Station Decoration

Station Decoration


Decorate your railroad world with decorations like catenary!

Client and server DecorationTechnologyTransportation

Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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MSD for MTR4.0.0 version will be released after MTR4.0.0 goes online

Station Decoration (Abbreviated as MSD) is an addon based on Minecraft Transit Railway Mod, which adds many decorative items such as PIDS, RailwaySigns, and of course the most important thing is the catenary decoration! Note that starting with version 1.3.3, the minimum required MTR version is 3.2.2! display


why does my game not start?

It may be because the wrong version of MTR or MSD is used. This mod depends on MTR. Please check whether the versions of MSD and MTR you are using correspond to each other.

The version is correct, but the game cannot be launched or a bug is found?

Discord is our main communication platform, click Discord Server to join us

Don't know how to use this mod?

You can inquire about the corresponding channel in our Discord, of course we will upload some tutorials step by step.
The video using old catenary

The video using new catenary

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID