Relative Dimensions 0.41
Advanced Intelligent Development Group research
Stability and additions
This will be the last major version for 1.20
Tweaked available advancements. Added new advancements Added a new advancement tree
Void at the end of time: Changed fog color. Added day-night cycle. Added dusk and dawn sky colors.
- Interdimensional battery: Unfinished multiblock model. Decoration without usage
AVID is now hiring!
If you are a minecraft modding enthusiast and are versed in one of the following topics, please use the issue tracker available on the main page of the project and write and issue stating that you want to help with further development of the mod!:
- Minecraft world generation: This includes the mechanisms for which the game generates new chunks from certain parameters
- Procedural generation system: Including the noise functions the game uses to procedurally create new landscape and features
- Mixin knowledge to patch code on the above categories
- Mainly Forge, but also Neoforge and Paper help potentially needed too!
Relative Dimensions 0.4
Advanced Intelligent Development Group research
Aberrant soil blocks have been observed to corurpt regular saplings into aberrant saplings.
Aberrant trees have been observed to grow in extremely irregular patterns, usually mimicking the shape and growth pattern of regular trees.
Contact with an unknown dimension: Baton-like object being studied.
Contact with an unknown dimension: Readings shows it's outside of normal space-time.
Please download this version A-S-A-P to fix some game breaking generation bugs.
This will be the last major version for 1.20
- Terrablender is again a dependency to correctly apply surface rules to custom dimensions.
- Aberrant ore aberrantism made worldgen fail or be extremely slow. This has been fixed. The mineraloids around an aberrant ore are now generated when the chunk containing them is generated via a more efficient method.
Weird Baton: This baton might look familiar to you. When used against an entity, it has a ~20% chance of pruning the entity hit from the current dimension
When clicking and holding right click, you can point the pruning end of the baton soemwhere else. The chance of pruning is the same
NEVERSPACE TRESPASS: This object comes from another dimension. When using the baton there is a low chance the user is inflecited with the IRRADIATED effect.
This item is currently only available via creative mode / commands (this will change soon)
- New dimension: Void at the end of time (BETA): Everything pruned by a baton apparently ends up here. The soil is weird and there is an everpresent green fog. (NOTE: Tweaks will be made to this dimension with time, like adding a day-night cycle and further chaning the soil to differentiate it from the overworld.
AVID is now hiring!
If you are a minecraft modding enthusiast and are versed in one of the following topics, please use the issue tracker available on the main page of the project and write and issue stating that you want to help with further development of the mod!:
- Minecraft world generation: This includes the mechanisms for which the game generates new chunks from certain parameters
- Procedural generation system: Including the noise functions the game uses to procedurally create new landscape and features
- Mixin knowledge to patch code on the above categories
- Mainly Forge, but also Neoforge and Fabric help potentially needed too!
Relative Dimensions 0.35.1
on Apr 25, 2024-IMPORTANT NOTES:
We have obserbed that the ore corruption in this version of the mod can cause extreme amounts of lag, freeze the game during new world creation or save or stop new chunks from loading. This is fixed on the upcoming version. If encountering any problems, please downgrade to 0.3 or wait for the next version to release.
-To be accurrate to the description added to the mod, tweaks have been made to the currently available tools. Their durability has been decreased. Their stats have been tweaked (slightly less powerful than diamond tools but slightly quicker). They are also non-enchantable by default now.
-Tweaked aberrant tool icons
Achievement trees slightly updated for what might come later
Space-shift induced nausea has now its own render effect and doesn't depend on vanilla nausea effect any longer.
- JEI compatibility for Forge version Go check the Particle Rebound Chamber recipes out in your JEI list if you ever need to instead of coming back here if you ever forget them!
- Player tracking items (the two compasses) are no longer obtainable through a creative inventory tab (But can still be given and tried via the /give command)
Will be stepping up to 1.20.5 once the forge and neoforge versions are stable. Will see what comes for 1.21 but the idea is that the mod advances with the versions (unless one previous version with content is asked to be updated by a lot of users)
I know its not very "user friendly" to release a lot of minor versions out there. But for now I prefer to do it that way. If you find it annoying to have to keep updating the mod often, just update when any "major version" comes out. i.e 0.2->0.3->0.4 and ignore the minor versions (0.22, 0.33/3...) that will not have specially important additions or just patches
Relative Dimensions 0.33.3
on Apr 16, 2024Advanced Intelligent Development group research
Tooltips added to all blocks and items on the extradimensional envirioment category (creative)
Aberrant dirt and aberrant grass have been observed to corrupt nearby regular dirt, coarse dirt, and grass blocks into aberrant dirt. (NOTE: Investigate why don't podzol, mycelium, and curated soil corrupt)
Aberrant ore has been observed to corrupt nearby base stone(Including stone, cobblestone, andesite, diorite and netherack) into aberrant mineraloids. (NOTE: Investigate why doesn't it corrupt other stone types, quartz, prismarine, curated blocks like bricks and end materials or ores)
Corruption wont happen on unloaded simulation chunks under any circumstances.
Aberrant dirt now grows aberrant grass under the same conditions regular dirt grows regular grass
Aberrant grass now dies into aberrant dirt under the same conditions regular grass dies when covered by a block or without enough light.
Finished experimental particle rebound chamber block. This is the only way to make aberrant ingots and blocks now. The crafting recipe: needs aberrant mineraloid, one aberrant shard and glass. Since this is an experimental block, be careful being near it while functioning, the raditaion might leak and hurt you! (NOTE: The structural appearance of the block might change.)
New achievement: Stone age: Get aberrant mineraloid
New achievement: Dimensional criticality: Bake an aberrant ingot on a rebound chamber (or obtain it for the first time otherwise)
Observations conclude aberrant ore is slighlty less common now.
We have observed a very low chance of sapling farming yielding aberrant saplings.
-Aberrant world gen was deleted. The terrablender dependency is no longer needed. You should be able to update the mod and use it inside worlds generated on 0.3b and still visit generated biomes since blocks weren't deleted, but you will no longer see aberrant biomes on newly generated words/chunks. To revisit those use version 0.3
Achievement tree modified and slightly updated to guide players.
Slightly lowered the number of aberrant ore veins spawning per chunk.
Particle Rebound Chamber Block that uses the radiation from some aberrant blocks to fuse certain items together into more usable forms.
Regular leaves can now rarely drop aberrant saplings
Aberrant grass / dirt (not currently naturally seen in survival) will infect other nearby grass and dirt blocks and make them aberrant
Aberrant ores will corrupt a limited number of stone and base stone-like blocks arround it (thus granting a way to get aberrant mineraloid naturally outside the deleted aberrant biomes/dimensions). It won't corurpt ore blocks and certain type of base stone blocks.
Will port to NeoForge once I have a base of content on Forge.
Will (maybe) port to Fabric some time in the future.
Relative Dimensions 0.3
on Feb 18, 2024Something is leaking into this world, and you quickly realize it might be of great importance to discover what is it.
- You will need a compatible version of Terrablender to make this version work! This is experimental and might be changed to BiomeSquisher or entirely removed in the future!
Aberrant Forest
You recognize those glowing trees that, in this biome, grow on the dozens, but not anything else. The grass looks weird and so does the dirt: What was once stone is now a strange mineral amalgamation. The water lost all its color and there are even more aberrant ores lying around. What his happening here.?
Aberrant Plains
Just like the forest, but with no trees. You can better see the imperfections on the ground here.
Extra dimension
- Aberrant Overworld This looks a lot like the overworld, but the aberrations have grown bigger. You can teleport to this dimension via
/execute in relativedimensions:aberrant_overworld run tp
- Some achievements regarding the discovery and crafting of aberrant materials.
Relative Dimensions 0.23
on Feb 11, 2024-CHANGES:
- Aberrant trees on vanilla biomes rarity
Its now 10x less likely to find aberrant trees. Therefore, they're very scarce.
-Aberrant pickaxe:
Modifiers tuned:
Due to the spawning of aberrant trees being lower, certain aberrant wood blocks have been added to the lootpool:
- Aberrant stick, aberrant plank: Uncommon tier (35%)
- Aberrant log, aberrant sapling: Rare tier (<6%)
-Aberrant Axe:
Modifiers tuned:
- WOODCUTTING ABERRANTISM: The chance of corrupting nearby wood blocks is now of 5%
-Spatial shift-induced nausea:
Custom effect Icon added.
- Survival recipe for the short distance particle transmitter, unlocked after getting an ender pearl.
Relative Dimensions 0.22
on Feb 11, 2024-CHANGES:
-Aberrant pickaxe:
Modifiers tuned:
MINING ABERRANTISM: The chance of corrupting a picakaxe mineable block to its aberrant form is now of 15%
MINING DIMENSIONAL SHIFT: The chance of a pickaxe mineable block drop being a random element from a loot list is now of 5%. There are five tiers:
- Common Items (Including overworld, nether and end base blocks, glass, wood, sand and dirt) have a 55% of dropping once the dimensional shift is enabled for the current block
- Uncommon items (Including some low tier ores, wool and logs) have 35% of dropping once the dimensional shift is enabled for the current block
- Rare items (Including some mid tier ores and block versions of the ores of the previous tier ores, as well as some progression-important blocks from the nether) have ~5% chance of dropping once the dimensional shift is enabled for the current block
- Epic items (Includign high-tier ores and the block versions of the ores of the previous tier, as well as some progression-important blocks from the end) have ~3% chance of dropping once the dimensional shift is enabled for the current block
- legendary tiers and beyond (Including ultimate tier ores, block versions of the ores of the prevoous tiers and some high-end materials) have >1% chance of dropping once the dimensional shift is enabled for the current block
-Aberrant sword:
Modifiers tuned:
SLASHING ABERRANTISM: The chance of teleporting a living entity away when hitting it is of 10%. The teleported entity will recieve a short (5 seconds) period nausea effect and, due to this effect, no matter how high the fall, any fall damage inflicted will be negated.
VOID PARTICLE EMSSION: The chance of the wielder getting adverse harmful effects after hitting an entity is of 15%. There are three tiers of effects:
- Short effects: Last for 15 seconds. Weakness and Darkness are in this category. Levitation is also in this category, but only lasts for three seconds.
- Short-ish effects: Last for 30 seconds: Confusion, movement slowdown and blindness are in this category. A player can only have two effects of this category concurrently at any given time
- Long effects: Last for 2 minutes. Bad omen, unluck, hunger and dig slowdown form part of ths category. A player can only have one effect of this category concurrently at any given time.
- Damage-based harmful effects (Posion, wither, instant damage) were removed due to the existance of the custom "Irradiated" effect, explained below
-Aberrant axe.
Like the other aberrant tools, this tool has extraneous effects when used:
- WOODCUTTER ABERRANTISM: 10% chance of corrupting any wood block in a small radius around the mined block into their aberrant counterparts. When more wood blocks are added, more vanilla or other mods blocks will be able to be corrupted via this tool effect.
- WOODCUTTING DIMENSIONAL BREACH: When mining an axe-mineable block, there is a 5% chance of the block drop being a random element from a loot list. (The same loot list as the pickaxe effect.) If hitting a living entity, 10% of teleporting said entity away in a small block radius. The same effects as the sword effect apply.
- EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL PARTICLE EMISSION: The chance of the wielder getting adverse effects after hitting an entity is of 15%. Conversely, the chance of acquiring the IRRADIATED effect with the same outcome as the sword effect is the same as said item.
Aberrant Log
Log From a regular tree that absorbed too much energy from another dimension
Aberrant wood, aberrant stripped log, aberrant log
Treated forms of aberrant log
Aberrant plank
Treated form of an aberrant log
Aberrant stick
Made from aberrant planks, needed to manfacture aberrant tools.
Aberrant sapling
Obtainable through the leaves of an aberrant tree or the corruption of a regular sapling.
Aberrant materials generation.
On the three vanilla dimensions, you will scarcely find corrupted ores and trees: Namely, this is what you will need to manufacture your first aberrant tools. From there, you can use the power of those tools to not rely on these strange natural instances of materials
Custom effects:
- IRRADIATED EFFECT: This is also part of the adverse effects chance explained for the sword and axe. When recieving this effect the player will loose half a heart per second for a random total and maximum of 5 hearts. Like the poison effect (and unlike the wither effect) this damage cannot kill the player by itself.
Relative Dimensions 0.2
on Feb 8, 2024Everything up to this point- May not work properly! translatables for en_us and es_es.