Relative Dimensions

Relative Dimensions


Items, blocks and others set around the concept of Dimensions. Ported from 1.17-1.19 to 1.20.4- Available in english (en_en default locale) and Spanish (es_es)!

Client and server AdventureEquipmentGame MechanicsWorld Generation

Created5 months ago
Updated2 months ago

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This mod is part of a set of ported ideas from 1.16-1.19 around the concept of dimensions from a semi-narrative perspective This version of the mod is in beta and a lot of the content can break, not work properly or be changed!

Discover words beyond! What will be next? This mod includes the following (ver 0.33b)


  • Aberrant ore:

    This ore looks like a glitch in reality. It can be scarcely found around chunks and is pretty noticeable, mineable with stone tools or higher. It drops aberrant shards and can corrupt nearby stone blocks into aberrant mineraloids. (This aberrations AREN'T created during world generation, but rather made live in loaded chunks) ores.

  • Aberrant shard:

    These shards look attracted to one another. If you apply enough energy to a pile of them, they will become aberrant ingots.

  • Aberrant ingot:

    These ingots are strange. You almost want to look away from them. But in this state, you can make tools out of them.

  • Aberrant block:

    Your standard storage block for aberrant ingots. It looks like it warps space-time around itself. You can (currently NOT) make ingots back from one of these.

  • Aberrant mineraloid:

    This block is product of otherwordly energies transforming rocks, minerals and other underground basestones. Surely they must have a use...

  • Aebrrant dirt, aberrant grass:

    Variants of the soil block that can corrupt nearby soil blocks into aberrant dirt/grass.

  • Aberrant sapling:

    A regular tree sapling that absorbed too much extraneous radiation. It looks like it shifts among different states and will grow to be a weird yet beautiful tree

  • Aberrant log:

    The trunk of an aberrant tree. Its bark is colorful and its interior purple.

  • Aberrant leaves:

    The leaves of an aberrant tree. Different particles and radiation were absorbed by the leaves and now it is a colorful, dense mess

  • Aberrant planks:

    Treated aberrant log, ready to be processed into useful items.

  • Aberrant sticks:

    Sticks made from aberrant planks and used to make aberrant tools, as they're the only type of wood able to harness the power of the aberrant ingot without deteriorating

  • Aberrant wood, stripped aberrant wood, stripped aberrant log

    Curated variants of the aberrant log

  • Particle Rebound Chamber

    A block that can fuse 8 aberrant shards into an aberrant ingot and 8 aberrant ingots into an aberrant block, using some aberrant blocks as fuel. It is a prototype so it can inflict IRRADIATED to near entites while it's active.


  • AVID short distance particle transmitter:

    This small protoype contraption with an enderpearl at its tip allows you to instantly teleport to a block in mining distance. It will induce SPATIAL SHIFT-INDUCED NAUSEA effect upon successful teleport. It also cancels any fall damage.

  • AVID transmat beam emitter:

    Generates a particle matter transmission bridge to a block on-sight. After a few seconds of charging, it will teleport you away! (Be careful with fall damage though) [only obtainable through creative mode at this moment]

  • Trackers:

    These compass shaped items can point to any nearby players or teammates. (They need calibration and do not work as expected at this moment. Only obtainable through creative mode at this moment]

Aberrant tools:

Special tools made with minerals energized with power from another dimension. Have similar properties to diamond tools, are quicker-swingers, but are a lot less durable. They also come with special effects for the envionrment and their wielder.

  • Aberrant Sword

    A sword powered by the no-energy of the void between dimensions:

SLASHING ABERRANTISM: This sword has a small chance of teleporting any living entity it hits to a random free block in a small radius. The teleported entity can't recieve fall damage from this action. It will apply said entity with SPATIAL SHIFT-INDUCED NAUSEA when a sucesful teleport happens.

VOID RADIATION EMISSION: This sword has a small chance of inflicting a random vanilla harmful effect to its user (excluding instant damage ones). It also has a chance of applying the custom IRRADIATED effect to the user

  • Aberrant Pickaxe

    A pickaxe powered by radiation from outer dimensions

MINING ABERRANTISM: Low chance of corrupting any pickaxe-mineable block, specially ores, into its aberrant form. Ores can become aberrant ores, and the rest of blocks can become aberrant mineraloid

DIMENSIONAL SHIFTING: Low chance of switching the drop of any pickaxe-mineable block with a random block from a stabilished drop pool. Common items (like low tier ores, wood, wool and dirt and sand) will drop often, while more valuable items (like mid-to high tier ores, their block counterparts and special materials) will drop less often.

  • Aberrant Axe

    An axe made partly by matter from another dimension

WOODCUTTING ABERRANTISM: Low chance of corrupting any wood-based block around the mined block into its aberrant counterparts. Nearby saplings become aberrant saplings, nearby logs become aberrant logs, nearby leaves become aberrant leaves and so on. The corruption list will grow as more wood based aberrant blocks are made

DIMENSIONAL BREACHING: This axe has a small chance of teleporting any living entity it hits to a random free block in a small radius. The teleported entity can't recieve fall damage from this action. It will apply said entity with SPATIAL SHIFT-INDUCED NAUSEA when a sucesful teleport happens.

EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL PARTICLE EMISSION: This axe has a small chance of inflicting a random vanilla harmful effect to its user (excluding instant damage ones). It also has a chance of applying the custom IRRADIATED effect to the user, as explained above.

Custom effects

  • IRRADIATED: The user has come into contact with harmful radiation emanating from the unstable dimensional sources. The user will loose half a heart per second while this effect is applied. The effect can make the user loose a maximum of 5 hearts. Like the vanilla poison effect, the IRRADIATED effect cannot completely drain the player's life (if depleting it, half a heart will remain)

  • SPATIAL SHIFT-INDUCED NAUSEA: As a wise man once said, travelling through space-time without a capsule can be disorientating. When teleporting, due to various phenomena, the entity will suffer momentarly 5-seconds nausea effect.

Custom generation

  • Aberrant Ore

    This scrace mineral ore comes in chunks of 1 to three blocks per chunk. Its easier to find in big, open caves, as it glows in the dark. Stone blocks arround might have became aberrant mineraloids

  • Aberrant tree

    By themselves in other biomes, these trees are an extremely rare ocurrence. You will immediately spot them though, even from a distance. Their multi-colored, dense leaves are a no-miss.

  • Aberrant dimension

    The aberrant dimension is still available, though the surface rules that should make the biomes correctly featured aren't working at the moment, so the dimension now will probable change in the future. Currently you can go to the dimension via:

/execute in relativedimensions:aberrant_overworld run tp ~ ~ ~

Advancement trees

  • Two new advancement trees that will grow with time and can guide the player on advancing and getting mod items

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID