Reign 0.6.3
on Dec 21, 2024• Added /houses command - view list of Houses.
• Added display of House HP in the incubator.
• Fixed bugs with liberation after server restart.
• Fixed bugs with prices in the market.
• Improved private shop system. Now slots for showcases do not require a physical item.
• House feeding interval reduced from 3 hours to 2 hours.
Reign 0.6.2
on Dec 14, 2024-
The Incubator functionality has been introduced - now, to maintain life, the House must be fed with food and fuel.
The private shop UI has been improved.
Added compatibility with the addon - Reign: Anvil Legacy - creation of legendary weapons and armor.
Old bugs have been replaced with new ones.
Reign 0.6.1
on Dec 1, 2024Major patch
The vassalage system has been completely overhauled. Lords now rule Houses, and knights rule Domains.
A new class has been added - Serf.
The castle system has been reworked. Copper, iron, and gold locks have been added.
A lockpick has been added.
A new block has been added - Royal Table.
A writing set has been added.
A new block has been added - Safe.
The Heart of the House has been added.
A new block has been added - Incubator.
A new block has been added - Private Shop.
Record fragments have been added.
Some interfaces have been redesigned.
The number of available coins is now displayed in trade blocks.
A shepherd profession coin has been added.
New achievements have been introduced.
Daily login rewards have been revised.
Some progressions have been reworked.
Wallet mechanics have been improved, with a maximum limit of 64 coins per type.
Bugs have been fixed, and new, fun ones have been added.
Reign 0.5.2
on Oct 29, 2024Fixes:
- Fixed a bug with purchasing missing resources on the market.
- Fixed bugs with profession blocks, when any interface could be opened with a shield.
Reign 0.5.1
on Oct 20, 2024Patch notes:
New main license - Cowboy.
New additional license - Hunter.
Recalculation of monetary denominations. Now 1 coin costs 16 coins of the lower denomination.
The market has been expanded by +17 slots.
Added the ability to craft a collection point, a junk dealer and a market. These blocks can only be placed within the capital.
Reworked interfaces of the collection point, market and fund.
Added a system for calculating the price of goods when buying / selling on the market. _Now the price of a product depends on its quantity on the market: the more goods, the cheaper it is (up to -50%).
Added a wallet.
Added honey concentrate.
Introduced a system for losing license levels - upon death, there is a chance to lose 1 level of the main or additional license (chance = license level * 10).
Added a system for copying flags. To do this, throw out the flag from the main hand, holding the flag template in the spare (left) hand.
Reworked license progressions.
Reign 0.4.3
on Oct 14, 2024Patch 0.4.3
- Add Lock (beta).
- Add Black mark.
- Some prices on the market have been adjusted.
- Bugs fixed.
- New bugs added.
ReignMod 0.4.1
on Oct 6, 2024• New reward system for daily login.
• New block Hoarder - converts any 64 units of one type into a copper coin.
• Balancing prices in the market. Complete revision of the pricing policy of ore and food.
• Added the ability of the blacksmith - repairing tools on the grindstone for experience.
• Added the progression of the fisherman and soldier, updated the progression of the woodcutter.
• Expanding the capacity of the market for many goods.
• Reworking the system of chopping a whole tree.
• Now only farmers can collect berries.
• Reworked crafting coins of professions.
• Fixed errors with the purchase of goods on the market, the inability to leave the kingdom, non-stackable items and others.
ReignMod 0.3
on Oct 3, 2024First public version.
Check options in game. Default:
[J] Window licenses. [K] King window. (If you King)