armor greatly increases fracture marks, which allows you to tank. Though you have a higher initial pool of not dying, your relative ability to recover it is poor, so you must seek to overpower your opponents before the "fatigue" kicks in.
- To slightly counteract mixing and matching, armor will grant continuous quantities of discrete attributes. This means that you might not hit a breakpoint for max fracture if you swap out your helmet for a lighter one for the regeneration rate. Your armor choices should be considered carefully.


Stealth: manipulate light and vision to remain undetected in light armor, and deal debilitating backstabs.

Completely moved to Cloak and Dagger!


Skills: special actions that may be performed in combat mode to gain an edge in the fight.

- Skills must be first set in the skill screen, then brought up in combat mode with the R key as a radial menu. You have 5 active slots, 5 passive slots, and 1 "style" slot.
- When you first enter you are greeted with a screen with a single slot dead center for your stance/art/style. The center info screen gives a welcome message and basic instructions on how to pick a style, and the styles are listed on the left.
- After you pick a style, the slot moves into the bottom right corner and the skill screen appears for you to select your skills. You can pick another style by clicking that slot, but picking another style will clear currently selected skills.
- Each skill has a color, and each style only supports up to a certain number of colors.
- Above the skill selection scroll bar is a list of filter options. You may filter by color or revert to default, which shows all equippable skills. The colors that you currently have are tinted instead of white.
- Each color tab has extra tooltips on mousing over that show their names and short descriptions:
    red: dominance. You are mighty. Crush your foes.
    green: resolution. Never give, never fall. Be as steady as a wall.
    gray: subterfuge. The deadliest strike is the one unseen.
    orange: fervor. Implacable, unstoppable. Death rains down in a thousand cuts.
    cyan: perception. See all, reach all. None can escape your grasp.
    violet: decay. What order has built, entropy shall destroy.

- All skill icons are taken from Lorc's site


Miscellaneous changes/bonus features: useful luck stat, sweeping edge buff, block reach adds attack reach.

- When attacking, a number is rolled between 0 and (attacker luck-target luck), with damage increased or decreased accordingly. The luck bonus can be adjusted or disabled in the config.

- Sweep attacks cannot be executed without sweeping edge, but will hit everything in an area for full damage and all enchantment or on-hit effects.

- The default angle increment for each extra level of sweeping edge is 40 degrees.



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Technical information

Client side
Server side
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