Technical Utilities

Technical Utilities


Tech Utils is a mod providing client-side tweaks for Litematica, WorldEdit and other small utilities.

Client Utility

Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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Where's 1.20?

1.0 development is going in my Discord server. The update is made with multiversion support (currently 1.20.2, 1.20(.1), 1.19.4 are in progress). Not all features have been ported, but there are some cool new ones!

I post dev versions there frequently, but they are likely to have to have bugs and crashes. Please read the announcements channel to be aware of those and let me know if you experience any issues.


Technical Utilities

Tech Utils is a mod providing client-side tweaks for Litematica, WorldEdit and other small utilities.

Mod config

Default keybinding is U + C or open it via Mod Menu.


  • Sync WorldEdit selection
    Snap WorldEdit region to active Litematica selection - autoWeSync.
    Region synchronizes shortly after you modify a selection, showing you a confirmation message above the hotbar.

  • Litematic preview
    Show 3D render of selected litematic in Load Schematics menu - renderPreview.
    This only works for .litematic files.

  • Image selection dialog for litematica preview:
    Set litematic preview image to one you select, which unlike the 3D preview feature will be shown to any player, even without this mod.
    In main Litematica menu go to Schematic Manager, select a litematic and ctrl + click on Set Preview button to open the prompt.

  • Inventory setup preview:
    Show items that have to be in a container and highlights wrong or mismatched ones - inventoryScreenOverlay.
    Item colors match your placement block colors. By default its:
    - Light blue: missing item;
    - Orange: mismatched amount or nbt data;
    - Magenta: extra item that shouldn't be present;
    - Red: wrong item type.

  • Compact scoreboard (ported from my old mod) - compactScoreboard.
    Using short number format:
    • 1000 -> 1k
    • 1000000 -> 1M
    • 1000000000 -> 1B
  • Disable WorldEdit neighbor updates on log-in - autoDisableUpdates.
  • Hotkeys for litematic placement rotation & mirror - rotatePlacement and mirrorPlacement
  • /isorender selection shortcut for rendering current Litematica selection in Isometric Renders
  • And more to come!


Mod logo by Mizeno

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID